Nothing <- function(nruns, nfactors, type="optimum", factor.names=NULL, seed=NULL, digits=NULL, nlevels=nruns,
default.levels = c(0,1), randomize = FALSE, ...){
creator <-
if (!type %in% c("genetic","improved","maximin","optimum","random","dmax","faure","strauss","fact"))
stop("invalid type")
## ??? open: error control for specification of required arguments for dmaxDesign and straussDesign
## calls functions geneticLHS ... randomLHS from package lhs
## or dmaxDesign, runif.faure, straussDesign or factDesign from package DiceDesign
## additional parameters: pop, gen and pMut for genetic
## dup for improved and maximin
## maxSweeps and eps for optimum
## none for random and runif.faure
## range and niter_max for dmaxDesign
## RND for straussDesign
## randomize for factDesign
if (!is.null(digits)) if (!(length(digits)==nfactors | length(digits)==1)){
stop("if specified, digits must be a single number or must contain an entry for each factor")
if (!is.numeric(digits)) stop("digits must be numeric")
if (!all(floor(digits)==digits)) stop("digits must be integer")
## nruns can be missing for type "fact", otherwise it must be identical to nlevels or already correctly calculated
if (missing(nruns) & !type=="fact") stop("nruns must be specified for all types except fact")
if (missing(nfactors)) stop("nfactors must be specified")
if (missing(nruns)){
if (!is.numeric(nlevels)) stop("nlevels must be numeric")
if (!length(nlevels) %in% c(1,nfactors)) stop("nlevels must be a number or a vector of length nfactors.")
if (!all(nlevels%%1==0)) stop("All entries of nlevels must be integer numbers.")
if (length(nlevels)==1) nlevels <- rep(nlevels, nfactors)
nruns <- prod(nlevels)
if (!(is.numeric(nruns) & is.numeric(nfactors))) stop("nruns and nfactors must be numeric")
if (!length(nruns)==1) stop("nruns must be a single number")
if (!(nruns%%1==0 & nfactors%%1==0)) stop("nruns and nfactors must be integer")
## treat the case for type "fact", where nlevels is given in nruns
if (type=="fact" & identical(nruns,nlevels)){
nlevels <- rep(nlevels, nfactors)
nruns <- prod(nlevels)
if (is.null(factor.names)){
factor.names <- rep(list(default.levels),nfactors)
names(factor.names) <- paste("X",1:nfactors,sep="")
if (!length(factor.names)==nfactors) stop("factor.names must have one entry for each factor.")
if (is.list(factor.names)){
if (!all(sapply(factor.names,"is.numeric")))
stop("The list factor.names must give the scale ends for the quantitative variables, if given.")
if (!all(sapply(factor.names,"length")==2))
stop("The list factor.names must give the scale ends for the quantitative variables, if given.")
if (is.null(names(factor.names))) names(factor.names) <- paste("X",1:nfactors,sep="")
if (is.character(factor.names)){
hilf <- rep(list(default.levels),nfactors)
names(hilf) <- factor.names
factor.names <- hilf
## make all factor names valid R names
names(factor.names) <- make.names(names(factor.names), unique=TRUE)
if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
## determine lhs design
if (type %in% c("genetic","improved","maximin","optimum","random"))
desnum <- eval(parse(text=paste(type,"LHS(n=nruns,k=nfactors, ...)",sep="")))
## determine DiceDesign design
if (type %in% c("dmax","strauss"))
DD <- eval(parse(text=paste(type,"Design(n=nruns,dimension=nfactors, ...)",sep="")))
if (type =="fact")
DD <- factDesign(levels=nlevels,dimension=nfactors)
if (type =="faure")
DD <- runif.faure(n=nruns,dimension=nfactors)
desnum <- DD$design
## colnames needed as V1, ..., for recoding
colnames(desnum) <- paste("V",1:nfactors,sep="")
rownames(desnum) <- 1:nrow(desnum)
design <-
design <-*design-1, formulas = make.formulas(paste("V",1:nfactors,sep=""),factor.names)))
## colnames back to standard colnames
colnames(desnum) <- names(factor.names)
if (!is.null(digits)) if (length(digits)==1) design <- round(design, digits) else
for (i in 1:nfactors) design[,i] <- round(design[,i],digits=digits[i])
class(design) <- c("design",class(design))
desnum(design) <- desnum
if (type %in% c("genetic","improved","maximin","optimum","random"))
di <- list(type="lhs", subtype=paste(type,"LHS",sep=""),
nruns=nruns, nfactors=nfactors, factor.names=factor.names,
quantitative=rep(TRUE,nfactors), randomize=TRUE, seed=seed, replications=1, repeat.only=FALSE, digits=digits,
else di <- append(list(type="lhs", subtype=paste(type,"DiceDesign",sep="."),
nruns=nruns, nfactors=nfactors, factor.names=factor.names,
quantitative=rep(TRUE,nfactors), randomize=TRUE, seed=seed, replications=1, repeat.only=FALSE, digits=digits,
if (type %in% c("fact","faure")){
if (randomize){
if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
rand.ord <- sample(nrow(design))
design <- design[rand.ord,]
di$randomize <- randomize
if (type=="fact"){
di$nlevels <- di$levels
di$levels <- NULL
## append optimality information
di$optimality.criteria <- list(S=Scalc(desnum),
## omitted meshRatio because of excessive duration
## add coding information for potential use with function rsm from package rsm
di$coding <- lapply(make.formulas(paste("x",1:nfactors,sep=""), factor.names),
names(di$coding) <- paste("x",1:nfactors,sep="") <- di <- <- <- 1:nruns
run.order(design) <- data.frame(,,
lhs.augment <- function(lhs, m=1, type="optAugment", seed=NULL, ...){
## type is one of augment, optSeeded or optAugment
## additional parameters: maxSweeps, eps for optSeeded
## Mult for optAugment
## lhs is a design created before with
## m is the number of additional points
creator <-
if (!type %in% c("augment", "optSeeded", "optAugment"))
stop("invalid type")
if (!"design" %in% class(lhs)) stop("lhs must be of class design")
di <-
if (!di$type=="lhs") stop("lhs must be a design of type lhs")
if (type=="optSeeded" & !is.null(di$response.names))
stop("lhs.augment with type optSeeded does not work for designs with response data")
factor.names <- di$factor.names
digits <- di$digits
nfactors <- di$nfactors
nruns <- di$nruns
oldseed <- di$seed
if (!is.list(oldseed)) oldseed <- list(oldseed)
if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
## apply the appropriate augment function to existing lhs design
## must apply to desnum, because requires coding in unit cube
## must restrict to factors
desnum <- eval(parse(text=paste(type,"LHS(desnum(lhs)[,names(factor.names)],m=m, ...)",sep="")))
## colnames needed as V1, ..., for recoding
colnames(desnum) <- paste("V",1:nfactors,sep="")
rownames(desnum) <- c(rownames(lhs), (nrow(lhs)+1):nrow(desnum))
## append previously added data
design <-*2-1), formulas = make.formulas(paste("V",1:nfactors,sep=""),factor.names))
design <-
## colnames back to standard colnames
colnames(desnum) <- names(factor.names)
if (!is.null(digits)) if (length(digits)==1) design <- round(design, digits) else
for (i in 1:nfactors) design[,i] <- round(design[,i],digits=digits[i])
diffnam <- setdiff(colnames(lhs), names(factor.names))
ladd <- length(diffnam)
if (ladd > 0){
if (type=="optSeeded")
stop("lhs.augment with type optSeeded does not work for designs that have data additional to the experimental variables")
appenddesnum <- rbind(desnum(lhs)[,diffnam,drop=FALSE], matrix(NA,nrow=m, ncol=ladd,
dimnames = list(NULL, diffnam)))
desnum <- cbind(desnum, appenddesnum)
appenddesign <- rbind(undesign(lhs)[,diffnam,drop=FALSE], matrix(NA,nrow=m, ncol=ladd,
dimnames = list(NULL, diffnam)))
design <- cbind(design, appenddesign)
class(design) <- c("design",class(design))
desnum(design) <- desnum
di$creator <- list(di$creator, creator)
di$seed <- append(oldseed, seed)
di$nruns <- di$nruns+m
di$subtype <- c(di$subtype, paste(type,"LHS",m,sep="")) <- di <- <- <- c(run.order(lhs)$, (nruns+1):(nruns+m))
run.order(design) <- data.frame(,,
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