#' Main function used in the paper (Du and Hu, 2020)
#' Give a sequence of chi-squared statistic values, the function computes the posterior mean, variance, and skewness
#' of the noncentrality parameter given the data.
#' @param x a sequence of chi-squared test statistics
#' @param df the degrees of freedom
#' @param qq the quantiles used in spline basis
#' @param method LS: parametric least-squares; PLS: penalized least-squares; g-model: g-modeling
#' @param mixture default is FALSE: there is no point mass at zero.
#' @return a list: posterior mean, variance, and skewness estimates
#' @references Du and Hu (2020), \emph{An Empirical Bayes Method for Chi-Squared Data}, \emph{Journal of American Statistical Association}, forthcoming.
#' @examples
#' p = 1000
#' k = 7
#' # the prior distribution for lambda
#' alpha = 2
#' beta = 10
#' # lambda
#' lambda = rep(0, p)
#' pi_0 = 0.8
#' p_0 = floor(p*pi_0)
#' p_1 = p-p_0
#' lambda[(p_0+1):p] = rgamma(p_1, shape = alpha, rate=1/beta)
#' # Generate a Poisson RV
#' J = sapply(1:p, function(x){rpois(1, lambda[x]/2)})
#' X = sapply(1:p, function(x){rchisq(1, k+2*J[x])})
#' qq_set = seq(0.01, 0.99, 0.01)
#' out = EB_CS(X, k, qq=qq_set, method='LS', mixture = TRUE)
#' E = out$E_lambda
#' V = out$V_lambda
#' S = out$S_lambda
#' @export
EB_CS <- function(x,
qq=c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8),
method=c('LS', 'PLS', 'g_model'),
# Predictive recursion by Newton (2002)
# used to learn the prior distribution by discretization
predictive_recursion <- function(x, k){
p = length(x)
gamma = (1+1:p)^(-0.67)
# null and non-null proportions
pi_0 = sum(x<2*k)/(p*stats::pchisq(2*k, df=k))
# the grid for theta: integration
grid_size = 0.2
theta = seq(0, max(x), grid_size)
# the prior function under alternative
pi_1_theta = (1-pi_0)*stats::dgamma(theta, shape = 3, rate = 1/5)
# repeat the experiment 10 times
pi_0_final = c()
pi_theta_final = list()
n_sim = 10
for(sim in 1:n_sim){
# re-sample the data
z = sample(x, length(x))
for(i in 1:p){
m_0 = pi_0*stats::dchisq(z[i], df=k)
f_1_theta = pi_1_theta*stats::dchisq(z[i], df=k, ncp = theta)
m_1 = pracma::trapz(theta, f_1_theta)
# update pi_0 and pi_1_theta
pi_0 = (1-gamma[i])*pi_0+gamma[i]*m_0/(m_0+m_1)
pi_1_theta = (1-gamma[i])*pi_1_theta+gamma[i]*f_1_theta/(m_0+m_1)
# output
pi_1 = 1-pi_0
pi_theta = pi_1_theta/pi_1*grid_size
pi_0_final =c(pi_0_final, pi_0)
pi_theta_final[[sim]] = pi_theta
pi_0_final = mean(pi_0_final)
pi_theta_final = Reduce('+', pi_theta_final)
pi_theta_final = pi_theta_final/n_sim
out = list(pi_0=pi_0_final, g_prior = pi_theta_final, lambda_set = theta)
# the g-modeling method in Efron (2016)
density_g_model <- function(x, k, pi_0, lambda_set, g_prior){
# dir: the order of derivative: chi-squared distribution
chi2pdf_dir <- function(x, k, di){
# Function: chi-squared density
chi2pdf_du = function(x, k){
if(k<=0 & k%%2 == 0){
out = 0
out = x^(k/2-1)*exp(-x/2)/(2^(k/2)*gamma(k/2))
# order
g_0 = chi2pdf_du(x, k)
}else if(di==1){
g_0 = 1/2*chi2pdf_du(x, k-2)-1/2*chi2pdf_du(x, k)
}else if(di==2){
g_0 = 1/4*chi2pdf_du(x, k-4)-2/4*chi2pdf_du(x, k-2)+1/4*chi2pdf_du(x, k)
}else if(di==3){
g_0 = 1/8*chi2pdf_du(x, k-6)-3/8*chi2pdf_du(x, k-4)+
3/8*chi2pdf_du(x, k-2)-1/8*chi2pdf_du(x, k)
}else if(di == 4){
g_0 = 1/16*chi2pdf_du(x, k-8)-4/16*chi2pdf_du(x, k-6)+6/16*chi2pdf_du(x, k-4)-
4/16*chi2pdf_du(x, k-2)+1/16*chi2pdf_du(x, k)
g_0 = as.vector(g_0)
# the derivative of the non-central chi-squared density
n_chi2pdf_dir <- function(x, k, lambda, di){
N = 100
out = sapply(0:N, function(j){
chi2pdf_dir(x, k+2*j, di)*exp(-lambda/2)*(lambda/2)^j/factorial(j) })
if (length(x)==1){
out = unlist(out)
ss = sum(out)
ss = apply(out, 1, sum)
ss = as.vector(ss)
# density estimate
DD = sapply(1:length(g_prior), function(i){n_chi2pdf_dir(x, k, lambda_set[i], 0)})
g_k = pi_0*chi2pdf_dir(x, k, 0)+(1-pi_0)*DD%*%g_prior
# first derivative
DD_1 = sapply(1:length(g_prior), function(i){n_chi2pdf_dir(x, k, lambda_set[i], 1)})
g_1 = pi_0*chi2pdf_dir(x, k, 1)+(1-pi_0)*DD_1%*%g_prior
g_1 = g_1/g_k
# second derivative
DD_2 = sapply(1:length(g_prior), function(i){n_chi2pdf_dir(x, k, lambda_set[i], 2)})
g_2 = pi_0*chi2pdf_dir(x, k, 2)+(1-pi_0)*DD_2%*%g_prior
g_2 = g_2/g_k
# third derivative
DD_3 = sapply(1:length(g_prior), function(i){n_chi2pdf_dir(x, k, lambda_set[i], 3)})
g_3 = pi_0*chi2pdf_dir(x, k, 3)+(1-pi_0)*DD_3%*%g_prior
g_3 = g_3/g_k
# 4th derivative
DD_4 = sapply(1:length(g_prior), function(i){n_chi2pdf_dir(x, k, lambda_set[i], 4)})
g_4 = pi_0*chi2pdf_dir(x, k, 4)+(1-pi_0)*DD_4%*%g_prior
g_4 = g_4/g_k
# from g_k to l_k
l_1 = g_1
l_2 = g_2-l_1^2
l_3 = g_3-(l_2+l_1^2)*l_1-2*l_1*l_2
l_4 = g_4-g_3*g_1-3*l_1^2*l_2-3*l_2^2-3*l_1*l_3
den = list()
den$g_k = g_k
den$l_1 = l_1
den$l_2 = l_2
den$l_3 = l_3
den$l_4 = l_4
# Tweedie's formula for posterior mean
MF <- function(x, l_1, l_2){
g_k_2_g_est = 1+2*l_1
g_k_4_g_est = 4*l_2+(1+2*l_1)^2
E_J_x_est = x/2*g_k_4_g_est/g_k_2_g_est-(k-4)/2
E_lambda_est = 2*E_J_x_est*(1+2*l_1)
return( E_lambda_est )
# Posterior variance
VF <- function(x, l_1, l_2, l_3, l_4){
g_k_2_g_est = 1+2*l_1
g_k_4_g_est = 4*l_2+(1+2*l_1)^2
g_k_6_g_est = 8*l_3+12*l_2*(1+2*l_1)+(1+2*l_1)^3
g_k_8_g_est = 16*l_4+32*l_3*(1+2*l_1)+24*l_2*(1+2*l_1)^2+48*l_2^2+(1+2*l_1)^4
E_J_x_est = x/2*g_k_4_g_est/g_k_2_g_est-(k-4)/2
E_J2_x_est = x^2/4*g_k_8_g_est/g_k_4_g_est-(k-6)/2*x*g_k_6_g_est/g_k_4_g_est+(k-6)*(k-4)/4
V_lambda_est = 16*E_J2_x_est*l_2+(4*E_J2_x_est-4*E_J_x_est^2)*(1+2*l_1)^2
V_lambda_est = pmax(V_lambda_est, 0)
# J_hat
J_est <- function(x, l_1, k){
g_k_2_g_est = 1+2*l_1
J_hat = x/2*g_k_2_g_est-(k-2)/2
# parametric approach: LS
k = df
p_out = density_LS(x)
l_1p = p_out$l_1
l_2p = p_out$l_2
l_3p = p_out$l_3
l_4p = p_out$l_4
# default method
method = match.arg(method)
E_lambda_est = MF(x, l_1p, l_2p)
V_lambda_est = VF(x, l_1p, l_2p, l_3p, l_4p)
J_hat = J_est(x, l_1p, k)
J_hat = pmax(J_hat, 0)
S_lambda_est <- 2/sqrt(J_hat+0.5)
}else if(method=='PLS'){
# Estimate the density derivatives
D_est = density_PLS(x, qq)
l_1 = D_est$l_1
l_2 = D_est$l_2
E_lambda_est = MF(x, l_1, l_2)
V_lambda_est = VF(x, l_1, l_2, l_3p, l_4p)
J_hat = J_est(x, l_1, k)
J_hat = pmax(J_hat, 0)
S_lambda_est <- 2/sqrt(J_hat+0.5)
}else if(method=='g_model'){
out_pr = predictive_recursion(x, k)
pi_0 = out_pr$pi_0
g_prior = out_pr$g_prior
lambda_set = out_pr$lambda_set
den = density_g_model(x, k, pi_0, lambda_set, g_prior)
g_k = den$g_k
l_1 = den$l_1
l_2 = den$l_2
l_3 = den$l_3
l_4 = den$l_4
E_lambda_est = MF(x, l_1, l_2)
V_lambda_est = VF(x, l_1, l_2, l_3, l_4)
J_hat = J_est(x, l_1)
J_hat = pmax(J_hat, 0)
S_lambda_est <- 2/sqrt(J_hat+0.5)
}else{ stop('Incorrect method') }
# prior and pi_0
pi_0 = pi_0
g_k = g_k
# other methods also requires g_k
out_pr = predictive_recursion(x, k)
pi_0 = out_pr$pi_0
g_prior = out_pr$g_prior
lambda_set = out_pr$lambda_set
DD = sapply(1:length(g_prior), function(i){stats::dchisq(x, df=k, ncp=lambda_set[i])})
g_k = pi_0*stats::dchisq(x, df=k)+(1-pi_0)*DD%*%g_prior
# the estimated lfdr
lfdr = pi_0*stats::dchisq(x, k)/g_k
# posterior mean and variance under the alternative
E_lambda_a_est = E_lambda_est/(1-lfdr)
V_lambda_a_est = V_lambda_est/(1-lfdr)-lfdr*E_lambda_a_est^2
V_lambda_a_est = pmax(V_lambda_a_est, 0)
E_lambda_est = E_lambda_a_est
V_lambda_est = V_lambda_a_est
J_hat = J_hat*(1-lfdr)
J_hat = pmax(J_hat, 0)
S_lambda_est <- 2/sqrt(J_hat+0.5)
# output
out = list(E_lambda = E_lambda_est, V_lambda = V_lambda_est, S_lambda = S_lambda_est)
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