
Defines functions ProjectedPoints2Grid

Documented in ProjectedPoints2Grid

ProjectedPoints2Grid <- function(ProjectedPoints, Lines, Columns,PlotIt=FALSE, Cls){
# ProjectedPoints2Grid(ProjectedPoints,Lines,Columns)  
# Converts numeric ProjectedPoints to integervalues corresponding to a two dimensional rectangular grid
# ProjectedPoints[n,1:2] or [n,1:3] matrix containing the number of n coordinates !(x,y)! of the Projection
#                                   if [n,1:3] the first column has to be the key
# Lines                             Default(50), widght of the retangular grid
# Optional
# Columns                           height of the rectangular grid
#                                   We are able to calculate Columns by using Lines and der Range of Data in x and y
# PlotIt                            Difference plottet in new Window, if TRUE
# BestMatches[n,Key,Lines,Columns]  Integer GridPositons(1:Lines,1:Colums) corresponding to numerical !(y,x)! coordinates
#                                   can be saved with WriteBM
# author MT 07/2015
# Note: Problem: Machmal  werden verschiedener Punkte werden an die gleiche Gitterstelle transformiert
#       jetzige Loesung: Wenn es zuviele doppelte gibt, einfach Lines vergroessern!
#       mögliche spaetere Loesung: Im speateren Verlauf könnten Voronoi-Nachbahrschaften verwendet werde statt einem Gitter
#                         -> generalisierte Abstrakte Umatrix
# Behandlungen verschiedener EingabeTypen
    stop('ProjectedPoints has to be a matrix')
#  if(Lines>Columns)
#    stop('Lines has to be smaller or equal Columns')

if(c>3 |c<2)
  stop(paste0('Wrong number of Columns of ProjectedPoints: ',c))

  Cls = rep(1,n)

# Define Range of Data
minX <- min(coord[,1])
minY <- min(coord[,2])
maxX <- max(coord[,1])
maxY <- max(coord[,2])

# Per Definition: RangeY<RangeX because Linese<Columns, if not rotate
# If Columns not chosen, Calculate it respectivly to the range of Data
  Columns =round(Lines/RangeY*RangeX,0)
  while(Columns*Lines<4096){ #Empirisch min 2500 Neuronen und Lines<Columns
  print(paste('Estimating Columnlength with',Columns))
# Make all coordinates positiv.
if(minX < 1){
	coord[,1] <- coord[,1]+(-minX+1) # +1 to get the minimum to 1 (not 0).
if(minY < 1){
	coord[,2] <- coord[,2]+(-minY+1) # +1 to get the minimum to 1 (not 0).

# Update min and calculate max.

maxX <- max(coord[,1])
maxY <- max(coord[,2])

minX <- min(coord[,1])
minY <- min(coord[,2])

# Subtract min to be sure that the coordinates start with 0 after scaling.
	rCoord <- coord-minX
} else {
	rCoord <- coord-minY

# Update min and calculate max.
minX <- min(rCoord[,1])
maxX <- max(rCoord[,1])
minY <- min(rCoord[,2])
maxY <- max(rCoord[,2])

# Make sure the coordinates with the biggest value is on y-axis (Columns values!)
# to use the maximum of the Grid.
# Divide by maxX or maxY so all coordinates are scaled and are between 0 and 1.
	rCoord <- rCoord/maxX

} else {
	# Make sure the coordinates with the biggest value is on x-axis (Columns values!)
	# to use the maximum of the Grid.
	rCoord <- rCoord[,c(2,1)]
	rCoord <- rCoord/maxY

# Update min and calculate max.
minX <- min(rCoord[,1])
maxX <- max(rCoord[,1])
minY <- min(rCoord[,2])
maxY <- max(rCoord[,2])

# Calculate the max value to multiply with (to fit the Grid).
fact1 <- min(Columns-1,Lines-1)/maxY # 
fact2 <- max(Columns-1,Lines-1)/maxX
# choose the smaller value to be sure not to extend the maximum gitter size.

fact <- min(fact1,fact2)
rCoord <- round(rCoord*fact)
# To get the min value from 0 to 1.
rCoord <- rCoord+1

# Update min and calculate max.
minX <- min(rCoord[,1])
maxX <- max(rCoord[,1])
minY <- min(rCoord[,2])
maxY <- max(rCoord[,2])

# Centering the points on the grid
if((Columns-maxX)>=2){ # Otherwise you can't move the x-coordinates.
	rCoord[,1] <- rCoord[,1]+floor((Columns-maxX)/2)
if((Lines-maxY)>=2){ # Otherwise you can't move the y-coordinates.
	rCoord[,2] <- rCoord[,2]+floor((Lines-maxY)/2)

#Fehlerabfang, das zwei Punkte auf dem selben Gitterpukt leigen, welche vorher
# nicht unique waren
AnzPoints <- nrow(coordtmp)            # soviele punkte in den Daten
dists <- as.matrix(dist(coordtmp))     # Distance with diagonal = 0.
vecdists=dists[upper.tri(dists, diag = F)]
nvorher=AnzPoints-length(which(vecdists==0)) #number of duplicates

AnzPoints <- nrow(rCoord)            # soviele punkte in den Daten
dists <- as.matrix(dist(rCoord))     # Distance with diagonal = 0.
vecdists=dists[upper.tri(dists, diag = F)]
nnachher=AnzPoints-length(which(vecdists==0))  #number of duplicates

  print(paste('Different Points are now on the same grid position. Sum of unique points (before) (after):', nvorher,nnachher))

# If rotatet, rotate back
  BestMatches=cbind(1:n,rCoord[,c(2:1)]) #umgekehrt Definiert wie x,y koordinaten
  BestMatches=cbind(1:n,rCoord[,c(1:2)]) #umgekehrt Definiert wie x,y koordina

  par(mfrow = c(1,2))
  plotSwarm(coordtmp, Cls = Cls, main='ProjectedPoints')
  plotSwarm(BestMatches[,2:3], Cls = Cls, main='Corresponding BestMatches')


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DatabionicSwarm documentation built on Oct. 13, 2023, 5:10 p.m.