set_node_attr_to_display: Set the node attribute values to be rendered

View source: R/set_node_attr_to_display.R

set_node_attr_to_displayR Documentation

Set the node attribute values to be rendered


Set a node attribute type to display as node text when calling the render_graph() function. This allows for display of different types of node attribute values on a per-node basis. Without setting the display attribute, rendering a graph will default to printing text from the label attribute on nodes. Setting the display node attribute with this function for the first time (i.e., the display column doesn't exist in the graph's internal node data frame) will insert the attr value for all nodes specified in nodes and a default value (default) for all remaining nodes.


set_node_attr_to_display(graph, attr = NULL, nodes = NULL, default = "label")



A graph object of class dgr_graph.


The name of the attribute from which label text for the node will be obtained. If set to NULL, then NA values will be assigned to the display column for the chosen nodes.


A length vector containing one or several node ID values (as integers) for which node attributes are set for display in the rendered graph. If NULL, all nodes from the graph are assigned the display value given as attr.


The name of an attribute to set for all other graph nodes not included in nodes. This value only gets used if the display node attribute is not in the graph's internal node data frame.


A graph object of class dgr_graph.

See Also

Other node creation and removal: add_n_node_clones(), add_n_nodes(), add_n_nodes_ws(), add_node(), add_node_clones_ws(), add_node_df(), add_nodes_from_df_cols(), add_nodes_from_table(), colorize_node_attrs(), copy_node_attrs(), create_node_df(), delete_node(), delete_nodes_ws(), drop_node_attrs(), join_node_attrs(), layout_nodes_w_string(), mutate_node_attrs(), mutate_node_attrs_ws(), node_data(), recode_node_attrs(), rename_node_attrs(), rescale_node_attrs(), set_node_attr_w_fcn(), set_node_attrs(), set_node_attrs_ws(), set_node_position()


# Create a random graph using the
# `add_gnm_graph()` function
graph <-
  create_graph() %>%
    n = 4,
    m = 4,
    set_seed = 23) %>%
    node_attr = value,
    values = c(2.5, 8.2, 4.2, 2.4))

# For node ID values of `1`,
# `2`, and `3`, choose to display
# the node `value` attribute (for
# the other nodes, display nothing)
graph <-
  graph %>%
    nodes = 1:3,
    attr = value,
    default = NA)

# Show the graph's node data frame; the
# `display` node attribute will show for
# each row, which node attribute value to
# display when the graph is rendered
graph %>% get_node_df()

# This function can be called multiple
# times on a graph; after the first time
# (i.e., creation of the `display`
# attribute), the `default` value won't
# be used
graph %>%
    nodes = 4,
    attr = label) %>%
    nodes = c(1, 3),
    attr = id) %>%

DiagrammeR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:21 a.m.