
Defines functions DList as.DList as.DList.DList as.DList.list .DList as.DList.character .make_chunk_handler is.DList print.DList length.DList names.DList `names<-.DList` `[[.DList` DL_storage DL_storage.DList `DL_storage<-` `DL_storage<-.DList` Keys DSL_hash DSL_serialize_object DSL_unserialize_object .make_DSL_revision .make_chunk_filename DSL_split_line

Documented in as.DList DList DL_storage is.DList

## This file defines the DList class and
## includes all methods operating on such classes

## DList (DL) high level constructor

## FIXME: handle special case where DStorage is not a storage type object
DList <- function( ... ){
    args <- list( ... )
    ds <- args$DStorage
    if( !is.null(ds) ){
        ds <- as.DStorage( ds )
        args[[ "DStorage" ]] <- NULL
    as.DList( args, DStorage = ds )

## Coercing DList objects

as.DList <- function(x, DStorage = NULL, ...){

as.DList.DList <- function(x, DStorage = NULL, ...)

as.DList.list <- function(x, DStorage = NULL, ...){
    if( is.null(DStorage) )
        DStorage <- DS_default()

    ## dont think we need active revision here, we write directly into base_dir
    ## activeRev <- .generate_random_revision()
    ## DS_dir_create(storage, activeRev)

    ## we could do this much more efficiently as we know apriori the number of
    ## documents etc.
    ##  n <- 1
    ##  if(chunksize <= object.size(x))
    ##    n <- ceiling( object.size(x)/chunksize )

    ## Initialization (see above)
    chunk_iterator <- 1L
    chunks <- character(0)
    position <- 1L
    size <- 0L
    mapping <- DSL_hash( length(x), ids = names(x) )
    rev <- .make_DSL_revision()
    DS_dir_create( DStorage, rev ) ## comparable to revision
    keys <- make.names( names(x) )
    if( !length(keys) )
        keys <- seq_len(length(x))
    outlines <- character( 0L )
    firstkey <- 1L
    ## Loop over list elements and write element per element into tempfile() in DFS
    for(i in 1L:length(x) ){
        ## construct key/value pairs

        mapping[i, ] <- c( chunk_iterator, position )
        position <- position + 1L

        ## add key/value pair to outlines, which will be written to disk after reaching max chunk size
        outlines <- c( outlines, sprintf("%s\t%s", keys[i], DSL_serialize_object(x[[i]])) )

        ## write chunk if size greater than pre-defined chunksize5B
        if(object.size(outlines) >= DS_chunksize(DStorage)){
            chunk <- .make_chunk_filename( rev )
            outlines <- c( outlines, .make_chunk_signature(chunk) )
            chunks <- c( chunks, chunk )
            DS_write_lines(DStorage, outlines, chunk )
            outlines <- character(0L)
            firstkey <- i + 1
            position <- 1L
            chunk_iterator <- chunk_iterator + 1
    ## write remaining elements to final chunk
        chunk <- .make_chunk_filename( rev )
        outlines <- c( outlines, .make_chunk_signature(chunk) )
        chunks <- c( chunks, chunk )
        DS_write_lines(DStorage, outlines, chunk )
        chunk_iterator <- chunk_iterator + 1

    .DList( x = list(),
                      chunks = .make_chunk_handler(chunks, rev, DStorage),
                      keys = keys,
                      mapping = mapping,
                      storage = DStorage )

.DList <- function( x,  chunks, keys, mapping, storage ) {
  attr( x, "Chunks" )             <- as.environment(chunks)
  attr( x, "Keys" )               <- keys
  attr( x, "Mapping" )            <- mapping
  attr( x, "DStorage" ) <- storage
  class( x )                      <- c( "DList", class(x) )

## IDEA: as.DList.character creates a DList based on files in a directory (=character string) in a DFS
as.DList.character <- function(x, DStorage = NULL, ...){
    if( is.null(DStorage) )
        DStorage <- DS_default()
    keys <- DStorage$list_directory( x )
    filelist <- as.list(file.path(x, keys))
    names(filelist) <- keys
    as.DList( filelist, DStorage = DStorage, ... )

.make_chunk_handler <- function(chunks, rev, storage){
    e <- new.env()
    assign( "base_dir", DS_base_dir(storage), envir = e )
    assign( "FUN", storage$unlink, envir = e )
    assign( "Revisions", rev, envir = e )
    assign(rev, chunks, envir = e)
    ## Finalizer
    reg.finalizer( e, function(x){
        revisions <- get("Revisions", envir = x)
        base_dir <- get("base_dir", envir = x)
        for(rev in revisions){
            lapply(get(rev, envir = x), function(f) get("FUN", envir = x)(file.path(base_dir, f)))
            get("FUN", envir = x)(file.path(base_dir, rev))
    } )

is.DList <- function(x)
    inherits(x, "DList")

## S3 Methods on 'DList' objects

## FIXME: there is a print method in the base package on DList.
print.DList <- function(x, ...) {
                         "A DList with %d element\n",
                         "A DList with %d elements\n"),

length.DList <- function(x)

names.DList <- function(x)
  rownames(attr(x, "Mapping"))

`names<-.DList` <- function(x, value){
    rownames(attr(x, "Mapping")) <- value

`[[.DList` <- function( x, i ) {
    ## TODO: what if there is more than 1 chunk
    mapping <- attr(x, "Mapping")[ i, ]
    ## when using accessor we always use first
    line <- DS_read_lines( DL_storage(x),
                           get( get("Revisions", envir = attr(x, "Chunks"))[1],
                                envir = attr(x, "Chunks"))[ mapping["Chunk"] ]
                           ) [ mapping["Position"] ]
    DSL_unserialize_object( strsplit( line, "\t" )[[ 1 ]][ 2 ] )

## 'DStorage' accessor and replacement functions for class "DList"

DL_storage <- function( x )

DL_storage.DStorage <- identity

DL_storage.DList <- function( x )
  attr(x, "DStorage")

`DL_storage<-` <- function( x, value )

`DL_storage<-.DList` <- function(x, value){
    old_stor <- DL_storage(x)
    if( inherits(old_stor, "LFS") && inherits(value, "HDFS") ){
        if( !length(hive::DFS_list(file.path(DS_base_dir(value), .revisions(x)[1]))) ){
            for( rev in .revisions(x) )
                hive::DFS_put( file.path(DS_base_dir(old_stor), rev),
                              file.path(DS_base_dir(value), rev) )
        else {
            if( !.check_contents_of_storage(x, value) )
                stop("HDFS storage already contains this directory with different data for the active revision")
    } else {
        stop("not implemented!")
    attr(x, "DStorage") <- value

Keys <- function( x )
    attr(x, "Keys")

## hash table constructor
DSL_hash <- function( n, ids = NULL )
    matrix(0L, nrow = n, ncol = 2L, dimnames = list(if(is.null(ids)){
        character(n) } else { ids }, c("Chunk", "Position")))

## Serialization

DSL_serialize_object <- function( x )
  gsub("\n", "\\\\n", gsub("\\n", "\\\n", rawToChar(serialize(x, NULL, TRUE)), fixed = TRUE))

DSL_unserialize_object <- function( x )
    unserialize( charToRaw(gsub("\\\\n", "\n", x)) )

## Revision names
.make_DSL_revision <- function(){
    sprintf("DSL-%s-%s", format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"), paste( sample(letters, 10, replace = TRUE), collapse = "" ))

## chunk file names
.make_chunk_filename <- function( dir )
    tempfile(pattern="chunk-", tmpdir = dir)

## reads line (e.g. taken from standard input) and returns
## the key and the deserialized object
DSL_split_line <- function( line ) {
    val <- unlist(strsplit(line, "\t"))
    list( key = val[1], value = DSL_unserialize_object(val[2]) )

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DSL documentation built on Jan. 28, 2020, 5:10 p.m.