
Defines functions regression_discontinuity_designer

Documented in regression_discontinuity_designer

#' Create a regression discontinuity design
#' Builds a design with sample from population of size \code{N}. The average treatment effect local to the cutpoint is equal to \code{tau}. It allows for specification of the order of the polynomial regression (\code{poly_reg_order}), cutoff value on the running variable (\code{cutoff}), and size of bandwidth around the cutoff (\code{bandwidth}). By providing a vector of numbers to \code{control_coefs} and \code{treatment_coefs}, users can also specify polynomial regression coefficients that generate the expected control and treatment potential outcomes given the running variable.
#' @details 
#' See \href{https://declaredesign.org/r/designlibrary/articles/regression_discontinuity.html}{vignette online}.
#' @param N An integer. Size of population to sample from.
#' @param tau A number. Difference in potential outcomes functions at the threshold.
#' @param outcome_sd A positive number. The standard deviation of the outcome.
#' @param cutoff A number in (0,1). Threshold on running variable beyond which units are treated.
#' @param bandwidth A number. The value of the bandwidth on both sides of the threshold from which to include units.
#' @param control_coefs A vector of numbers. Coefficients for polynomial regression function that generates control potential outcomes. Order of polynomial is equal to length.
#' @param treatment_coefs A vector of numbers. Coefficients for polynomial regression function that generates treatment potential outcomes. Order of polynomial is equal to length.
#' @param poly_reg_order Integer greater than or equal to 1. Order of the polynomial regression used to estimate the jump at the cutoff.
#' @param args_to_fix A character vector. Names of arguments to be args_to_fix in design.
#' @return A regression discontinuity design.
#' @author \href{https://declaredesign.org/}{DeclareDesign Team}
#' @concept observational
#' @concept regression discontinuity
#' @importFrom DeclareDesign declare_inquiry declare_estimator declare_population declare_potential_outcomes declare_reveal declare_sampling
#' @importFrom fabricatr fabricate 
#' @importFrom randomizr conduct_ra draw_rs 
#' @importFrom estimatr lm_robust
#' @importFrom rlang is_integerish
#' @importFrom stats poly runif
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Generate a regression discontinuity design using default arguments:
#' regression_discontinuity_design <- regression_discontinuity_designer()

regression_discontinuity_designer <- function(
  N = 1000,
  tau = .15,
  outcome_sd = .1,
  cutoff = .5,
  bandwidth = .5,
  control_coefs = c(.5,.5),
  treatment_coefs = c(-5,1),
  poly_reg_order = 4,
  args_to_fix = NULL
  if(cutoff <= 0 || cutoff >= 1) stop("cutoff must be in (0,1).")
  if(poly_reg_order < 1) stop("poly_reg_order must be at least 1.")
  if(!is_integerish(poly_reg_order)) stop("poly_reg_order must be an integer.")
  if(length(control_coefs) < 1) stop("control_coefs must be a numeric vector of length > 0.")
  if(length(treatment_coefs) < 1) stop("treatment_coefs must be a numeric vector of length > 0.")
  if(outcome_sd < 0) stop("outcome_sd must be positive.")
    # M: Model
    po_function <- function(X, coefs, tau) {
      as.vector(poly(X, length(coefs), raw = T) %*% coefs) + tau}
    population <- declare_population(
      N = N,
      X = runif(N,0,1) - cutoff,
      noise = rnorm(N,0,outcome_sd),
      Z = 1 * (X > 0))
    potential_outcomes <- declare_potential_outcomes(
      Y_Z_0 = po_function(X, tau = 0, coefs = control_coefs) + noise,
      Y_Z_1 = po_function(X, tau = tau, coefs = treatment_coefs) + noise)
    reveal_Y <- declare_reveal(Y)
    # I: Inquiry
    estimand <- declare_inquiry(
      LATE = po_function(X = 0, coefs = treatment_coefs, tau = tau) - 
        po_function(X = 0, coefs = control_coefs, tau = 0))
    # D: Data Strategy
    sampling <- declare_sampling(handler = function(data){
      subset(data,(X > 0 - abs(bandwidth)) & X < 0 + abs(bandwidth))})
    # A: Answer Strategy 
    estimator <- declare_estimator(
      formula = Y ~ poly(X, poly_reg_order) * Z,
      model = lm_robust,
      term = "Z",
      inquiry = estimand)
    # Design
    regression_discontinuity_design <- 
      population + potential_outcomes + estimand + reveal_Y + sampling + estimator
  attr(regression_discontinuity_design, "code") <- 
    construct_design_code(regression_discontinuity_designer, match.call.defaults())

attr(regression_discontinuity_designer, "definitions") <- data.frame(
  names = c("N","tau","outcome_sd","cutoff","bandwidth","control_coefs",
  tips  = c("Size of population to sample from",
            "Difference in potential outcomes functions at the threshold",
            "Standard deviation of the outcome",
            "Threshold on running variable beyond which units are treated",
            "Bandwidth around threshold from which to include units",
            "Coefficients for polynomial regression function that generates control potential outcomes",
            "Coefficients for polynomial regression function that generates treatment potential outcomes",
            "Order of the polynomial regression used to estimate the jump at the cutoff",
            "Names of arguments to be args_to_fix"),
  class = c("integer", rep("numeric", 6), "integer","character"), 
  vector = c(rep(FALSE, 5), TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE),
  min = c(2, -Inf, 0, 0, rep(-Inf, 3), 1, NA),
  max = c(Inf, Inf, Inf, 1, Inf, Inf, Inf, 10, NA),
  inspector_min = c(100, 0, 0, 0.1, .1, 0, 0, 1, NA),
  inspector_step = c(50, rep(.2, 6), 1, NA),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE

attr(regression_discontinuity_designer,"shiny_arguments") <-
    N = c(1000, 50,100, 10000),
    tau = c(.15, 0, .5, 1),
    cutoff = c(.5,  .25),
    bandwidth = c(.5,  .25),
    poly_reg_order = c(4, 3, 2, 1)

attr(regression_discontinuity_designer,"description") <- "
<p> A regression discontinuity design with sample from population of size <code>N</code>. 
    The average treatment effect local to the cutpoint is equal to <code>tau</code>. 
<p> Polynomial regression of order <code>poly_order</code> is used to estimate tau, within a bandwidth of size
    <code>bandwidth</code> around the <code>cutoff</code> value on the running variable.


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DesignLibrary documentation built on Oct. 18, 2021, 5:07 p.m.