
Defines functions make_structure_move

Documented in make_structure_move

#' Makes a structure move.
#' This function makes a network structure move.
#' @param x Response data.
#' @param y Target data.
#' @param S Network structure for the current target node, a NumSegs by
#' NumNodes matrix.
#' @param B Same as \code{S}, but including the regression parameters.
#' @param Sig2 Sigma squared parameters.
#' @param q Number of nodes.
#' @param qmax Maximum number of parents.
#' @param network.info Network information, as collected by
#' \code{\link{CollectNetworkInfo}}.
#' @param method Information sharing method: Either \code{'poisson'},
#' \code{'exp_hard'},
#' \code{'exp_soft'}, \code{'bino_hard'}, \code{'bino_soft'}.
#' @param Mphase Segment boundary positions.
#' @param E Changepoint vector.
#' @param fixed.edges Matrix of size NumNodes by NumNodes, with 
#' \code{fixed.edges[i,j]==1|0} if the edge between nodes i and j is fixed, and 
#' -1 otherwise. Defaults to \code{NULL} (no edges fixed).
#' @param HYPERvar Hyperparameter variables.
#' @return Returns a list containing the following elements:
#' \item{newS}{Updated network structure.} \item{newB}{Updated network
#' structure with regression parameters.} \item{move}{Type of move being made:
#' 1 for network structure moves.} \item{accept}{\code{1} if the move has been
#' accepted, \code{0} otherwise.}
#' @author Frank Dondelinger
#' @references For more information about the MCMC moves, see:
#' Dondelinger et al. (2012), "Non-homogeneous dynamic Bayesian networks with
#' Bayesian regularization for inferring gene regulatory networks with
#' gradually time-varying structure", Machine Learning.
#' @export make_structure_move
make_structure_move <-
function(x, y, S, B, Sig2, q,  
                                qmax, network.info, method, Mphase, E, 
         fixed.edges, HYPERvar) {
  # Makes a network structure move for one edge in one of the segments.
  # Args:
  #   u: Random value between 0 and 1
  #   x: Prediction data
  #   y: Target data
  #   S: Structure of the current segment
  #   Sig2: Variance for the current segment
  #   delta2: Current value of delta2 parameter.
  #   q: Number of nodes
  #   v0: Hyperparameter
  #   gamma0: Hyperparameter
  #   qmax: Maximum number of parents.
  #   lambda: Parameter for the poisson distribution on the number of parents
  #   network.info: The network structures and associated information.
  #             network.info$nets       - Structure of all segments 
  #             network.info$betas      - Beta parameters for all segments
  #             network.info$segment    - Segment being changed
  #             network.info$target     - Target node whose edge is being changed
  #             network.info$parent     - Parent being changed
  #             network.info$self.loops - Indicator variable whether self-loops
  #                                       are allowed
  #   method: The information sharing method used. Currently supports "poisson"
  #           (no information sharing) and "exp_soft" (sequential exponential 
  #           information sharing with soft coupling of nodes)
  # Returns:
  #   Structure describing the result of the new move.

  ### Assignment of hyperparameters variables used here ###
  c = HYPERvar$c
  alphalbd = HYPERvar$alphalbd
  betalbd = HYPERvar$betalbd
  alphad2 = HYPERvar$alphad2
  betad2 = HYPERvar$betad2
  v0 = HYPERvar$v0
  gamma0 = HYPERvar$gamma0
  ### End assignment ###

  # Boolean indicating whether the move is accepted or not 
  # (=1 if accepted, 0 otherwise, default=0)
  accept = 0

  ## New edges vector, to be returned at the end of the function
  newS = S

  posPhase = sample(1:(length(E) - 1), 1)
  edge = sample(1:q, 1)
  # Current segment and edge
  network.info$segment = posPhase
  network.info$parent  = edge

  S.proposal = matrix(0, dim(B)[1], dim(B)[2])
  delta2 = array(0, length(E) - 1)
  lambda = array(0, length(E) - 1)
  likelihood.ratio = 1
  move = 4

  for(segment in 1:(length(E)-1)) {
    B.temp = B[segment,]
    S.temp = (abs(B.temp) > 0) * 1  
    seg.start = E[segment]
    seg.end   = E[segment + 1] 

    y.temp = y[ Mphase[seg.start]:(Mphase[seg.end]-1) ] 
    x.temp = x[ Mphase[seg.start]:(Mphase[seg.end]-1), ]
    Sig2.temp = Sig2[segment]

    k = sum(S.temp)-1

    ## Updating hyperparameters
    delta2[segment] = rinvgamma(1, shape=k + alphad2, 
                                scale=betad2 + B.temp[which(S.temp==1)] %*% 
             t(x.temp[,which(S.temp==1)]) %*% x.temp[,which(S.temp==1)] %*% 
             B.temp[which(S.temp==1)] / (2*Sig2.temp) )
    if(method == 'poisson') {
      lambda[segment] = rgamma(1, shape=k + alphalbd, rate=1 + betalbd)
    ## Compute the projection matrix with the current edge ("Pxl")
    Pxl = computePx(length(y.temp), x.temp[,which(S.temp == 1)], 

    S.proposal.seg = S.temp
    # Half the time, swap the edge state
    if(runif(1, 0, 1) > 0.5) {
      S.proposal.seg[edge] = !S.temp[edge]*1
      if(S.proposal.seg[edge] == 0) {
        dir = -1
      } else {
        dir = 1
    } else {
      dir = 0
    S.proposal[segment,] = S.proposal.seg
    ## Compute the projection matrix with a modified edge ("Pxl modified")
    Pxlm = computePx(length(y.temp), x.temp[,which(S.proposal.seg == 1)], 
    likelihood.temp = CalculateLikelihoodRatio(gamma0, y.temp, Pxlm, Pxl, v0, 
                                                 delta2[segment], dir)

    # Ratio of (segment) data likelihoods
    likelihood.ratio = likelihood.ratio * likelihood.temp
  lambda = lambda[network.info$global.mapping[network.info$target,]]
  network.info = addProposalNetworkInfo(network.info, S.proposal[,1:q,drop=FALSE], E)
  # Ratio of proposal probabilities (1 because the move is symmetric)
  proposal.ratio = 1
  if(length(lambda) != length(network.info$nets)) browser()
  # Ratio of network structure priors
  prior.ratio = CalculatePriorRatio(method, q, lambda, network.info);
  ## Compute birth ratio
  r.indiv = proposal.ratio * prior.ratio * likelihood.ratio
  ## Sample u 
  u = runif(1,0,1)

  if(u <= min(1,r.indiv) && AcceptableMove(S.proposal, qmax, 
                              network.info$self.loops, network.info$target,
                              fixed.edges)) {
    accept = 1
    newS = S.proposal

  ## Updating coefficients 
  newB = matrix(0, dim(B)[1], dim(B)[2])
  for(segment in 1:(length(E) - 1)) {
     y.temp = y[ Mphase[seg.start]:(Mphase[seg.end]-1) ] 
     x.temp = x[ Mphase[seg.start]:(Mphase[seg.end]-1), ]
    if(sum(newS) > 0){
      newB[segment, which(newS[segment,] == 1)] = 
        sampleBxy(x.temp[, which(newS[segment,]==1)], y.temp, Sig2[segment], 
  ##  Return all variables
  return(list( newS=newS, newB=newB, move=move, accept=accept))

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