sqlData: Convert a data frame into form suitable for upload to an SQL...

sqlDataR Documentation

Convert a data frame into form suitable for upload to an SQL database


This is a generic method that coerces R objects into vectors suitable for upload to the database. The output will vary a little from method to method depending on whether the main upload device is through a single SQL string or multiple parameterized queries. This method is mostly useful for backend implementers.



sqlData(con, value, row.names = NA, ...)



A database connection.


A data frame


Either TRUE, FALSE, NA or a string.

If TRUE, always translate row names to a column called "row_names". If FALSE, never translate row names. If NA, translate rownames only if they're a character vector.

A string is equivalent to TRUE, but allows you to override the default name.

For backward compatibility, NULL is equivalent to FALSE.


Other arguments used by individual methods.


The default method:

  • Converts factors to characters

  • Quotes all strings with dbQuoteIdentifier()

  • Converts all columns to strings with dbQuoteLiteral()

  • Replaces NA with NULL


con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")

sqlData(con, head(iris))
sqlData(con, head(mtcars))


DBI documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:41 a.m.