
Defines functions `km`

`km` <-
function(formula = ~1, design, response, covtype = "matern5_2",  
         coef.trend = NULL, coef.cov = NULL, coef.var = NULL,
         nugget = NULL, nugget.estim = FALSE, noise.var = NULL, 
         estim.method = "MLE", penalty = NULL, 
         optim.method = "BFGS", lower = NULL, upper = NULL,
         parinit = NULL, multistart = 1, control = NULL, gr = TRUE, 
         iso = FALSE, scaling = FALSE, knots = NULL, kernel = NULL) {

  if (!is.null(kernel)){ 
    covtype <- "covUser" 
    nugget.estim <- FALSE
  model <- new("km")
  model@call <- match.call()
  ## formula : remove automatically the response from it
  data <- data.frame(design)
  model@trend.formula <- formula <- drop.response(formula, data = data)
  F <- model.matrix(formula, data=data)
  # X <- as.matrix(design)
  X <- as.matrix(data)
  y <- as.matrix(response)
	model@X <- X
	model@y <- y
	model@d <- ncol(X)
	model@n <- nrow(X)
	model@F <- F
	model@p <- ncol(F)
	model@noise.flag <- (length(noise.var) != 0)
	model@noise.var <- as.numeric(noise.var)
  isTrend <- length(coef.trend) != 0
  isCov <- length(coef.cov) != 0
  isVar <- length(coef.var) != 0
  if ((scaling) & (length(knots) > 0)) {
    knots <- checkNamesList(X1 = X, l2 = knots)
  if ((isTrend && isCov && isVar) || (covtype == "covUser")) {
    known.param <- "All"
    nugget.estim <- FALSE
  } else if ((isTrend) && ((!isCov) || (!isVar))) {
    known.param <- "Trend"
  } else if ((!isTrend) && isCov && isVar) {
    known.param <- "CovAndVar"
    nugget.estim <- FALSE
  } else {    # In the other cases: All parameters are estimated (at this stage)
    known.param <- "None"
    coef.var <- coef.cov <- NULL
  if (isCov) {   # curious : why 'known.covparam' is not a boolean ??
    known.covparam <- "All"
  } else {
    known.covparam <- "None"
  if (isTRUE(scaling) && is.null(knots)) # because we need to setup knots to X boundaries if not set (formerl called affineScaling)
      knots <- as.list(data.frame(rbind(apply(FUN = min, 2, X = design), apply(FUN = max, 2, X = design)))) # by default will use min & max for each dimension
  model@covariance <- covStruct.create(covtype = covtype, d = model@d, 
                                       known.covparam = known.covparam, var.names = colnames(X), 
                                       coef.cov=coef.cov, coef.var=coef.var, nugget = nugget, 
                                       nugget.estim = nugget.estim,
                                       nugget.flag = ((length(nugget) != 0) || nugget.estim),  
                                       iso = iso, scaling = scaling, knots = knots, kernel = kernel)
  model@known.param <- known.param
  ## Now, at least some parameters are unknown
  if (known.param == "All") {
    model@trend.coef <- as.numeric(coef.trend)
    model@param.estim <- FALSE
    model <- computeAuxVariables(model)
  if (known.param=="CovAndVar") {
    model@param.estim <- TRUE
    model <- computeAuxVariables(model)
    x <- backsolve(t(model@T), model@y, upper.tri = FALSE)
    beta <- compute.beta.hat(x=x, M=model@M)
    z <- compute.z(x=x, M=model@M, beta=beta)
    model@z <- z
    model@trend.coef <- beta
  if (known.param=="Trend") {
    model@trend.coef <- as.numeric(coef.trend)
  if (length(penalty) == 0) {
    if (is.element(estim.method, c("MLE", "LOO"))) {
      model@method <- estim.method
    } else {
      stop("estim.method must be: 'MLE' or 'LOO'") 
  } else {
    if (covtype != "gauss") {
      stop("At this stage, Penalized Maximum Likelihood is coded only for Gaussian covariance")
    penalty.set<- c("SCAD")
    if (!is.element(penalty$fun, penalty.set)) {
      stop("At this stage, the penalty #function has to be one of : SCAD")
    if (length(penalty$value) == 0) {
      penalty$value <- sqrt(2*log(model@n)/model@n)*seq(from = 1, by = 0.5, length = 15)
    penalty$fun.derivative <- paste(penalty$fun, ".derivative", sep = "")
    model@penalty <- penalty
    model@method <- "PMLE"
  model@param.estim <- TRUE
  model@optim.method <- as.character(optim.method)
  if ((length(lower) == 0) || (length(upper) == 0)) {
    bounds <- covParametersBounds(model@covariance, design)
    if (length(lower) == 0) lower <- bounds$lower
    if (length(upper) == 0) upper <- bounds$upper
  if ((multistart>1) && (optim.method=="gen")){
    warning("The 'multistart' argument is not used when 'optim.method' is 'gen'.")
    multistart <- 1
  control$multistart <- multistart
  model@lower <- as.numeric(lower)
  model@upper <- as.numeric(upper)
  model@parinit <- as.numeric(parinit)
  if (optim.method == "BFGS") {
    if (length(control$pop.size) == 0) control$pop.size <- 20
    control$pop.size <- max(control$pop.size, multistart)
    if (identical(control$trace, FALSE)) control$trace <- 0
    if ((length(control$trace) == 0) || (identical(control$trace, TRUE))) {
      control$trace <- 3
  if (optim.method == "gen") {
    d <- ncol(design)
    if (length(control$pop.size) == 0) control$pop.size <- min(20, floor(4 + 3*log(d)))
    if (length(control$max.generations) == 0) control$max.generations <- 5
    if (length(control$wait.generations) == 0) control$wait.generations <- 2
    if (length(control$BFGSburnin)==0) control$BFGSburnin <- 0
    if (identical(control$trace, FALSE)) {
      control$trace <- 0}
    else control$trace <- 1
  upper.alpha <- control$upper.alpha
  if (length(upper.alpha) == 0) {
    control$upper.alpha <- 1 - 1e-8
  } else if ((upper.alpha < 0) || (upper.alpha > 1)) {
    control$upper.alpha <- 1 - 1e-8
  model@control <- control
  model@gr <- as.logical(gr)
  envir.logLik <- new.env()
  validObject(model, complete=TRUE)
  varStationaryClass <- c("covTensorProduct", "covScaling", "covIso")
  if (length(noise.var)!=0) {   # noisy observations
    model@case <- "LLconcentration_beta"
  } else if (!is.element(class(model@covariance), varStationaryClass)) {
    model@case <- "LLconcentration_beta"
  } else {   # variance-stationary kernels
      knownNugget <- ((length(nugget) > 0) && (!nugget.estim))
      if (nugget.estim) {    # then concentrate / beta, v=sigma^2+tau^2 and alpha=sigma^2/v
        model@case <- "LLconcentration_beta_v_alpha"
      } else if (knownNugget) {
        model@case <- "LLconcentration_beta"   
      } else {
        model@case <- "LLconcentration_beta_sigma2"
#   if ((length(noise.var) != 0) || ((length(nugget) != 0) && (!nugget.estim))) {
#     model@case <- "Nuggets"
#   }
#   if ((length(nugget) == 0) && (!nugget.estim) && (length(noise.var) == 0)) {
#     model@case <- "NoNugget"
#   } 
#   if ((length(noise.var) == 0) && (nugget.estim)) {
#     model@case <- "1Nugget"
#   } 
#  knownNugget <- (length(nugget)>0) & (!nugget.estim)
  if ((model@method=="LOO") & (model@case!="LLconcentration_beta_sigma2")) {
    stop("leave-One-Out is not available for this model")
  f <- kmEstimate
  if (identical(model@method, "PMLE")) {
    cv <- function(lambda, object, f) {
      object@penalty$value <- lambda
      object@control$trace <- 0
      object <- f(object, envir = envir.logLik)
      criterion <- sum((object@y-leaveOneOut.km(object, type = "UK")$mean)^2)
    lambda.val <- model@penalty$value
    nval <- length(lambda.val)
    u <- rep(0, nval)
    for (i in 1L:nval) {
      u[i] <- cv(lambda.val[i], object = model, f)
    #plot(lambda.val, u)
    lambda <- lambda.val[which.min(u)]
    model@penalty$value <- lambda
    model <- f(model, envir = envir.logLik)
  } else {
    model <- f(model, envir = envir.logLik)

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DiceKriging documentation built on Feb. 24, 2021, 1:07 a.m.