Defines functions EFA

Documented in EFA

#' Exploratory factor analysis (EFA)
#' This function does an EFA with either \code{PAF}, \code{ML},
#' or \code{ULS} with or without subsequent rotation.
#' All arguments with default value \code{NA} can be left to default if \code{type}
#' is set to one of "EFAtools", "SPSS", or "psych". The respective specifications are
#' then handled according to the specified type (see details). For all rotations
#' except varimax and promax, the \code{GPArotation} package is needed.
#' @param x data.frame or matrix. Dataframe or matrix of raw data or matrix with
#' correlations. If raw data is entered, the correlation matrix is found from the
#' data.
#' @param n_factors numeric. Number of factors to extract.
#' @param N numeric. The number of observations. Needs only be specified if a
#' correlation matrix is used. If input is a correlation matrix and \code{N} = NA
#' (default), not all fit indices can be computed.
#' @param method character. One of "PAF", "ML", or "ULS" to use principal axis
#' factoring, maximum likelihood, or unweighted least squares (also called minres),
#' respectively, to fit the EFA.
#' @param rotation character. Either perform no rotation ("none"; default),
#' an orthogonal rotation ("varimax", "equamax", "quartimax", "geominT",
#' "bentlerT", or "bifactorT"), or an oblique rotation ("promax", "oblimin",
#' "quartimin", "simplimax", "bentlerQ", "geominQ", or "bifactorQ").
#' @param type character. If one of "EFAtools" (default), "psych", or "SPSS" is
#'  used, and the following arguments with default NA are left with
#'  NA, these implementations are executed according to the respective program
#'  ("psych" and "SPSS") or according to the best solution found in Grieder &
#'  Steiner (2020; "EFAtools"). Individual properties can be adapted using one of
#'  the three types and specifying some of the following arguments. If set to
#'  "none" additional arguments must be specified depending on the \code{method}
#'  and \code{rotation} used (see details).
#' @param max_iter numeric. The maximum number of iterations to perform after which
#' the iterative PAF procedure is halted with a warning. If \code{type} is one of
#' "EFAtools", "SPSS", or "psych", this is automatically specified if \code{max_iter} is
#' left to be \code{NA}, but can be overridden by entering a number. Default is
#' \code{NA}.
#' @param init_comm character. The method to estimate the initial communalities
#' in \code{PAF}. "smc" will use squared multiple correlations, "mac" will use
#' maximum absolute correlations, "unity" will use 1s (see details).
#' Default is \code{NA}.
#' @param criterion numeric. The convergence criterion used for PAF.
#' If the change in communalities from one iteration to the next is smaller than
#' this criterion the solution is accepted and the procedure ends.
#' Default is \code{NA}.
#' @param criterion_type character. Type of convergence criterion used for
#' PAF. "max_individual" selects the maximum change in any of the
#' communalities from one iteration to the next and tests it against the
#' specified criterion. This is also used by SPSS. "sum" takes the difference of
#' the sum of all communalities in one iteration and the sum of all communalities
#' in the next iteration and tests this against the criterion. This procedure is
#' used by the \code{\link[psych:fa]{psych::fa}} function. Default is \code{NA}.
#' @param abs_eigen logical. Which algorithm to use in the PAF
#' iterations. If FALSE, the loadings are computed from the eigenvalues. This is
#' also used by the \code{\link[psych:fa]{psych::fa}} function. If TRUE the
#' loadings are computed with the absolute eigenvalues as done by SPSS.
#' Default is \code{NA}.
#' @param use character. Passed to \code{\link[stats:cor]{stats::cor}} if raw data
#' is given as input. Default is "pairwise.complete.obs".
#' @param cor_method character. Passed to \code{\link[stats:cor]{stats::cor}}.
#' Default is "pearson".
#' @param k numeric. Either the power used for computing the target matrix P in
#' the promax rotation or the number of 'close to zero loadings' for the simplimax
#' rotation (see \code{\link[GPArotation:GPA]{GPArotation::GPFoblq}}). If left to
#' \code{NA} (default), the value for promax depends on the specified type.
#' For simplimax, \code{nrow(L)}, where L is the matrix of unrotated loadings,
#' is used by default.
#' @param normalize logical. If \code{TRUE}, a kaiser normalization is
#' performed before the specified rotation. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param P_type character. This specifies how the target
#' matrix P is computed in promax rotation. If "unnorm" it will use the
#' unnormalized target matrix as originally done in Hendrickson and White (1964).
#' This is also used in the psych and stats packages. If "norm" it will use the
#' normalized target matrix as used in SPSS. Default is \code{NA}.
#' @param precision numeric. The tolerance for stopping in the rotation
#' procedure. Default is 10^-5 for all rotation methods.
#' @param varimax_type character. The type of the varimax rotation performed.
#' If "svd", singular value decomposition is used, as \link[stats:varimax]{stats::varimax} does. If "kaiser", the varimax procedure performed in SPSS is used.
#' This is the original procedure from Kaiser (1958), but with slight alterations
#' in the varimax criterion (see details, and Grieder & Steiner, 2020). Default is \code{NA}.
#' @param order_type character. How to order the factors. "eigen" will reorder
#' the factors according to the largest to lowest eigenvalues of the matrix of
#' rotated loadings. "ss_factors" will reorder the factors according to descending
#' sum of squared factor loadings per factor. Default is \code{NA}.
#' @param start_method character. How to specify the starting values for the
#' optimization procedure for ML. Default is "psych" which takes the
#' starting values specified in \link[psych:fa]{psych::fa}. "factanal" takes the
#' starting values specified in the \link[stats:factanal]{stats::factanal} function.
#' Solutions are very similar.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to rotation functions from the \code{GPArotation} package (e.g., \code{maxit} for maximum number of iterations).
#' @details There are two main ways to use this function. The easiest way is to
#' use it with a specified \code{type} (see above), which sets most of the other
#' arguments accordingly. Another way is to use it more flexibly by explicitly
#' specifying all arguments used and set \code{type} to "none" (see examples).
#' A mix of the two can also be done by specifying a \code{type} as well as
#' additional arguments. However, this will throw warnings to avoid unintentional
#' deviations from the implementations according to the specified \code{type}.
#' The \code{type} argument is evaluated for PAF and for all rotations (mainly
#' important for the varimax and promax rotations). The type-specific settings
#' for these functions are detailed below.
#' For PAF, the values of \code{init_comm}, \code{criterion}, \code{criterion_type},
#' and \code{abs_eigen} depend on the \code{type} argument.
#' \code{type = "EFAtools"} will use the following argument specification:
#' \code{init_comm = "smc", criterion = .001, criterion_type = "sum",
#' abs_eigen = TRUE}.
#' \code{type = "psych"} will use the following argument specification:
#' \code{init_comm = "smc", criterion = .001, criterion_type = "sum",
#' abs_eigen = FALSE}.
#' \code{type = "SPSS"} will use the following argument specification:
#' \code{init_comm = "smc", criterion = .001, criterion_type = "max_individual",
#' abs_eigen = TRUE}.
#' If SMCs fail, SPSS takes "mac". However, as SPSS takes absolute eigenvalues,
#' this is hardly ever the case. Psych, on the other hand, takes "unity" if SMCs
#' fail, but uses the Moore-Penrose Psudo Inverse of a matrix, thus, taking "unity"
#' is only necessary if negative eigenvalues occur afterwards in the iterative
#' PAF procedure. The EFAtools type setting combination was the best in terms of accuracy
#' and number of Heywood cases compared to all the
#' other setting combinations tested in simulation studies in Grieder & Steiner
#' (2020), which is why this type is used as a default here.
#' For varimax, the values of \code{varimax_type} and \code{order_type} depend on
#' the \code{type} argument.
#' \code{type = "EFAtools"} will use the following argument specification:
#' \code{varimax_type = "kaiser", order_type = "eigen"}.
#' \code{type = "psych"} will use the following argument specification:
#' \code{varimax_type = "svd", order_type = "eigen"}.
#' \code{type = "SPSS"} will use the following argument specification:
#' \code{varimax_type = "kaiser", order_type = "ss_factors"}.
#' For promax, the values of \code{P_type},
#' \code{order_type}, and \code{k} depend on the \code{type} argument.
#' \code{type = "EFAtools"} will use the following argument specification:
#' \code{P_type = "norm", order_type = "eigen", k = 4}.
#' \code{type = "psych"} will use the following argument specification:
#' \code{P_type = "unnorm", order_type = "eigen", k = 4}.
#' \code{type = "SPSS"} will use the following argument specification:
#' \code{P_type = "norm", order_type = "ss_factors", k = 4}.
#' The \code{P_type} argument can take two values, "unnorm" and "norm". It controls
#' which formula is used to compute the target matrix P in the promax rotation.
#' "unnorm" uses the formula from Hendrickson and White (1964), specifically:
#' \code{P = abs(A^(k + 1)) / A},
#' where A is the unnormalized matrix containing varimax rotated loadings.
#' "SPSS" uses the normalized varimax rotated loadings. Specifically it used the
#' following formula, which can be found in the SPSS 23 and SPSS 27 Algorithms manuals:
#' \code{P = abs(A / sqrt(rowSums(A^2))) ^(k + 1) * (sqrt(rowSums(A^2)) / A)}.
#' As for PAF, the EFAtools type setting combination for promax was the best
#' compared to the other setting combinations tested in simulation studies in
#' Grieder & Steiner (2020).
#' The \code{varimax_type} argument can take two values, "svd", and "kaiser". "svd" uses
#' singular value decomposition, by calling \link[stats:varimax]{stats::varimax}. "kaiser"
#' performs the varimax procedure as described in the SPSS 23 Algorithms manual and as described
#' by Kaiser (1958). However, there is a slight alteration in computing the varimax criterion, which
#' we found to better align with the results obtain from SPSS. Specifically, the original varimax
#' criterion as described in the SPSS 23 Algorithms manual is
#' \code{sum(n*colSums(lambda ^ 4) - colSums(lambda ^ 2) ^ 2) / n ^ 2}, where n is the
#' number of indicators, and lambda is the rotated loadings matrix. However, we found the following
#' to produce results more similar to those of SPSS:
#' \code{sum(n*colSums(abs(lambda)) - colSums(lambda ^ 4) ^ 2) / n^2}.
#' For all other rotations except varimax and promax, the \code{type} argument
#' only controls the \code{order_type} argument with the same values as stated
#' above for the varimax and promax rotations. For these other rotations, the
#' \code{GPArotation} package is needed. Additional arguments can also be
#' specified and will be passed to the respective \code{GPArotation} function
#' (e.g., maxit to change the maximum number of iterations for the rotation procedure).
#' The \code{type} argument has no effect on ULS and ML. For ULS, no additional
#' arguments are needed. For ML, an additional argument
#' \code{start_method} is needed to determine the starting values for the
#' optimization procedure. Default for this argument is "factanal" which takes
#' the starting values specified in the \link[stats:factanal]{stats::factanal} function.
#' @return A list of class EFA containing (a subset of) the following:
#' \item{orig_R}{Original correlation matrix.}
#' \item{h2_init}{Initial communality estimates from PAF.}
#' \item{h2}{Final communality estimates from the unrotated solution.}
#' \item{orig_eigen}{Eigen values of the original correlation matrix.}
#' \item{init_eigen}{Initial eigenvalues, obtained from the correlation matrix
#'  with the initial communality estimates as diagonal in PAF.}
#' \item{final_eigen}{Eigenvalues obtained from the correlation matrix
#'  with the final communality estimates as diagonal.}
#' \item{iter}{The number of iterations needed for convergence.}
#' \item{convergence}{Integer code for convergence as returned by
#' \code{\link[stats:optim]{stats:optim}} (only for ML and ULS).
#' 0 indicates successful completion.}
#' \item{unrot_loadings}{Loading matrix containing the final unrotated loadings.}
#' \item{vars_accounted}{Matrix of explained variances and sums of squared loadings. Based on the unrotated loadings.}
#' \item{fit_indices}{For ML and ULS: Fit indices derived from the unrotated
#' factor loadings: Chi Square, including significance level, degrees of freedom
#' (df), Comparative Fit Index (CFI), Root Mean Square Error of Approximation
#' (RMSEA), including its 90\% confidence interval, Akaike Information Criterion
#' (AIC), Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), and the common part accounted
#' for (CAF) index as proposed by Lorenzo-Seva, Timmerman, & Kiers (2011).
#' For PAF, only the CAF and dfs are returned.}
#' \item{rot_loadings}{Loading matrix containing the final rotated loadings
#' (pattern matrix).}
#' \item{Phi}{The factor intercorrelations (only for oblique rotations).}
#' \item{Structure}{The structure matrix (only for oblique rotations).}
#' \item{rotmat}{The rotation matrix.}
#' \item{vars_accounted_rot}{Matrix of explained variances and sums of squared
#' loadings. Based on rotated loadings and, for oblique rotations, the factor
#' intercorrelations.}
#' \item{settings}{A list of the settings used.}
#' @source Grieder, S., & Steiner, M.D. (2020). Algorithmic Jingle Jungle:
#' A Comparison of Implementations of Principal Axis Factoring and Promax Rotation
#'  in R and SPSS. Manuscript in Preparation.
#' @source Hendrickson, A. E., & White, P. O. (1964). Promax: A quick method for
#' rotation to oblique simple structure. British Journal of Statistical Psychology,
#' 17 , 65–70. doi: 10.1111/j.2044-8317.1964.tb00244.x
#' @source Lorenzo-Seva, U., Timmerman, M. E., & Kiers, H. A. L. (2011). The
#' Hull Method for Selecting the Number of Common Factors, Multivariate Behavioral
#' Research, 46, 340-364, doi: 10.1080/00273171.2011.564527
#' @source Kaiser, H. F. (1958). The varimax criterion for analytic rotation in
#' factor analysis. Psychometrika, 23, 187–200. doi: 10.1007/BF02289233
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # A type EFAtools (as presented in Steiner and Grieder, 2020) EFA
#' EFAtools_PAF <- EFA(test_models$baseline$cormat, n_factors = 3, N = 500,
#'                     type = "EFAtools", method = "PAF", rotation = "none")
#' # A type SPSS EFA to mimick the SPSS implementation (this will throw a warning,
#' # see below)
#' SPSS_PAF <- EFA(test_models$baseline$cormat, n_factors = 3, N = 500,
#'                 type = "SPSS", method = "PAF", rotation = "none")
#' # A type psych EFA to mimick the psych::fa() implementation
#' psych_PAF <- EFA(test_models$baseline$cormat, n_factors = 3, N = 500,
#'                  type = "psych", method = "PAF", rotation = "none")
#' # Use ML instead of PAF with type EFAtools
#' EFAtools_ML <- EFA(test_models$baseline$cormat, n_factors = 3, N = 500,
#'                    type = "EFAtools", method = "ML", rotation = "none")
#' # Use oblimin rotation instead of no rotation with type EFAtools
#' EFAtools_oblim <- EFA(test_models$baseline$cormat, n_factors = 3, N = 500,
#'                       type = "EFAtools", method = "PAF", rotation = "oblimin")
#' # Do a PAF without rotation without specifying a type, so the arguments
#' # can be flexibly specified (this is only recommended if you know what your
#' # doing)
#' PAF_none <- EFA(test_models$baseline$cormat, n_factors = 3, N = 500,
#'                 type = "none", method = "PAF", rotation = "none",
#'                 max_iter = 500, init_comm = "mac", criterion = 1e-4,
#'                 criterion_type = "sum", abs_eigen = FALSE)
#' # Add a promax rotation
#' PAF_pro <- EFA(test_models$baseline$cormat, n_factors = 3, N = 500,
#'                type = "none", method = "PAF", rotation = "promax",
#'                max_iter = 500, init_comm = "mac", criterion = 1e-4,
#'                criterion_type = "sum", abs_eigen = FALSE, k = 3,
#'                P_type = "unnorm", precision= 1e-5, order_type = "eigen",
#'                varimax_type = "svd")
EFA <- function(x, n_factors, N = NA, method = c("PAF", "ML", "ULS"),
                rotation = c("none", "varimax", "equamax", "quartimax", "geominT",
                             "bentlerT", "bifactorT", "promax", "oblimin",
                             "quartimin", "simplimax", "bentlerQ", "geominQ",
                type = c("EFAtools", "psych", "SPSS", "none"), max_iter = NA,
                init_comm = NA, criterion = NA, criterion_type = NA,
                abs_eigen = NA, use = c("pairwise.complete.obs", "all.obs",
                                          "complete.obs", "everything",
                varimax_type = NA,
                k = NA, normalize = TRUE, P_type = NA, precision = 1e-5,
                order_type = NA, start_method = "psych",
                cor_method = c("pearson", "spearman", "kendall"),
                ...) {

  # Perform argument checks
  if(!inherits(x, c("matrix", "data.frame"))){

    stop(crayon::red$bold(cli::symbol$circle_cross), crayon::red(" 'x' is neither a matrix nor a dataframe. Either provide a correlation matrix or a dataframe or matrix with raw data.\n"))


  method <- match.arg(method)
  rotation <- match.arg(rotation)
  use <- match.arg(use)
  cor_method <- match.arg(cor_method)
  type <- match.arg(type)
  start_method <- checkmate::matchArg(start_method, c("psych", "factanal", NA))

  if (is.na(start_method) && method == "ML") {
    stop(crayon::red$bold(cli::symbol$circle_cross), crayon::red(" method is 'ML' but no start method is defined. Please set start_method to 'psych' or 'factanal'.\n"))

  checkmate::assert_count(N, na.ok = TRUE)
  checkmate::assert_count(max_iter, na.ok = TRUE)
  checkmate::assert_choice(init_comm, c("smc", "mac", "unity", NA))
  checkmate::assert_number(criterion, lower = 0, upper = 1, na.ok = TRUE)
  checkmate::assert_choice(criterion_type, c("max_individual", "sums", "sum", NA))
  checkmate::assert_flag(abs_eigen, na.ok = TRUE)
  checkmate::assert_number(k, na.ok = TRUE)
  checkmate::assert_choice(varimax_type, c("svd", "kaiser", NA))
  checkmate::assert_flag(normalize, na.ok = TRUE)
  checkmate::assert_choice(P_type, c("unnorm", "norm", NA))
  checkmate::assert_number(precision, lower = 0, upper = 1)
  checkmate::assert_choice(order_type, c("eigen", "ss_factors", NA))

  # Check if it is a correlation matrix

      R <- x

  } else {

    message(cli::col_cyan(cli::symbol$info, " 'x' was not a correlation matrix. Correlations are found from entered raw data.\n"))

    if (!is.na(N)) {
      warning(crayon::yellow$bold("!"), crayon::yellow(" 'N' was set and data entered. Taking N from data.\n"))

    R <- stats::cor(x, use = use, method = cor_method)
    colnames(R) <- colnames(x)
    N <- nrow(x)


  # Check if correlation matrix is invertible, if it is not, stop with message
  R_i <- try(solve(R), silent = TRUE)

  if (inherits(R_i, "try-error") && type != "psych") {
    stop(crayon::red$bold(cli::symbol$circle_cross), crayon::red(" Correlation matrix is singular, no further analyses are performed\n"))

  # Check if correlation matrix is positive definite, if it is not,
  # smooth the matrix (cor.smooth throws a warning)
  if (any(eigen(R, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values <= .Machine$double.eps^.6)) {
    if (type == "SPSS") {
      stop(crayon::red$bold(cli::symbol$circle_cross), crayon::red(" Correlation matrix is not positive definite, no further analyses are performed.\n"))

    R <- psych::cor.smooth(R)


  # Check if model is identified

  # calculate degrees of freedom
  m <- ncol(R)
  df <- ((m - n_factors)**2 - (m + n_factors)) / 2

  if(df < 0){

    warning(crayon::yellow$bold("!"), crayon::yellow(" The model is underidentified. No fit indices were calculated. Please enter a lower number of factors or use a larger number of indicators.\n"))

  } else if (df == 0){

    warning(crayon::yellow$bold("!"), crayon::yellow(" The model is just identified (df = 0). We suggest to try again with a lower number of factors or a larger number of indicators.\n"))


  # run factor analysis with respective fit method

  if (method == "PAF") {

  fit_out <- .PAF(R, n_factors = n_factors, N = N, type = type,
                 max_iter = max_iter, init_comm = init_comm,
                 criterion = criterion, criterion_type = criterion_type,
                 abs_eigen = abs_eigen)

  } else if (method == "ML") {

    if (type == "SPSS") {

      warning(crayon::yellow$bold("!"), crayon::yellow(" 'ML' is used as method with type 'SPSS'. Note that only the 'PAF' method is tested to provide the SPSS implementation and results may therefore differ from those returned by SPSS.\n"))


    if (is.na(N)) {

      warning(crayon::yellow$bold("!"), crayon::yellow(" Argument 'N' was NA, not all fit indices could be computed. To get all fit indices, either provide N or raw data.\n"))


    fit_out <- .ML(R, n_factors = n_factors, N = N, start_method = start_method)

  } else if (method == "ULS") {

    if (type == "SPSS") {

      warning(crayon::yellow$bold("!"), crayon::yellow(" 'ULS' is used as method with type 'SPSS'. Note that only the 'PAF' method is tested to provide the SPSS implementation and results may therefore differ from those returned by SPSS.\n"))


    if (is.na(N)) {

      warning(crayon::yellow$bold("!"), crayon::yellow(" Argument 'N' was NA, not all fit indices could be computed. To get all fit indices, either provide N or raw data.\n"))


    fit_out <- .ULS(R, n_factors = n_factors, N = N)

  # rotate factor analysis results
  if (rotation == "promax") {

    rot_out <- .PROMAX(fit_out, type = type, normalize = normalize, P_type = P_type,
                      precision = precision, order_type = order_type,
                      varimax_type = varimax_type, k = k)

  } else if (rotation == "varimax") {

    rot_out <- .VARIMAX(fit_out, type = type, normalize = normalize,
                       precision = precision, varimax_type = varimax_type,
                       order_type = order_type)

  } else if (rotation == "quartimax" || rotation == "equamax" ||
             rotation == "bentlerT" || rotation == "geominT" ||
             rotation == "bifactorT") {

    if (type == "SPSS") {

      warning(crayon::yellow$bold("!"), crayon::yellow(" Note that only the 'promax' and 'varimax' rotations are tested to match the SPSS implementation and results may therefore differ from those returned by SPSS.\n"))


    rot_out <- .ROTATE_ORTH(fit_out, type = type, rotation = rotation,
                           normalize = normalize, precision = precision,
                           order_type = order_type, ...)

  } else if (rotation == "oblimin" || rotation == "quartimin" ||
             rotation == "simplimax" || rotation == "bentlerQ" ||
             rotation == "geominQ" || rotation == "bifactorQ") {

    if (type == "SPSS") {

      warning(crayon::yellow$bold("!"), crayon::yellow(" Note that only the 'promax' and 'varimax' rotations are tested to match the SPSS implementation and results may therefore differ from those returned by SPSS.\n"))


    rot_out <- .ROTATE_OBLQ(fit_out, type = type, rotation = rotation,
                           normalize = normalize, precision = precision,
                           order_type = order_type, k = k, ...)

  } else {

    output <- fit_out


  if (rotation != "none"){

    if(method == "ULS"){

      settings <- rot_out$settings
      output <- c(fit_out, within(rot_out, rm(settings)),
                  settings = list(settings))

    } else {

      settings <- c(fit_out$settings, rot_out$settings)
      output <- c(within(fit_out, rm(settings)), within(rot_out, rm(settings)),
                  settings = list(settings))



  # Add settings used to output
  settings_EFA <- list(
    method = method,
    rotation = rotation,
    type = type,
    n_factors = n_factors,
    N = N,
    use = use,
    cor_method = cor_method

  if(method == "ULS" & rotation == "none"){

    output <- c(output, settings = list(settings_EFA))

  } else {

    settings <- c(settings_EFA, output$settings)

    output <- c(within(output, rm(settings)),
                settings = list(settings))


  class(output) <- "EFA"



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