mutate_edge_attrs: Mutate a set of edge attribute values

View source: R/mutate_edge_attrs.R

mutate_edge_attrsR Documentation

Mutate a set of edge attribute values


Within a graph's internal edge data frame (edf), mutate numeric edge attribute values using one or more expressions.


mutate_edge_attrs(graph, ...)



A graph object of class dgr_graph.


Expressions used for the mutation of edge attributes. LHS of each expression is either an existing or new edge attribute name. The RHS can consist of any valid R code that uses edge attributes as variables. Expressions are evaluated in the order provided, so, edge attributes created or modified are ready to use in subsequent expressions.


A graph object of class dgr_graph.

See Also

Other edge creation and removal: add_edge(), add_edge_clone(), add_edge_df(), add_edges_from_table(), add_edges_w_string(), add_forward_edges_ws(), add_reverse_edges_ws(), copy_edge_attrs(), create_edge_df(), delete_edge(), delete_edges_ws(), delete_loop_edges_ws(), drop_edge_attrs(), edge_data(), join_edge_attrs(), mutate_edge_attrs_ws(), recode_edge_attrs(), rename_edge_attrs(), rescale_edge_attrs(), rev_edge_dir(), rev_edge_dir_ws(), set_edge_attr_to_display(), set_edge_attrs(), set_edge_attrs_ws()


# Create a graph with 3 edges
graph <-
  create_graph() %>%
  add_path(n = 4) %>%
    edge_attr = width,
    values = c(3.4, 2.3, 7.2))

# Get the graph's internal edf
# to show which edge attributes
# are available
graph %>% get_edge_df()

# Mutate the `width` edge
# attribute, dividing each
# value by 2
graph <-
  graph %>%
    width = width / 2)

# Get the graph's internal
# edf to show that the edge
# attribute `width` had its
# values changed
graph %>% get_edge_df()

# Create a new edge attribute,
# called `length`, that is the
# log of values in `width` plus
# 2 (and, also, round all values
# to 2 decimal places)
graph <-
  graph %>%
    length = (log(width) + 2) %>%

# Get the graph's internal edf
# to show that the edge attribute
# values had been mutated
graph %>% get_edge_df()

# Create a new edge attribute
# called `area`, which is the
# product of the `width` and
# `length` attributes
graph <-
  graph %>%
    area = width * length)

# Get the graph's internal edf
# to show that the edge attribute
# values had been multiplied
# together (with new attr `area`)
graph %>% get_edge_df()

DiagrammeR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:21 a.m.