
Defines functions get_selection

Documented in get_selection

#' Get the current selection available in a graph object
#' @description
#' Get the current selection of node IDs or edge IDs from a graph object of
#' class `dgr_graph`.
#' @inheritParams render_graph
#' @return A vector with the current selection of node or edge ID values.
#' @examples
#' # Create a simple graph
#' graph <-
#'   create_graph() %>%
#'   add_path(n = 6)
#' # Select node `4`, then select
#' # all nodes a distance of 1 away
#' # from node `4`, and finally
#' # return the selection of nodes as
#' # a vector object
#' graph %>%
#'   select_nodes(nodes = 4) %>%
#'   select_nodes_in_neighborhood(
#'     node = 4,
#'     distance = 1) %>%
#'   get_selection()
#' # Select edges associated with
#' # node `4` and return the
#' # selection of edges
#' graph %>%
#'   select_edges_by_node_id(
#'     nodes = 4) %>%
#'   get_selection()
#' @export
get_selection <- function(graph) {

  # Get the name of the function
  fcn_name <- get_calling_fcn()

  # Validation: Graph object is valid

  # Obtain the input graph's node and edge
  # selection properties
  n_e_select_properties_in <-
    node_edge_selection_properties(graph = graph)

  # If there is no selection available, return NA
  if (is.na(n_e_select_properties_in[["selection_type"]])) {

    # Emit a message about the modification of a selection
    # if that option is set
    if (isTRUE(graph$graph_info$display_msgs)) {

      # Issue a message to the user
        fcn_name = fcn_name,
        message_body = "There is no active selection of nodes or edges.")


  # For a selection of nodes, return a vector of node
  # ID values
  if (n_e_select_properties_in[["selection_type"]] == "node") {

    # Emit a message about the modification of a selection
    # if that option is set
    if (isTRUE(graph$graph_info$display_msgs)) {

    # Issue a message to the user
      fcn_name = fcn_name,
      message_body = glue::glue(
        "there is an active selection of \\


  # For a selection of edges, return a vector of edge
  # ID values
  if (n_e_select_properties_in[["selection_type"]] == "edge") {

    # Emit a message about the modification of a selection
    # if that option is set
    if (isTRUE(graph$graph_info$display_msgs)) {

      # Issue a message to the user
        fcn_name = fcn_name,
        message_body = glue::glue(
          "there is an active selection of\\


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DiagrammeR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:21 a.m.