
#' @include forecastData.R

#' Function for comparing multiple models based on predictive performance
#' This function produces statistics to compare the predictive performance of the different models component models, as well as for the EBMA model itself, for either the calibration or the test period. It currently calculates the area under the ROC (\code{auc}), the \code{brier} score, the percent of observations predicted correctly (\code{percCorrect}), as well as the proportional reduction in error compared to some baseline model (\code{pre}) for binary models. For models with normally distributed outcomes the \code{CompareModels} function can be used to calculate the root mean squared error (\code{rmse}) as well as the mean absolute error (\code{mae}).
#' @param .forecastData An object of class 'ForecastData'. 
#' @param .period Can take value of "calibration" or "test" and indicates the period for which the test statistics should be calculated.
#' @param .fitStatistics A vector naming statistics that should be calculated.  Possible values include "auc", "brier", "percCorrect", "pre" for logit models and "mae","rsme" for normal models.
#' @param .threshold The threshold used to calculate when a "positive" prediction is made by the model for binary dependent variables.
#' @param .baseModel Vector containing predictions used to calculate proportional reduction of error ("pre").
#' @param ... Not implemented
#' @return A data object of the class 'CompareModels' with the following slots:
#' \item{fitStatistics}{The output of the fit statistics for each model.}
#' \item{period}{The period, "calibration" or "test", for which the statistics were calculated.}
#' \item{threshold}{The threshold used to calculate when a "positive" prediction is made by the model.}
#' \item{baseModel}{Vector containing predictions used to calculate proportional reduction of error ("pre").}
#' @author  Michael D. Ward <\email{michael.d.ward@@duke.edu}> and Jacob M. Montgomery <\email{jacob.montgomery@@wustl.edu}> and Florian M. Hollenbach <\email{florian.hollenbach@@tamu.edu}>
#' @references Montgomery, Jacob M., Florian M. Hollenbach and Michael D. Ward. (2012). Improving Predictions Using Ensemble Bayesian Model Averaging. \emph{Political Analysis}. \bold{20}: 271-291.
#' @import abind methods stats graphics
#' @examples \dontrun{data(calibrationSample)
#' data(testSample) 
#' this.ForecastData <- makeForecastData(.predCalibration=calibrationSample[,c("LMER", "SAE", "GLM")],
#' .outcomeCalibration=calibrationSample[,"Insurgency"],.predTest=testSample[,c("LMER", "SAE", "GLM")],
#' .outcomeTest=testSample[,"Insurgency"], .modelNames=c("LMER", "SAE", "GLM"))
#' this.ensemble <- calibrateEnsemble(this.ForecastData, model="logit", tol=0.001, exp=3)
#' compareModels(this.ensemble,"calibration")
#' compareModels(this.ensemble,"test") 
#' @importFrom plyr aaply
#' @importFrom Hmisc somers2
#' @seealso ensembleBMA, other functions
#' @rdname compareModels
#' @export
         representation = representation(
           fitStatistics=matrix(NA, nrow=0, ncol=0),
           if(object@period!="test" & object@period!="calibration"){
             stop("Period must either be for 'calibration' or 'test'")

#' @rdname compareModels
#' @export
             .fitStatistics=c("brier", "auc", "perCorrect", "pre"),
             , ...)

#' @rdname compareModels
#' @export
          definition=function(.forecastData, .period, .fitStatistics, .threshold, .baseModel)
            if(.period == "calibration")
                preds <- plyr::aaply(.forecastData@predCalibration,c(1:2),mean)
                y <- .forecastData@outcomeCalibration
                preds <-  plyr::aaply(.forecastData@predTest,c(1:2),mean)
                y <- .forecastData@outcomeTest

            num.models <- ncol(preds)
            num.obs <- nrow(preds)
            if(class(.forecastData)[1]=="FDatFitLogit" & "rmse" %in% .fitStatistics){
            	warning("RMSE statistics should not be calculated for models with binary outcomes. Use options brier, auc, pre, or perCorrect.")	

			 if(class(.forecastData)[1]=="FDatFitLogit" & "mae" %in% .fitStatistics){
            	warning("MAE statistics should not be calculated for models with binary outcomes.Use options brier, auc, pre, or perCorrect.")	
             if(class(.forecastData)[1]=="FDatFitNormal" & "brier" %in% .fitStatistics){
            	warning("Brier scores should not be calculated for models with continuous dependent variables. Use options mae, or rmse.")	
             if(class(.forecastData)[1]=="FDatFitNormal" & "auc" %in% .fitStatistics){
            	warning("AUC scores should not be calculated for models with continuous dependent variables. Use options mae, or rmse.")	
             if(class(.forecastData)[1]=="FDatFitNormal" & "pre" %in% .fitStatistics){
            	warning("PRE statistics should not be calculated for models with continuous dependent variables.  Use options mae, or rmse.")	
             if(class(.forecastData)[1]=="FDatFitNormal" & "perCorrect" %in% .fitStatistics){
            	warning("Percent Correct should not be calculated for models with continuous dependent variables.  Use options mae, or rmse.")	

              out <- new("CompareModels",
              warning ("Fit statistics cannot be calculated for one observation.")
              outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(preds), ncol=length(.fitStatistics))
            } else {
            if(length(.baseModel)==1){baseModel <- rep(.baseModel, num.obs)}

            out <- new("CompareModels",                       
            outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow=num.models, ncol=length(.fitStatistics))
            colnames(outMat) <- .fitStatistics

            if("brier" %in%.fitStatistics & class(.forecastData)[1]=="FDatFitLogit"){
              my.fun <- function(x){mean((x-y)^2, na.rm=TRUE)}
              outMat[,"brier"] <-plyr::aaply(preds, 2,.fun=my.fun, .expand=TRUE)
            if("auc" %in% .fitStatistics & class(.forecastData)[1]=="FDatFitLogit"){
              my.fun <- function(x){Hmisc::somers2(x, y)[1]}
              outMat[,"auc"] <- plyr::aaply(preds, 2,.fun=my.fun, .expand=TRUE)}
            if("perCorrect" %in% .fitStatistics){
              my.fun <- function(x){mean((x>.threshold)*y + (x<.threshold)*(1-y), na.rm=TRUE)}
              outMat[,"perCorrect"] <- plyr::aaply(preds, 2,.fun=my.fun, .expand=TRUE)
            if("pre" %in% .fitStatistics & class(.forecastData)[1]=="FDatFitLogit") {
              my.fun <- function(x){
                .miss <- is.na(x)
                .nObsThis <- sum(!.miss)
                .baseModelThis <- baseModel[!.miss]
                .xThis <- x[!.miss]
                .yThis <- y[!.miss]
                num.wrong <- .nObsThis-sum((.xThis>.threshold)*.yThis + (.xThis<.threshold)*(1-.yThis))
                baseline.wrong <- .nObsThis-sum(.baseModelThis==.yThis)
                (baseline.wrong - num.wrong)/baseline.wrong
              outMat[,"pre"] <- plyr::aaply(preds, 2,.fun=my.fun, .expand=TRUE)
            if("rmse" %in% .fitStatistics & class(.forecastData)[1]=="FDatFitNormal"){
              my.fun <- function(x) {sqrt(mean((x-y)^2, na.rm=TRUE))}
              outMat[,"rmse"] <- plyr::aaply(preds, 2, .fun=my.fun, .expand=TRUE)

            if("mae" %in% .fitStatistics & class(.forecastData)[1]=="FDatFitNormal"){
              my.fun <- function(x) {mean(abs(x-y), na.rm=TRUE)}
              outMat[,"mae"] <- plyr::aaply(preds, 2, .fun=my.fun, .expand=TRUE)

            ### NOTE: Make sure all of the above options work with missing values.  Also, if only work for one kind of data, throw an error
            rownames(outMat) <- colnames(preds)            
        out@fitStatistics <- outMat


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EBMAforecast documentation built on Nov. 10, 2023, 5:06 p.m.