
Defines functions addItems addItem

Documented in addItem addItems

#' Add a data item
#' @param dgeObj    A class DGEobj created by function initDGEobj()
#' @param item      The data item to be deposited in the DGEobj
#' @param itemName  The user-assigned name for this data item
#' @param itemType  The type attribute.  See showTypes() to see the predefined types -- types are extensible with the newType() function.
#' @param funArgs   (optional) A text field to annotate how the data object was created. If the result of match.call() is passed as this argument, the name and arguments used in the current function are captured
#' @param itemAttr  (optional) A named list of attributes to add directly to the item
#' @param parent    (optional) itemName of the parent of this item
#' @param overwrite Whether to overwrite a matching data object stored in the itemName slot (default = FALSE)
#' @param init      Internal Use (default = FALSE)

#' @return A DGEobj
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'    myFunArgs <- match.call()  #  Capture calling function and arguments
#'    myDGEobj <- addItem(myDGEobj, item     = MyCounts,
#'                                  itemName = "counts",
#'                                  itemType = "counts",
#'                                  funArgs  = myFunArgs)
#' }
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom stringr str_c
#' @export
addItem <- function(dgeObj,
                    funArgs = match.call(),
                    parent = "",
                    overwrite = FALSE,
                    init = FALSE) {

    # helper functions
    .dimensionMatch <- function(dgeObj, item, itemType){
        testrow <- function(dgeObj, item){
            if (is.null(dim(item))) {
                if (nrow(dgeObj) > 0 & nrow(dgeObj) != length(item))
                    stop('New row object does not match row dimension of DGEobj object')
            } else if (nrow(dgeObj) > 0 & nrow(dgeObj) != nrow(item))
                stop('New row object does not match row dimension of DGEobj object')

        testcol <- function(dgeObj, item){
            if (is.null(dim(item))) {
                if (ncol(dgeObj) > 0 & ncol(dgeObj) != length(item))
                    stop('Rows in new col object must match col dimension of DGEobj object')
            } else if (ncol(dgeObj) > 0 & ncol(dgeObj) != nrow(item))
                stop('Rows in new col object must match col dimension of DGEobj object')

        testassayrowcol <- function(dgeObj, item){
            if (nrow(dgeObj) > 0 & nrow(dgeObj) != nrow(item))
                stop('New assay object does not match row dimension of DGEobj object')
            if (ncol(dgeObj) > 0 & ncol(dgeObj) != ncol(item))
                stop('New assay object does not match col dimension of DGEobj object')

        result <- FALSE
        switch(attr(dgeObj, "objDef")$type[[itemType]],
               "row" = testrow(dgeObj, item),
               "col" = testcol(dgeObj, item),
               "assay" = testassayrowcol(dgeObj, item))
        result <- TRUE

    .checkDimnames <- function(dgeObj, item, basetype){
        result <- TRUE
        result <- switch(basetype,
                         col = all(rownames(item) == colnames(dgeObj)),
                         row = all(rownames(item) == rownames(dgeObj)),
                         assay = all(rownames(item) == rownames(dgeObj)) &
                             all(colnames(item) == colnames(dgeObj)),
                         meta = TRUE

                            msg = "Specify the DGEobj, item, itemName, and itemType")

    allowedTypes <- names(attr(dgeObj, "objDef")$type)
    if (!itemType %in% allowedTypes) {
        stop(paste("itemType must be one of: ",
                   paste(allowedTypes, collapse = ", "), sep = ""))
    } else {
        basetype <- baseType(dgeObj, type = itemType)

           row = {if (!itemType == "granges" && is.null(rownames(item)))
               stop("Row basetypes must have rownames")},
           col = {if (is.null(rownames(item)))
               stop("Col basetypes must have rownames")},
           assay = {if (is.null(rownames(item)) || is.null(colnames(item)))
               stop("Assay basetypes must have row and column names")}

    if (overwrite == FALSE & itemName %in% names(dgeObj))
        stop(stringr::str_c('itemName (', itemName, ') already exists in DGEobj!'))

    uniqueTypes <- attr(dgeObj, "objDef")$uniqueType
    if (itemType %in% uniqueTypes  &
        itemType %in% attr(dgeObj, "type") &
        overwrite == FALSE)
        stop(paste("Only one instance of type ", itemType, " allowed.",
                   " Use a base type instead (row, col, assay, meta),",
                   " or define a new type.", sep = ""))

    if ("call" %in% class(funArgs))
        funArgs <- paste(funArgs[[1]], "(",
                         paste(funArgs[2:length(funArgs)], collapse = ", "),
                         ")", sep = "")

    if (init == FALSE) {
        if (.dimensionMatch(dgeObj, item, itemType) == FALSE)
            stop(stringr::str_c("item doesn't match dimension of DGEobj [", itemName, "]"))

        if (!.checkDimnames(dgeObj, item = item, basetype = basetype))
            stop("item row and/or column names out of order with DGEobj")

    if (!missing("itemAttr"))
        item <- setAttributes(item, itemAttr)

    dgeObj[[itemName]] <- item

    stdAttr <- list(
        type = itemType,
        basetype = basetype,
        dateCreated = as.character(Sys.time()),
        funArgs = funArgs,
        parent = parent

    for (at in names(stdAttr)) {
        myattr <- attr(dgeObj, at)
        myattr[[itemName]] <- stdAttr[[at]]
        attr(dgeObj, at) <- myattr


#' Add multiple data items
#' @param dgeObj    A class DGEobj created by function initDGEobj()
#' @param itemList  A named list of data items to add to DGEobj
#' @param itemTypes A list of type values for each item on itemList
#' @param parents   (optional) A list of parent values for each item on itemList
#'   (optional, but highly recommended)
#' @param itemAttr  (optional) An named list of attributes to add to each item.
#'   These attributes will be attached to all items in the call.
#' @param overwrite Whether to overwrite a matching data object stored in the
#'   itemName slot (default = FALSE)
#' @return A DGEobj
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'    # NOTE: Requires the edgeR package
#'    # Add normalized counts and log2CPM as additional "assay" items in the DGEobj
#'    dgeObj  <- readRDS(system.file("exampleObj.RDS", package = "DGEobj"))
#'    dgeList <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(edgeR::DGEList(dgeObj$counts), method="TMM")
#'    log2cpm <- edgeR::cpm(dgeList, log = TRUE)
#'    dgeObj <- addItems(dgeObj,
#'                       itemList = list(newDgelist = dgeList, Log2CPM = log2cpm),
#'                       itemTypes = list("assay", "assay"),
#'                       parents = list("counts", "newDgelist")
#'    )
#'    inventory(dgeObj)
#' }
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
addItems <- function(dgeObj,
                     overwrite = FALSE) {

                            msg = "Specify the DGEobj, itemList, and itemTypes. All are required.")
    assertthat::assert_that("DGEobj" %in% class(dgeObj),
                            "list" %in% class(itemList),
                            "list" %in% class(itemTypes),
                            msg = "The DGEobj must be of class DGEobj, while the itemList and itemTypes must both be lists.")
    assertthat::assert_that(length(itemList) == length(itemTypes),
                            msg = "The length of the itemList must match the length of the itemTypes.")
                            msg = "The itemList must be a named list.")

    if (!missing(parents))
        assertthat::assert_that("list" %in% class(parents),
                                length(parents) == length(itemList),
                                msg = "The parents list must be of class 'list' and of the same length as the itemList.")

    if (!missing(itemAttr)) {
        attrNames <- names(itemAttr)
        for (i in 1:length(itemList))
            for (j in 1:length(itemAttr))
                attr(itemList[[i]], attrNames[[j]]) <- itemAttr[[j]]

    if (missing(parents))
        parents <- as.list(rep("", length(itemList)))

    itemNames <- names(itemList)
    for (i in 1:length(itemList)) {
        dgeObj <- addItem(dgeObj,
                          item = itemList[[i]],
                          itemName = itemNames[[i]],
                          itemType = itemTypes[[i]],
                          parent = parents[[i]],
                          overwrite = overwrite)


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DGEobj documentation built on May 16, 2022, 9:06 a.m.