
Defines functions .validity_PropensityObj

# October 26, 2018

.validity_PropensityObj <- function(object) {

  # @propen must be NA, PropensityFit, PropensityFit_fSet, 
  # PropensityFit_SubsetList, or DecisionPointList
  if (!is(object = object@propen, class2 = "PropensityFit") &&
      !is(object = object@propen, class2 = "PropensityFit_fSet") &&
      !is(object = object@propen, class2 = "PropensityFit_SubsetList") &&
      !is(object = object@propen, class2 = "DecisionPointList") &&
      !is.na(x = object@propen)) {
    return( "incorrect object for @propen" )

  # elements of @propen must be PropensityFit, PropensityFit_fSet, 
  # or PropensityFit_SubsetList
  if (is(object = object@propen, class2 = "DecisionPointList")) {
    for (i in 1L:length(x = object@propen)) {
      if (!is(object = object@propen[[ i ]], class2 = "PropensityFit") &&
          !is(object = object@propen[[ i ]], class2 = "PropensityFit_fSet") &&
          !is(object = object@propen[[ i ]], class2 = "PropensityFit_SubsetList")) {
        return( "incorrect object for @propen" )

  return( TRUE )

#' Class \code{PropensityObj}
#' Class \code{PropensityObj} groups Propensity regression results under a 
#'   common name.
#' @name PropensityObj-class
#' @slot Propensity ANY - expected to be \code{PropensityFit},
#'   \code{PropensityFit_fSet}, \code{PropensityFit_SubsetList}, 
#'   or \code{DecisionPointList}.
#' @include F_PropensityFit.R F_PropensityFit_fSet.R
#'   F_PropensityFit_SubsetList.R 
#' @keywords internal
setClass(Class = "PropensityObj",
         slots = c(propen = "ANY"),
         prototype = list(propen = NA),
         validity = .validity_PropensityObj)


#' Create a new \code{PropensityObj} object
#' Calls newPropensityFit and stores result in @propen.
#' @rdname newPropensityObj
#' @param moPropen A modeling object
#' @param txObj A TxObj object
#' @param ...  Any optional additional input.
#' @keywords internal
setGeneric(name = ".newPropensityObj",
           def = function(moPropen, txObj, data, suppress, ...) {

#' Methods Available for Objects of Class \code{PropensityObj}
#' Most value objects returned are a list with one element 'propen'.
#' Methods dispatched and objects returned in the element 'propen'
#'   depend on class of @propen.
#' Exceptions are noted below.
#' @name PropensityObj-methods
#' @keywords internal

#' @rdname newPropensityObj
setMethod(f = ".newPropensityObj",
          signature = c(moPropen = "ANY",
                        txObj = "ANY"),
          definition = function(moPropen,  
                                suppress) {

              if (!suppress ) cat("\nPropensity for treatment regression.\n")

              .checkFSetAndPropensityModels(txObj = txObj, 
                                            moPropen = moPropen,  
                                            data = data)

              return( new(Class = "PropensityObj",
                          propen = .newPropensityFit(moPropen = moPropen,
                                                     txObj = txObj,
                                                     data = data,
                                                     suppress = suppress)) )

#' @rdname newPropensityObj
setMethod(f = ".newPropensityObj",
          signature = c(moPropen = "ModelObj_DecisionPointList",
                        txObj   = "TxInfoList"),
          definition = function(moPropen,
                                suppress) {

              if (!suppress ) cat("\nPropensity for treatment regression.\n")

              nDP <- length(x = moPropen)

              fitObj <- list()

              for (i in 1L:nDP) {

                if (!suppress && nDP > 1L) cat("Decision point", i, "\n")

                .checkFSetAndPropensityModels(txObj = txObj@txInfo[[ i ]], 
                                              moPropen = moPropen[[ i ]],
                                              data = data)

                fitObj[[ i ]] <- .newPropensityFit(moPropen = moPropen[[ i ]],
                                                   txObj = txObj@txInfo[[ i ]],
                                                   data = data,
                                                   suppress = suppress)

              result <- new(Class = "DecisionPointList", fitObj)

              result <- new(Class = "PropensityObj",
                            "propen" = result)

              return( result )

#' @rdname PropensityObj-methods
setMethod(f = "coef",
          signature = c(object = "PropensityObj"),
          definition = function(object, ...) {
              if (is(object = object@propen, class2 = "DecisionPointList")) {
                return( list("propensity" = .cycleList(object = object@propen,
                                                       func = 'coef')) )
              } else {
                return( list("propensity" = coef(object = object@propen)) )

#' @rdname PropensityObj-methods
setMethod(f = "fitObject",
          signature = c(object = "PropensityObj"),
          definition = function(object, ...) {
              if (is(object = object@propen, class2 = "DecisionPointList")) {
                return( list("propensity" = .cycleList(object = object@propen,
                                                       func = 'fitObject', ...)) )
              } else {
                return( list("propensity" = fitObject(object = object@propen)) )

#' Plot regression result
#' \code{plot(x)} concatenates 'Propensity' to the title if suppress = FALSE.
#' @rdname PropensityObj-methods
setMethod(f = "plot",
          signature = c(x = "PropensityObj"),
          definition = function(x, suppress = FALSE, ...) {

              argList <- list(...)
              if (!suppress) {
                argList <- .titleIt(argList, "Propensity")
              argList[[ "x" ]] <- x@propen
              argList[[ "suppress" ]] <- suppress

              do.call(what = plot, args = argList)

#' Make Predictions for All Tx.
#' \code{.predictAll(object, newdata)} does not return the overarching list
#'   structure, but only the contents of list[[ propen ]].
#' @rdname PropensityObj-methods
setMethod(f = ".predictAll",
          signature = c(object = "PropensityObj",
                        newdata = "data.frame"),
          definition = function(object, newdata, ...) {
              if (is(object = object@propen, class2 = "DecisionPointList")) {
                stop("not allowed")
              } else {
                return( .predictAll(object = object@propen, 
                                    newdata = newdata, ...) )

#' Make Predictions
#' \code{predict(object)} does not return the overarching list
#'   structure, but only the contents of list[[ propen ]].
#' @rdname PropensityObj-methods
setMethod(f = "predict",
          signature = c(object = "PropensityObj"),
          definition = function(object, ...) {
              if (is(object = object@propen, class2 = "DecisionPointList")) {
                return( .cycleList(object = object@propen,
                                   func = 'predict', ...) )
              } else {
                return( predict(object = object@propen, ...) )

#' @rdname PropensityObj-methods
setMethod(f = "print",
          signature = c(x = "PropensityObj"),
          definition = function(x, ...) {
              cat("Propensity Regression Analysis\n")
              print(x = x@propen, ...)

#' Retrieve Regression Analysis
#' \code{propen(object)} does not return the overarching list
#'   structure, but only the contents of list[[ propen ]].
#' @rdname PropensityObj-methods
setMethod(f = "propen",
          signature = c(object = "PropensityObj"),
          definition = function(object, ...) {
              if (is(object = object@propen, class2 = "DecisionPointList")) {
                return( .cycleList(object = object@propen, func = 'propen', ...) )
              } else {
                return( propen(object = object@propen) )
            } )

#' @rdname PropensityObj-methods
setMethod(f = "show",
          signature = c(object = "PropensityObj"),
          definition = function(object) {
              cat("Propensity Regression Analysis\n")
              show(object = object@propen)

#' @rdname PropensityObj-methods
setMethod(f = "summary",
          signature = c(object = "PropensityObj"),
          definition = function(object, ...) {
              if (is(object = object@propen, class2 = "DecisionPointList")) {
                return( list("propensity" = .cycleList(object = object@propen,
                                                       func = 'summary')) )
              } else {
                return( list("propensity" = summary(object = object@propen, ...)) )

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