
#' @include ArmadilloDriver.R


#' Class ArmadilloConnection.
#' An Armadillo connection implementing the DataSHIELD Interface (DSI)
#' \code{\link{DSConnection-class}}.
#' @slot name The name of the connection
#' @slot handle The handle used to connect with the server
#' @slot user The username used to authenticate
#' @slot cookies The cookies set by the server
#' @slot token An optional authentication token (JWT)
#' @importClassesFrom DSI DSConnection
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
  contains = "DSConnection",
  slots = list(
    name = "character",
    handle = "handle",
    user = "character",
    cookies = "list",
    token = "character"

#' Disconnect from an Armadillo DataSHIELD Service
#' Disconnect from an Armadillo DataSHIELD Service and release all R resources.
#' If a workspace ID is provided, the DataSHIELD R session will be saved before
#' being destroyed.
#' @param conn \code{\link{ArmadilloConnection-class}} class
#' object
#' @param save Save the DataSHIELD R session with provided ID (must be a
#' character string).
#' @importMethodsFrom DSI dsDisconnect
#' @seealso \code{\link{dsDisconnect}}
#' @export
  "dsDisconnect", "ArmadilloConnection",
  function(conn, save = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(save)) {
      response <- httr::POST(
        handle = conn@handle,
        path = paste0("/workspaces/", save),
        config = httr::add_headers(.get_auth_header(conn))
      handle = conn@handle,
      path = "/logout",
      config = httr::add_headers(.get_auth_header(conn))

  "dsListProfiles", "ArmadilloConnection", function(conn) {
    response <- httr::GET(
      handle = conn@handle,
      path = "/profiles",
      config = httr::add_headers(.get_auth_header(conn))
    if (response$status_code == 404) {
      # endpoint not implemented, fake it!
      list(available = "default", current = "default")
    } else {

#' List Armadillo DataSHIELD Service tables
#' List Armadillo DataSHIELD Service tables that may be accessible for
#' performing DataSHIELD operations.
#' @param conn \code{\link{ArmadilloConnection-class}} class object
#' @return The fully qualified names of the tables.
#' @seealso \code{\link{dsListTables}}
#' @importMethodsFrom DSI dsListTables
#' @export
  "dsListTables", "ArmadilloConnection", function(conn) {
    response <- httr::GET(
      handle = conn@handle,
      path = "/tables",
      config = httr::add_headers(.get_auth_header(conn))

#' Verify table exist and can be accessible for performing DataSHIELD
#' operations.
#' @param conn \code{\link{ArmadilloConnection-class}} class object.
#' @param table The identifier of the table
#' @return TRUE if table exists.
#' @importMethodsFrom DSI dsHasTable
#' @export
  "dsHasTable", "ArmadilloConnection", function(conn, table) {
    response <- httr::HEAD(
      handle = conn@handle,
      path = paste0("/tables/", table),
      config = httr::add_headers(.get_auth_header(conn))


    response$status_code == 200

#' List Armadillo DataSHIELD Service resources
#' List Armadillo DataSHIELD Service resources that may be accessible for
#' performing DataSHIELD operations.
#' @param conn \code{\link{ArmadilloConnection-class}} class object
#' @return The fully qualified names of the resources.
#' @seealso \code{\link{dsListResources}}
#' @importMethodsFrom DSI dsListResources
#' @export
  "dsListResources", "ArmadilloConnection", function(conn) {
    response <- httr::GET(
      handle = conn@handle,
      path = "/resources",
      config = httr::add_headers(.get_auth_header(conn))

#' Verify resource exists.
#' @param conn \code{\link{ArmadilloConnection-class}} class object.
#' @param resource The identifier of the resource
#' @return TRUE if resource exists.
#' @importMethodsFrom DSI dsHasResource
#' @export
  "dsHasResource", "ArmadilloConnection", function(conn, resource) {
    response <- httr::HEAD(
      handle = conn@handle,
      path = paste0("/resources/", resource),
      config = httr::add_headers(.get_auth_header(conn))

    response$status_code == 200

#' Armadillo DataShield Service asynchronous support
#' List of DataSHIELD operations on which Armadillo DataSHIELD Service supports
#' asynchronicity.
#' When a \code{\link{DSResult-class}} object is returned on aggregation or
#' assignment operation, the raw result can be accessed asynchronously,
#' allowing parallelization of DataSHIELD calls over multpile servers.
#' The returned named list of logicals will specify if asynchronicity is
#' supported for:
#' aggregation operation ('aggregate'),
#' table assignment operation ('assignTable'),
#' resource assignment operation ('assignResource')
#' and expression assignment operation ('assignExpr').
#' @param conn \code{\link{ArmadilloConnection-class}} class object
#' @return The named list of logicals detailing the asynchronicity support.
#' @importMethodsFrom DSI dsIsAsync
#' @export
  "dsIsAsync", "ArmadilloConnection", function(conn) {
      aggregate = TRUE,
      assignTable = TRUE,
      assignResource = TRUE,
      assignExpr = TRUE

#' List R symbols
#' List symbols living in the DataSHIELD R session.
#' @param conn \code{\link{ArmadilloConnection-class}} class object
#' @return A character vector.
#' @importMethodsFrom DSI dsListSymbols
#' @export
  "dsListSymbols", "ArmadilloConnection",
  function(conn) {
    response <- httr::GET(
      handle = conn@handle,
      path = "/symbols",
      config = httr::add_headers(.get_auth_header(conn))

#' Remove an R symbol
#' Remove a symbol living in the DataSHIELD R session. After removal, the data
#' identified by the symbol will not be accessible in the DataSHIELD R session
#' on the server side.
#' @param conn \code{\link{ArmadilloConnection-class}} class object
#' @param symbol Name of the R symbol.
#' @importMethodsFrom DSI dsRmSymbol
#' @export
  "dsRmSymbol", "ArmadilloConnection",
  function(conn, symbol) {
    response <- httr::DELETE(
      handle = conn@handle,
      path = paste0("/symbols/", symbol),
      config = httr::add_headers(.get_auth_header(conn))

#' Assign a table
#' Assign a R-data.frame in the DataSHIELD R session.
#' @param conn \code{\link{ArmadilloConnection-class}} object.
#' @param symbol Name of the R symbol.
#' @param table Fully qualified name of the table.
#' @param variables The variables to load.
#' @param missings Not supported
#' @param identifiers Not supported
#' @param id.name Not supported
#' @param async When set, do not wait for the result.
#' @return A \code{\link{ArmadilloResult-class}} object.
#' @importMethodsFrom DSI dsAssignTable
#' @export
  "dsAssignTable", "ArmadilloConnection",
  function(conn, symbol, table, variables = NULL, missings = FALSE,
           identifiers = NULL, id.name = NULL, async = TRUE) { # nolint

    query <- list(table = table, symbol = symbol, async = async)
    if (!is.null(variables)) {
      query$variables <- paste(unlist(variables), collapse = ",")
    response <- httr::POST(
      handle = conn@handle,
      path = "/load-table",
      query = query,
      config = httr::add_headers(.get_auth_header(conn))

    if (async) {
      result <- NULL
    } else {
      result <- .retry_until_last_result(conn)

      conn = conn,
      rval = list(result = result, async = async)

#' Assign a resource
#' Assign a resource in the DataSHIELD R session.
#' @param conn An object that inherits from \code{\link{DSConnection-class}}.
#' @param symbol Name of the R symbol.
#' @param resource Fully qualified name of a resource reference in the data
#' repository.
#' @param async Whether the result of the call should be retrieved
#' asynchronously.
#' @return A \code{\link{ArmadilloResult-class}} object.
#' @importMethodsFrom DSI dsAssignResource
#' @export
  "dsAssignResource", "ArmadilloConnection",
  function(conn, symbol, resource, async = TRUE) {
    query <- list(resource = resource, symbol = symbol, async = async)
    response <- httr::POST(
      handle = conn@handle,
      path = "/load-resource",
      query = query,
      config = httr::add_headers(.get_auth_header(conn))

    if (async) {
      result <- NULL
    } else {
      result <- .retry_until_last_result(conn)

      conn = conn,
      rval = list(result = result, async = async)

#' List methods
#' List methods defined in the DataSHIELD configuration.
#' @param conn \code{\link{ArmadilloConnection-class}} class object
#' @param type Type of the method: "aggregate" (default) or "assign".
#' @return A data.frame with columns: name, type ('aggregate' or 'assign'),
#' class ('function' or 'script'), value, package, version.
#' @importMethodsFrom DSI dsListMethods
#' @export
  "dsListMethods", "ArmadilloConnection",
  function(conn, type = "aggregate") {
    response <- httr::GET(
      handle = conn@handle,
      path = paste0("/methods/", type),
      config = httr::add_headers(.get_auth_header(conn))

    df <- .list_to_data_frame(httr::content(response))
    df <- .fill_column(df, "type", type)
    df <- .fill_column(df, "class", "function")
    df <- .rename_column(df, "function", "value")

#' List packages
#' List packages with their versions defined in the DataSHIELD configuration.
#' @param conn \code{\link{ArmadilloConnection-class}} class object
#' @return A data.frame with columns: name, version.
#' @importMethodsFrom DSI dsListPackages
#' @export
  "dsListPackages", "ArmadilloConnection",
  function(conn) {
    response <- httr::GET(
      handle = conn@handle,
      path = "/packages",
      config = httr::add_headers(.get_auth_header(conn))

    extracted_cols <- lapply(
      function(x) list(name = x$name, version = x$version)

#' List workspaces
#' List workspaces saved in the data repository.
#' @param conn \code{\link{ArmadilloConnection-class}} class object
#' @return A data.frame with columns: name, lastAccessDate, size, user.
#' @importMethodsFrom DSI dsListWorkspaces
#' @export
  "dsListWorkspaces", "ArmadilloConnection",
  function(conn) {
    response <- httr::GET(
      handle = conn@handle,
      path = "/workspaces",
      config = httr::add_headers(.get_auth_header(conn))

    df <- .list_to_data_frame(httr::content(response))
    df <- .fill_column(df, "user", conn@user)
    df <- .rename_column(df, "lastModified", "lastAccessDate")

#' Save workspace
#' Save workspace on the data repository.
#' @param conn \code{\link{ArmadilloConnection-class}} class object
#' @param name Name of the workspace.
#' @importMethodsFrom DSI dsSaveWorkspace
#' @export
  "dsSaveWorkspace", "ArmadilloConnection",
  function(conn, name) {
    response <- httr::POST(
      handle = conn@handle,
      path = paste0("/workspaces/", name),
      config = httr::add_headers(.get_auth_header(conn))

#' Remove a workspace
#' Remove a workspace on the data repository.
#' @param conn \code{\link{ArmadilloConnection-class}} class object
#' @param name Name of the workspace.
#' @importMethodsFrom DSI dsRmWorkspace
#' @export
  "dsRmWorkspace", "ArmadilloConnection",
  function(conn, name) {
    response <- httr::DELETE(
      handle = conn@handle,
      path = paste0("/workspaces/", name),
      config = httr::add_headers(.get_auth_header(conn))

#' Assign the result of an expression
#' Assign a result of the execution of an expression in the DataSHIELD R
#' session.
#' @param conn \code{\link{ArmadilloConnection-class}} object.
#' @param symbol Name of the R symbol.
#' @param expr A R expression with allowed assign functions calls.
#' @param async Whether the result of the call should be retrieved
#' asynchronously. When TRUE (default) the calls are parallelized over the
#' connections, when the connection supports that feature, with an extra
#' overhead of requests.
#' @return A \code{\link{ArmadilloResult-class}} object.
#' @importMethodsFrom DSI dsAssignExpr
#' @export
  "dsAssignExpr", "ArmadilloConnection",
  function(conn, symbol, expr, async = TRUE) {
    response <- httr::POST(
      handle = conn@handle,
      query = list(async = async),
      path = paste0("/symbols/", symbol),
      body = .deparse(expr),
      config = httr::add_headers(c("Content-Type" = "text/plain",


    if (async) {
      result <- NULL
    } else {
      result <- .retry_until_last_result(conn)

      conn = conn,
      rval = list(
        result = NULL,
        async = async

#' Aggregate data
#' Aggregate some data from the DataSHIELD R session using a valid R expression.
#' The aggregation expression must satisfy the data repository's DataSHIELD
#' configuration.
#' @param conn \code{\link{ArmadilloConnection-class}} object.
#' @param expr Expression to evaluate.
#' @param async Whether the result of the call should be retrieved
#' asynchronously. When TRUE (default) the calls are parallelized over the
#' connections, when the connection supports that feature, with an extra
#' overhead of requests.
#' @importMethodsFrom DSI dsAggregate
#' @export
  "dsAggregate", "ArmadilloConnection",
  function(conn, expr, async = TRUE) {
    response <- httr::POST(
      handle = conn@handle,
      query = list(async = async),
      path = "/execute",
      body = .deparse(expr),
      config = httr::add_headers(c("Content-Type" = "text/plain",


    if (async) {
      result <- NULL
    } else {
      result <- .retry_until_last_result(conn)
      conn = conn,
      rval = list(result = result, async = async)

#' Get connection info
#' Get information about a connection.
#' @param dsObj \code{\link{ArmadilloConnection-class}} class object
#' @param ... Unused, needed for compatibility with generic.
#' @return The connection information. This should report the version of
#' the data repository application (`repo.version`) and its name (`repo.name`),
#' the database name (`dbname`), username, (`username`), host (`host`), port
#' (`port`), etc.
#' It MAY also include any other arguments related to the connection
#' (e.g., thread id, socket or TCP connection type). It MUST NOT include the
#' password.
#' @importMethodsFrom DSI dsGetInfo
#' @export
  "dsGetInfo", "ArmadilloConnection",
  function(dsObj, ...) { # nolint
    response <- httr::GET(
      handle = dsObj@handle,
      path = "/actuator/info",
      config = httr::add_headers(.get_auth_header(dsObj))
    result <- httr::content(response)
    result$url <- dsObj@handle$url
    result$name <- dsObj@name
    result$cookies <- dsObj@cookies

#' Keep a connection alive
#' As the DataSHIELD sessions are working in parallel, this function helps at
#' keeping idle connections alive while others are working. Any communication
#' failure must be silently processed.
#' @param conn \code{\link{ArmadilloConnection-class}} class object
#' @return NULL, invisibly
#' @importMethodsFrom DSI dsKeepAlive
#' @export
  "dsKeepAlive", "ArmadilloConnection",
  function(conn) { # nolint
      handle = conn@handle,
      path = "/actuator/info",
      config = httr::add_headers(.get_auth_header(conn))
    ), silent = TRUE)

Try the DSMolgenisArmadillo package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

DSMolgenisArmadillo documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 6:27 p.m.