
lit.ref <- c(
  "Formula: lit ~ 1 ",
  "Plausible values: 10",
  "jrrIMax: 10",
  "Weight variable: 'w_yfstuwt'",
  "Variance method: jackknife",
  "JK replicates: 80",
  "full data n: 4978",
  "n used: 1823",
  "Summary Table:",
  "    N   WTD_N PCT     MEAN SE(MEAN)",
  " 1823 2737073 100 266.1412 1.947838"

achievement.ref <- c(
  "AchievementVars: lit",
  "Achievement Level Cutpoints:",
  "176 226 276 326 376 ",
  "Plausible values: 10",
  "jrrIMax: 10",
  "Weight variable: 'w_yfstuwt'",
  "Variance method: jackknife",
  "JK replicates: 80",
  "full data n: 4978",
  "n used: 1823",
  "                 lit_Level     N       wtdN    Percent StandardError",
  " Below Proficiency Level 1  53.8  133357.11  4.8722526     0.8715284",
  "    At Proficiency Level 1 195.2  380088.93 13.8866929     1.2636667",
  "    At Proficiency Level 2 600.4 1006279.87 36.7648158     1.7548782",
  "    At Proficiency Level 3 733.2  956795.64 34.9568905     1.5919297",
  "    At Proficiency Level 4 221.7  242676.17  8.8662656     0.8521261",
  "    At Proficiency Level 5  18.7   17875.35  0.6530827     0.2347372"

achievement2.ref <- c(
  "AchievementVars: num, math",
  "aggregateBy: math",
  "Achievement Level Cutpoints:",
  "226 326 ",
  "420.07 544.68 ",
  "Plausible values: 5",
  "jrrIMax: 5",
  "Weight variable: 'w_yfstuwt'",
  "Variance method: jackknife",
  "JK replicates: 80",
  "full data n: 4978",
  "n used: 1854",
  "                     num_Level                     math_Level     N        wtdN    Percent StandardError",
  "  Below Customized ESO 2 and 3  Below Customized PISA 2 and 4 151.2  373630.341 60.1338800     4.2223510",
  "     At Customized ESO 2 and 3  Below Customized PISA 2 and 4 119.6  245842.329 39.5670572     4.2407949",
  " At Customized ESO 4 and above  Below Customized PISA 2 and 4   0.4    1858.169  0.2990628     0.7767346",
  "  Below Customized ESO 2 and 3     At Customized PISA 2 and 4 162.8  293004.549 21.0490131     2.5424422",
  "     At Customized ESO 2 and 3     At Customized PISA 2 and 4 718.4 1076394.456 77.3265845     2.5696941",
  " At Customized ESO 4 and above     At Customized PISA 2 and 4  16.4   22611.858  1.6244024     0.5051522",
  "  Below Customized ESO 2 and 3 At Customized PISA 5 and above  16.0   20846.945  2.7179994     0.8783788",
  "     At Customized ESO 2 and 3 At Customized PISA 5 and above 491.8  561763.470 73.2420389     1.8644425",
  " At Customized ESO 4 and above At Customized PISA 5 and above 177.4  184385.532 24.0399617     1.8433189"

cor.ref <- c(
  "Method: Pearson",
  "full data n: 4978",
  "n used: 1823",
  "Correlation: 0.5854341",
  "Standard Error: 0.02488852",
  "Confidence Interval: [0.5335525, 0.6329264]"

logit.ref <- c(
  "(Intercept) bq_q2Female ",
  "  0.2619964  -0.2966578 "

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