Man pages for DistatisR
DiSTATIS Three Way Metric Multidimensional Scaling

amariSorting25 assessors twice sort and describe 12 amaris (i.e., bitter)
beersBlindSortingNovices and Experts sorted 3 types of beers from 3 different...
BeersFlashProfileAn example of an excel file storing the Flash Profile of 6...
BeersProjectiveMapping7 (fictitious) assessors sort and verbally describe 7 Beers...
BeersProjectiveMapping_xlsxAn example of an excel file with Projective Mapping data and...
BootFactorScoresComputes observation factor scores Bootstrap replicates from...
BootFromCompromise'BootFromCompromise': Computes Bootstrap replicates of the...
Chi2DistComputes the chi2 distance between the rows of a rectangular...
Chi2DistanceFromSort'Chi2DistanceFromSort': Creates a 3-dimensional chi2 distance...
computePartial4GroupsComputes group alphas and group factor scores for K groups of...
createCubeOfCovDiscompute a cube of covariance and a cube of distance between...
DblCenterDistDouble Center a distance matrix
DistAlgoFour computer algorithms evaluate the similarity of six faces...
DistanceFromRank'DistanceFromRank': Creates a 3-dimensional distance array...
DistanceFromSortCreates a 3-dimensional distance array from the results of a...
distatis3-Way MDS based on the "STATIS" optimization procedure.
DistatisR-packageimplements three way metric multidimensional scaling:...
GraphDistatisAllThis function combines the functionality of...
GraphDistatisBoot'GraphDistatisBoot' Plot maps of the factor scores of the...
GraphDistatisCompromisePlot maps of the factor scores of the observations for a...
GraphDistatisPartialPlot maps of the factor scores and partial factor scores of...
GraphDistatisRvPlot maps of the factor scores (from the Rv matrix) of the...
ldiagLeft (i.e., pre) Multiply a matrix by a diagonal matrix
list2CubeOfCovDiscompute a cube of covariance and a cube of distance between...
mmdsMetric (classical) Multidimensional Scaling (a.k.a Principal...
multiculturalSortingSpices62 assessors from 5 countries sort 16 spice samples
OrangeJuiceSortingRawData'OrangeJuiceSortingRawData': an example of an excel file with...
print.beersBlindChange the print function for class 'beersBlind'
print.CmatPrint C matrix results
print.cubeOfCovDisChange the print function for the class 'cubeOfCovDis'
print.cubeSortChange the print function for cubeSort
print.dataAmariChange the print function for the data set: 'dataAmari'
print.dataSortingSpicesChange the print function for the data set:...
print.dataSortingWinesChange the print function for the data set:...
print.distatis.dataChange the print function for objects of class...
print.DistatisRPrint DistatisR results
print.F4vocChange the print function for objects of the class "F4voc"...
print.F_alpha_kPrint F_alpha_k results
print.SplusPrint S+ matrix results
print.str_BeersProjectiveMappingChange the print function for the data set:...
print.voc4distatisChange the print function for voc4distatis
projectVocCompute barycentric projections for count-like description of...
projMap2Cube\ reshape a data matrix from projective mapping into a brick...
rdiagright (i.e., post) Multiply a matrix by a diagonal matrix
read.df.excel'read.df.excel' reads 'distatis' formated ranking or sorting...
rvFunction to compute the RV coefficient between to conformable...
scale1A variation over the base 'R' scale function that avoids the...
SortingBeerTen Assessors sorted eight beers for 'distatis' analysis
SortingSpice21 French assessors sorted 16 blends of Spice for 'distatis'...
sortingWinesNovices and wines experts sort red, rosé, and white wines
supplementalProjection4distatisSupplementary element(s) projection in DISTATIS
vocabulary2CTTransforms a data.frame of products by vocabulary of...
WinesRankingRawData'WinesRankingRawData': an example of an excel file with...
DistatisR documentation built on Dec. 5, 2022, 9:05 a.m.