create_node_df: Create a node data frame

View source: R/create_node_df.R

create_node_dfR Documentation

Create a node data frame


Combine several vectors for nodes and their attributes into a data frame, which can be combined with other similarly-generated data frames, or, added to a graph object. A node data frame, or ndf, has at least the following columns:

  • id (of type integer)

  • type (of type character)

  • label (of type character)

An arbitrary number of additional columns containing aesthetic or data attributes can be part of the ndf, see node_aes() for additional attributes that can be used with ..., so long as they follow the aforementioned columns.


create_node_df(n, type = NULL, label = NULL, ...)



The total number of nodes to include in the node data frame.


An optional type for each node.


An optional label for each node.


Additional attributes. Some are present in node_aes()


A node data frame (ndf).

See Also

Other node creation and removal: add_n_node_clones(), add_n_nodes(), add_n_nodes_ws(), add_node(), add_node_clones_ws(), add_node_df(), add_nodes_from_df_cols(), add_nodes_from_table(), colorize_node_attrs(), copy_node_attrs(), delete_node(), delete_nodes_ws(), drop_node_attrs(), join_node_attrs(), layout_nodes_w_string(), mutate_node_attrs(), mutate_node_attrs_ws(), node_data(), recode_node_attrs(), rename_node_attrs(), rescale_node_attrs(), set_node_attr_to_display(), set_node_attr_w_fcn(), set_node_attrs(), set_node_attrs_ws(), set_node_position()


# Create a node data frame (ndf) where the labels
# are equivalent to the node ID values (this is not
# recommended); the `label` and `type` node
# attributes will always be a `character` class
# whereas `id` will always be an `integer`
node_df <-
    n = 4,
    type = c("a", "a", "b", "b"),
    label = TRUE)

# Display the node data frame

# Create an ndf with distinct labels and
# additional node attributes (where their classes
# will be inferred from the input vectors)
node_df <-
    n = 4,
    type = "a",
    label = c(2384, 3942, 8362, 2194),
    style = "filled",
    color = "aqua",
    shape = c("circle", "circle",
              "rectangle", "rectangle"),
    value = c(3.5, 2.6, 9.4, 2.7))

# Display the node data frame

DiagrammeR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:21 a.m.