
Defines functions ReadZmat

Documented in ReadZmat

#' @title Read Z matrix
#' @description Read in the Z matrix that assigns groups/strains/lines to their trait measurements.
#' @param filename contains the name of the Z matrix file. The file name needs to be in quotes. If the file is not in the working directory, then the full path 
#' to the file is required.
#' @details
#' The underlying linear mixed model is of the form
#' \deqn{Y = X \beta  + Z u_g + e}
#' where Z is a (n x \eqn{n_g}) matrix that contains ones and zeros, n is the number of trait measurements, and \eqn{n_g} 
#' is the number of groups/strains/lines. If n and \eqn{n_g} are the same, then there is no need to specify Z.   
#' However, if a group/strain/line has multiple trait measurements (i.e. \eqn{n > n_g}) then the Z matrix is needed to tell Eagle which 
#' trait measurements belong to which groups/strains/lines. 
#' A space separated text file is assumed.  Each row of the matrix contains multiple zeroes but only a  single one. 
#' The file cannot contain column or row headings.  The file also cannot contain a row of only zeroes. Here,  
#' n must be larger than \eqn{n_g} otherwise an error will be issued. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{ReadMarker}} and \code{\link{ReadPheno}}.
#' @return 
#' a data matrix is returned of the Z matrix.
#' @examples
#' # Read in  example Z matrix from ./extdata/
#' # find the full location of the Z matrix data 
#' complete.name <- system.file('extdata', 'Z.txt', package='Eagle')
#' # read in Z matrix data 
#' Z_obj <- ReadZmat(filename=complete.name) 
#'# look at first few rows of the Z matrix file
#' head(Z_obj)
ReadZmat  <- function( filename = NULL)
 Zfile <- fullpath(filename)
 error.code <-  check.inputs(file_genotype=filename)
    message(" ReadZmat has terminated with errors.")
  Z <- fread(Zfile)
  Z <- as.matrix(Z)

 # do some checks 
 # number of unique values
    message(" ")
    message(" ERROR: The Z matrix file contains values other than 0 and 1.")
    message("   ")
    message("        ReadZmat has terminated with errors.")
    message(" ")

 # checking that every row just doesnt contain zero values
   indx <- which(rowSums(Z)==0)

      message("  ")
      message(" ERROR:  The rows ", indx, " in the Z matrix have only 0 values.")
      message("         Each row must contain a single 1 value. ")
      message("   ")
      message("        ReadZmat has terminated with errors.")
      message(" ")


 # a row must contain only a single 1 value
   indx <- which(rowSums(Z)!=1)
   if (length(indx) > 0){
      message("  ")
      message(" ERROR:  The rows ", indx, " in the Z matrix are incorrect.")
      message("         A row can only contains 0s and a single 1. ")
      message("   ")
      message("        ReadZmat has terminated with errors.")
      message(" ")

message("\n\n Loading Z matrix file ... \n\n")
message("                    Summary of Z matrix File  \n")
message("                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \n")
message(" File name:                   ",  Zfile, "\n")
message(" Number of rows:              ", nrow(Z), "\n")
message(" Number of columns:           ", ncol(Z), "\n")
message(" First 5 rows of the Z matrix file are \n")

if(nrow(Z) > 5){
  for(ii in 1:5){
     if(ncol(Z) > 10){
        message(paste(Z[ii,1:10], collapse=" "))
     } else {
       message(paste(Z[ii,1:ncol(Z) ], collapse=" "))
} else {
  for(ii in 1:nrow(Z) ){
     if(ncol(Z) > 10){
        message(paste(Z[ii,1:10], collapse=" "))
     } else {
       message(paste(Z[ii,1:ncol(Z) ], collapse=" "))




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Eagle documentation built on Nov. 30, 2021, 9:08 a.m.