
Defines functions ReportObject html_report html_detailed_table html_contacts_table html_summary_table

Documented in ReportObject

## Copyright 2013-2020 Stefan Widgren and Maria Noremark,
## National Veterinary Institute, Sweden
## Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they
## will be approved by the European Commission - subsequent
## versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
## You may not use this work except in compliance with the
## Licence.
## You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
## http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/eupl
## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in
## writing, software distributed under the Licence is
## distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
## express or implied.
## See the Licence for the specific language governing
## permissions and limitations under the Licence.

html_summary_table <- function(contacts, direction) {
    if (identical(direction, "in")) {
        arrow <- "&larr;"
    } else {
        arrow <- "&rarr;"

    lines <- "<table border=0>"

    for (i in seq_len(nrow(contacts))) {
        lines <- c(lines, "<tr>")

        ## Pad with empty cells to the left
        pad <- rep("<td>&nbsp;</td>", 2L * (contacts$distance[i] - 1L))
        lines <- c(lines,
                   paste(pad, collapse = ""),
                   sprintf('<td align="right">%s</td>', contacts$lhs[i]),
                   sprintf('<td align="right"><a href="#%s-%s-%s">%s</a></td>',
                           direction, contacts$lhs[i], contacts$rhs[i], arrow),
                   sprintf('<td align="right">%s</td>', contacts$rhs[i]))

        ## Pad with empty cells to the right
        pad <- rep("<td>&nbsp;</td>", 2L * (max(contacts$distance - 1L) -
                                            (contacts$distance[i] - 1L)))
        lines <- c(lines,
                   paste(pad, collapse = ""))

        lines <- c(lines, "</tr>")

    lines <- c(lines, "</table>")


html_contacts_table <- function(x, direction, arrow) {
    lines <- "<p>"

    ## Create the lhs to/from rhs title and add the name of the href
    ## link
    lines <- c(lines,
               sprintf('<h3><a name="%s-%s-%s">%s %s %s</a></h3>',
                       direction, x$lhs[1], x$rhs[1],
                       x$lhs[1], arrow, x$rhs[1]),
               "<table border=1>",

    for (i in seq_len(nrow(x))) {
        lines <- c(lines,
                   sprintf('<td align="right">%s</td>', x$t[i]),
                   sprintf('<td align="right">%s</td>', x$id[i]),
                   sprintf('<td align="right">%s</td>', x$n[i]),
                   sprintf('<td align="right">%s</td>', x$category[i]),
                   sprintf('<td align="right">%s</td>', x$source[i]),
                   sprintf('<td align="right">%s</td>', x$destination[i]),

    c(lines, "</table>", "</p>")

html_detailed_table <- function(contacts, direction) {
    if (identical(direction, "in")) {
        arrow <- "&larr;"
    } else {
        arrow <- "&rarr;"

    contacts <- contacts[order(contacts$t, contacts$id, decreasing = FALSE), ]

    contacts$id <- as.character(contacts$id)
    contacts$id[is.na(contacts$id)] <- "&nbsp;"

    contacts$n <- as.character(contacts$n)
    contacts$n[is.na(contacts$n)] <- "&nbsp;"

    contacts$category <- as.character(contacts$category)
    contacts$category[is.na(contacts$category)] <- "&nbsp;"

    html <- by(contacts, sprintf("%s - %s", contacts$lhs, contacts$rhs),
               html_contacts_table, direction = direction, arrow = arrow)


html_report <- function(x) {
    lines <- c("<html>",
               sprintf("<title>%s</title>", x@root),
               "<h1 align='center'>Contact Tracing</h1>",
               sprintf("<h1 align='center'>Root: %s</h1>", x@root),
               "<h3 align='center'>EpiContactTrace</h3>",
               sprintf("<h3 align='center'>Version: %s</h3>",
               "<h2>Summary ingoing contacts</h2>",
               "<table border=0>",
               sprintf("<tr><td>In begin date:</td><td>%s</td></tr>",
               sprintf("<tr><td>In end date:</td><td>%s</td></tr>",
               sprintf("<tr><td>In days:</td><td>%i</td></tr>",
                       x@ingoingContacts@tEnd - x@ingoingContacts@tBegin),
               sprintf("<tr><td>In degree:</td><td>%i</td></tr>",
               sprintf("<tr><td>Ingoing contact chain:</td><td>%i</td></tr>",

    if (length(x@ingoingContacts@source) > 0L) {
        ## Get network structure. The distance is used for indentation.
        df <- NetworkStructure(x@ingoingContacts)

        ## Add lhs and rhs, with respect to direction
        df$rhs <- df$source
        df$lhs <- df$destination

        lines <- c(lines, html_summary_table(df, "in"))
    } else {
        lines <- c(lines,
                   "<p>No ingoing contacts during the search period.</p>")

    lines <- c(lines,
               "<h2>Summary outgoing contacts</h2>",
               "<table border=0>",
               sprintf("<tr><td>Out begin date:</td><td>%s</td></tr>",
               sprintf("<tr><td>Out end date:</td><td>%s</td></tr>",
               sprintf("<tr><td>Out days:</td><td>%i</td></tr>",
                       x@outgoingContacts@tEnd - x@outgoingContacts@tBegin),
               sprintf("<tr><td>Out degree:</td><td>%i</td></tr>",
               sprintf("<tr><td>Outgoing contact chain:</td><td>%i</td></tr>",

    if (length(x@outgoingContacts@source) > 0L) {
        ## Get network structure. The distance is used for indentation.
        df <- NetworkStructure(x@outgoingContacts)

        ## Add lhs and rhs, with respect to direction
        df$lhs <- df$source
        df$rhs <- df$destination

        lines <- c(lines, html_summary_table(df, "out"))
    } else {
        lines <- c(lines,
                   "<p>No outgoing contacts during the search period.</p>")

    if (length(x@ingoingContacts@source) > 0L) {
        lines <- c(lines,
                   "<h2>Direct ingoing contacts</h2>")

        df <- as(x@ingoingContacts, "data.frame")

        # Add lhs and rhs, with respect to direction
        df$lhs <- df$destination
        df$rhs <- df$source

        lines <- c(lines,
                   html_detailed_table(df[df$destination == df$root, ], "in"))

        df <- df[df$destination != df$root, ]
        if (nrow(df) > 0) {
            lines <- c(lines,
                       "<h2>Indirect ingoing contacts</h2>",
                       html_detailed_table(df, "in"))

    if (length(x@outgoingContacts@source) > 0L) {
        lines <- c(lines,
                   "<h2>Direct outgoing contacts</h2>")

        df <- as(x@outgoingContacts, "data.frame")

        ## Add lhs and rhs, with respect to direction
        df$lhs <- df$source
        df$rhs <- df$destination

        lines <- c(lines,
                   html_detailed_table(df[df$source == df$root, ], "out"))

        df <- df[df$source != df$root, ]
        if (nrow(df) > 0) {
            lines <- c(lines,
                       "<h2>Indirect outgoing contacts</h2>",
                       html_detailed_table(df, "out"))

    lines <- c(lines,
               sprintf("<h5>Generated %s by EpiContactTrace version %s</h5>\n",
                       Sys.time(), packageVersion("EpiContactTrace")),


##' Generate a contact tracing \code{Report}
##' EpiContatTrace contains report templates to generate pdf- or html
##' reports for the farm specific contacts. These reports can be
##' useful for hands-on disease tracing in the field. The templates
##' are used by Sweave and can be adapted by the end user. However, in
##' the default setting the report has the following layout; first the
##' contacts are visualised graphically in a plot, as to give an
##' immediate signal to the reader of the report of the number of
##' contacts. In the following, the contact data are presented with
##' different levels of detail split by ingoing and outgoing
##' contacts. The first includes collapsed data and the sequential
##' contact structure at group level (i.e. no information on
##' individuals or dates). In this summary, the sequential structure
##' of each part of the chain is included, and a holding that appears
##' in several different parts of the chain can therefore be included
##' more than once in the summary. The reason for this is to
##' facilitate sequential tracing and getting an overview of each part
##' of the chain. After the summary all details of all contacts
##' included in the contact chains is presented, i.e. date of contact
##' and data on individual level when available. To generate pdf files
##' a TeX installation must exist to compile the latex file. The
##' report is saved in the working directory with the name of the root
##' as filename.
##' @rdname Report-methods
##' @aliases Report Report-methods Report,ContactTrace-method
##' Report,list-method
##' @docType methods
##' @section Methods: \describe{
##'   \item{\code{signature(object = "ContactTrace")}}{
##'     Generate a report for a \code{ContactTrace} object.
##'   }
##'   \item{\code{signature(object = "list")}}{
##'     Generate reports for a list of \code{ContactTrace} objects.
##'   }
##' }
##' @param object the object
##' @param format the format to use, can be either 'html' or
##'     'pdf'. The default is 'html'
##' @param dir the generated report is written to the directory
##'     folder. The default (\code{"."}) is the current working
##'     directory.
##' @param template the Sweave template file to use. If none is
##'     provided, the default is used.
##' @references \itemize{
##'   \item Dube, C., et al., A review of network analysis terminology
##'     and its application to foot-and-mouth disease modelling and policy
##'     development. Transbound Emerg Dis 56 (2009) 73-85, doi:
##'     10.1111/j.1865-1682.2008.01064.x
##'   \item Noremark, M., et al., Network analysis
##'     of cattle and pig movements in Sweden: Measures relevant for
##'     disease control and riskbased surveillance.  Preventive Veterinary
##'     Medicine 99 (2011) 78-90, doi: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2010.12.009
##'   \item Friedrich Leisch. Sweave: Dynamic generation of
##'     statistical reports using literate data analysis. In Wolfgang
##'     Hardle and Bernd Ronz, editors, Compstat 2002 - Proceedings in
##'     Computational Statistics, pages 575-580. Physica Verlag,
##'     Heidelberg, 2002. ISBN 3-7908-1517-9.
##' }
##' @seealso Sweave, texi2pdf.
##' @keywords methods
##' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
##' @importFrom tools texi2pdf
##' @importFrom utils packageVersion
##' @importFrom utils Sweave
##' @examples
##' ## Load data
##' data(transfers)
##' ## Perform contact tracing
##' contactTrace <- Trace(movements = transfers,
##'                       root = 2645,
##'                       tEnd = "2005-10-31",
##'                       days = 90)
##' ## Generate an html report showing details of the contact tracing for
##' ## root 2646.
##' ## Creates the file 2645.html in the temporary directory.
##' Report(contactTrace, dir = tempdir())
##' ## It's possible to generate reports for a list of ContactTrace objects.
##' ## Perform contact tracing for ten of the included herds
##' root <- sort(unique(c(transfers$source, transfers$destination)))[1:10]
##' ## Perform contact tracing
##' contactTrace <- Trace(movements = transfers,
##'                       root = root,
##'                       tEnd = "2005-10-31",
##'                       days = 90)
##' ## Generate reports
##' ## Creates the files 1.html, 2.html, ..., 10.html
##' ## in the temporary directory
##' Report(contactTrace, dir = tempdir())
    signature = "object",
             format = c("html", "pdf"),
             dir = ".",
             template = NULL) {

##' @rdname Report-methods
##' @export
    signature(object = "ContactTrace"),
    function(object, format, dir, template) {
        format <- match.arg(format)

        if (!is.null(.ct_env$ct)) {
            stop("Unable to create report. The ct object already exists")

        ## Make sure the added object is removed.
        on.exit(.ct_env$ct <- NULL)

        ## Add the ContactTrace object to the .ct_env environment
        .ct_env$ct <- object

        if (identical(format, "html")) {
                       con = file.path(dir, paste0(object@root, ".html")))
        } else {
            if (is.null(template)) {
                template <- system.file("Sweave/speak-latex.Rnw",
                                        package = "EpiContactTrace")

            Sweave(template, syntax = "SweaveSyntaxNoweb")
            filename <- file_path_sans_ext(basename(template))
            texi2pdf(paste0(filename, ".tex"), clean = TRUE)
            file.rename(paste0(filename, ".pdf"),
                        file.path(dir, paste0(object@root, ".pdf")))
            unlink(paste0(filename, ".tex"))


##' @rdname Report-methods
##' @export
    signature(object = "list"),
    function(object, format, dir, template) {
        format <- match.arg(format)

        if (!all(sapply(object, length) == 1)) {
            stop("Unexpected length of list")

        if (!all(sapply(object, class) == "ContactTrace")) {
            stop("Unexpected object in list")

        lapply(object, Report, dir = dir,
               format = format, template = template)


## In order to communicate with Sweave add an environment to store the
## current report object
.ct_env <- new.env()

##' Get current \code{ContactTrace} object when generating a report
##' EpiContatTrace contains report templates to generate pdf- or html reports
##' for the farm specific contacts. These reports can be useful for hands-on
##' disease tracing in the field. The templates are used by Sweave and can be
##' adapted by the end user. This method enables communication of the current
##' \code{ContactTrace} object to the report.
##' @return The current \code{ContactTrace} object when generating a report
##' @export
ReportObject <- function() {

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EpiContactTrace documentation built on Oct. 5, 2024, 1:07 a.m.