#' Option that shows a table with weights attached to each normalized effect
#' @param data data
#' @param normalized normalized
#' @param normopt normopt
#' @param same_switchers same_switchers
#' @param continuous continuous
#' @import data.table
#' @returns A matrix with the normalized_weights option output.
#' @noRd
did_multiplegt_dyn_normweights <- function(
) {
# Inherited Globals #
df <- data$df
l_XX <- data$l_XX
for (v in names(data$delta)) {
assign(v, data$delta[[v]])
group_XX <- NULL
## Set up the matrix for the output table
weight_mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = l_XX, ncol = l_XX)
coln <- c()
rown <- c()
for (i in 1:l_XX) {
coln <- c(coln, paste0("\U2113","=",i))
df[[paste0("N_gt_",i,"_temp_XX")]] <- ifelse(df$time_XX == df$F_g_XX - 1 + i, df$N_gt_XX, NA)
df[, paste0("N_gt_",i,"_XX") := mean(get(paste0("N_gt_",i,"_temp_XX")), na.rm = TRUE), by = group_XX]
df[[paste0("N_gt_",i,"_temp_XX")]] <- NULL
for (k in 0:(i-1)) {
# Visualization by k
row <- k + 1
## Compute the delta_l_k, if the continuous option is specified the original treatment values are used
if (is.null(continuous)) {
df[[paste0("delta_",i,"_",k)]] <- ifelse(df$time_XX == df$F_g_XX - 1 + i - k & df$F_g_XX - 1 + i <= df$T_g_XX, abs(df$treatment_XX - df$d_sq_XX), NA)
} else {
df[[paste0("delta_",i,"_",k)]] <- ifelse(df$time_XX == df$F_g_XX - 1 + i - k & df$F_g_XX - 1 + i <= df$T_g_XX, abs(df$treatment_XX_orig - df$d_sq_XX_orig), NA)
if (same_switchers == TRUE) {
df[[paste0("delta_",i,"_",k)]] <- ifelse(df$F_g_XX - 1 + l_XX > df$T_g_XX, 0, df[[paste0("delta_",i,"_",k)]])
df[[paste0("delta_",i,"_",k)]] <- df[[paste0("delta_",i,"_",k)]] * df[[paste0("N_gt_",i,"_XX")]]
weight_mat[row, i] <- (sum(df[[paste0("delta_",i,"_",k)]], na.rm = TRUE) / get(paste0("delta_D_",i,"_global_XX"))) / data$mat_res_XX[i,ncol(data$mat_res_XX)-1]
df[[paste0("N_gt_",i,"_XX")]] <- NULL
## Generating the row names
for (j in 1:l_XX) {
rown <- c(rown, paste0("k=",j-1))
## Fill the values for the displayed table
mat_total <- weight_mat
mat_total[] <- 0
total <- matrix(1,nrow=1,ncol=l_XX) %*% mat_total
weight_mat <- rbind(weight_mat, total)
rownames(weight_mat) <- c(rown, "Total")
colnames(weight_mat) <- coln
weight_mat[ , ] <- sprintf("%s", format(round(weight_mat[ , ], 3), big.mark=",", scientific=FALSE, trim=TRUE))
return(list(norm_weight_mat = noquote(weight_mat)))
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