
Defines functions validFDR FDR.run FDR

	representation = representation(
						strEqcCommand			=	"character",
						colPval					=	"character",
						strFdrMethod			=	"character",
						colOut					=	"character"
	prototype = prototype(
						strEqcCommand			=	"",
						colPval					=	"",
						strFdrMethod			=	"BH",
						colOut					=	""

setGeneric("setFDR", function(object) standardGeneric("setFDR"))
setMethod("setFDR", signature = (object = "FDR"), function(object) {
	#aEqcSlotNamesIn = c("colBeta1", "colSe1", "colBeta2" , "colSe2", "blnUseGoncalo","bln2sided","rcdTestDirection","strPdiffName")
	aEqcSlotNamesIn = c("colPval", "strFdrMethod","colOut")
	objEqcReader <- EqcReader(object@strEqcCommand,aEqcSlotNamesIn)

	if(length(objEqcReader@lsEqcSlotsOut) > 0) {
		for(i in 1:length(objEqcReader@lsEqcSlotsOut)) {
			tmpSlot <- names(objEqcReader@lsEqcSlotsOut)[i]
			tmpSlotVal <- objEqcReader@lsEqcSlotsOut[[i]]
			if(all(!is.na(tmpSlotVal))) slot(object, tmpSlot) <- tmpSlotVal

validFDR <- function(objFDR) {
	if(objFDR@colPval == "")
		stop(paste(" EASY ERROR:FDR\n No P-Value column defined.\n Please set colPval.", sep=""))
	if(!objFDR@strFdrMethod %in% c("BH","BY"))
		stop(paste(" EASY ERROR:FDR\n strFdrMethod must either be 'BH' or 'BY'.\n Please correct strFdrMethod.", sep=""))

FDR.run <- function(objFDR, objGWA) {
	colPval			 <- objFDR@colPval
	strFdrMethod	 <- objFDR@strFdrMethod
	colOut			 <- objFDR@colOut
	iP = match(colPval, objGWA@aHeader)
	if(is.na(iP)) stop(paste("EASY ERROR:FDR\nColumn \n",colPval,"\nis not available in file \n",objGWA@fileIn,"\n!!!" ,sep="" ))
	aP 	<- objGWA@tblGWA[,iP]
	if(class(aP) != "numeric" & class(aP) != "double" ) stop(paste("EASY ERROR:FDR\nColumn \n",colPval,"\nis not a numeric variable in file \n",objGWA@fileIn,"\n!!!" ,sep="" ))
	## remove NA????
	pfdr <- p.adjust(aP,strFdrMethod)
	strNewColName <- ifelse(colOut == "", paste(colPval,".",strFdrMethod,sep=""), colOut)
	objGWA <- GWADATA.cbind(objGWA, pfdr, strNewColName)

FDR <- function(strEqcCommand){ 
	## Wrapper for class definition
	FDRout <- setFDR(new("FDR", strEqcCommand = strEqcCommand))


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EasyStrata documentation built on May 29, 2017, 7:06 p.m.