
Defines functions get_cumulative_degree get_partners get_cumulative_edgelists_df update_cumulative_edgelist get_cumulative_edgelist get_edgelist

Documented in get_cumulative_degree get_cumulative_edgelist get_cumulative_edgelists_df get_edgelist get_partners update_cumulative_edgelist

#' @title Get an Edgelist From the Specified Network
#' @description This function outputs an edgelist from the specified network,
#'              selecting the method depending on the stored network type.

#' @inheritParams recovery.net
#' @param network Numerical index of the network from which the edgelist should
#'                be extracted. (May be > 1 for models with multiple overlapping
#'                networks.)
#' @return
#' An edgelist in matrix form with two columns. Each column contains the
#' posit_ids (see \code{get_posit_ids}) of the nodes in each edge.
#' @export
get_edgelist <- function(dat, network) {

  if (get_control(dat, "tergmLite")) {
    if (!network %in% seq_len(dat$num.nw)) {
      stop("There is no network '", network, "' to get an edgelist from")
    el <- dat[["el"]][[network]]
  } else {
    if (!network %in% seq_len(dat$num.nw)) {
      stop("There is no network '", network, "' to get an edgelist from")
    at <- get_current_timestep(dat)
    el <- networkDynamic::get.dyads.active(dat[["nw"]][[network]], at = at)


#' @title Get a Cumulative Edgelist From a Specified Network
#' @inheritParams recovery.net
#' @param network Numerical index of the network from which the cumulative
#'                edgelist should be extracted. (May be > 1 for models with
#'                multiple overlapping networks.)
#' @return
#' A cumulative edgelist in \code{data.frame} form with 4 columns:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{head}: the unique ID (see \code{get_unique_ids}) of the
#'         head node on the edge.
#'   \item \code{tail}: the unique ID (see \code{get_unique_ids}) of the
#'         tail node on the edge.
#'   \item \code{start}: the time step in which the edge started.
#'   \item \code{stop}: the time step in which the edge stopped; if ongoing,
#'         then \code{NA} is returned.
#' }
#' @export
get_cumulative_edgelist <- function(dat, network) {
  if (!network %in% seq_len(dat$num.nw)) {
    stop("There is no network '", network,
         "' from which to get the cumulative edgelist.")

  if (!get_control(dat, "cumulative.edgelist")) {
    stop("Failed to get the cumulative edgelist. It is likely not stored because the
         `cumulative.edgelist` control setting is set to `FALSE`.")

  if (length(dat$el.cuml) >= network) {
    el_cuml <- dat[["el.cuml"]][[network]]
  } else {
    el_cuml <- NULL

  if (is.null(el_cuml)) {
    el_cuml <- tibble::tibble(
      head  = numeric(0),
      tail  = numeric(0),
      start = numeric(0),
      stop  = numeric(0)


#' @title Update a Cumulative Edgelist of the Specified Network
#' @inheritParams recovery.net
#' @param network Numerical index of the network for which the cumulative
#'                edgelist will be updated. (May be > 1 for models with
#'                multiple overlapping networks.)
#' @param truncate After how many time steps a partnership that is no longer
#'                 active should be removed from the output.
#' @section Truncation:
#' To avoid storing a cumulative edgelist too long, the \code{truncate}
#' parameter defines a number of steps after which an edge that is no longer
#' active is truncated out of the cumulative edgelist.
#' When \code{truncate = Inf}, no edges are ever removed. When
#' \code{truncate = 0}, only the active edges are kept. You may want this
#' behavior to keep track of the active edges' start step.
#' @inherit recovery.net return
update_cumulative_edgelist <- function(dat, network, truncate = 0) {
  if (!get_control(dat, "cumulative.edgelist")) {

  el <- get_edgelist(dat, network)
  el_cuml <- get_cumulative_edgelist(dat, network)

  el <- tibble::tibble(
    head = get_unique_ids(dat, el[, 1]),
    tail = get_unique_ids(dat, el[, 2]),
    current = TRUE

  el_cuml <- dplyr::full_join(el_cuml, el, by = c("head", "tail"))

  at <- get_current_timestep(dat)

  new_edges <- is.na(el_cuml[["start"]])
  if (any(new_edges)) {
    el_cuml[new_edges, ][["start"]] <- at

  terminated_edges <- is.na(el_cuml[["current"]]) & is.na(el_cuml[["stop"]])
  if (any(terminated_edges)) {
    el_cuml[terminated_edges, ][["stop"]] <- at - 1

  if (truncate != Inf) {
    rel.age <- at - el_cuml[["stop"]]
    rel.age <- ifelse(is.na(rel.age), 0, rel.age)
    el_cuml <- el_cuml[rel.age <= truncate, ]

  dat[["el.cuml"]][[network]] <- el_cuml[, c("head", "tail", "start", "stop")]


#' @title Get the Cumulative Edgelists of a Model
#' @inheritParams recovery.net
#' @param networks Numerical indexes of the networks to extract the partnerships
#'                 from. (May be > 1 for models with multiple overlapping
#'                 networks.) If \code{NULL}, extract from all networks.
#' @return
#' A \code{data.frame} with 5 columns:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{index}: the unique ID (see \code{get_unique_ids}) of the
#'         indexes.
#'   \item \code{partner}: the unique ID (see \code{get_unique_ids}) of the
#'         partners/contacts.
#'   \item \code{start}: the time step in which the edge started.
#'   \item \code{stop}: the time step in which the edge stopped; if ongoing,
#'         then \code{NA} is returned.
#'   \item \code{network}: the numerical index for the network on which the
#'         partnership/contact is located.
#'  }
#' @export
get_cumulative_edgelists_df <- function(dat, networks = NULL) {
  networks <- if (is.null(networks)) seq_len(dat$num.nw) else networks

  el_cuml_list <- lapply(networks, get_cumulative_edgelist, dat = dat)
  el_cuml_df <- dplyr::bind_rows(el_cuml_list)

  el_sizes <- vapply(el_cuml_list, nrow, numeric(1))
  el_cuml_df[["network"]] <- rep(networks, el_sizes)


#' @title Return the Historical Contacts (Partners) of a Set of Index Nodes
#' @description
#' From a full cumulative edgelist that contains the history of contacts (both persistent and
#' one-time), this function returns a data frame containing details of the index (head) and partner
#' (tail) nodes, along with start and stop time steps for the partnership and the network location.
#' @param index_posit_ids The positional IDs of the indexes of interest.
#' @param networks Numerical indexes of the networks to extract the partnerships from. (May be > 1
#'        for models with multi-layer networks.) If `NULL`, extract from all networks.
#' @param only.active.nodes If `TRUE`, then inactive (e.g., deceased) partners will be removed from
#'        the output.
#' @inheritParams update_cumulative_edgelist
#' @return
#' A `data.frame` with 5 columns:
#'   * `index`: the unique IDs of the indexes.
#'   * `partner`: the unique IDs of the partners/contacts.
#'   * `start`: the time step at which the edge started.
#'   * `stop`: the time step in which the edge stopped; if ongoing, then `NA` is returned.
#'   * `network`: the numerical index for the network on which the partnership/contact is located.
#' @details
#' Note that `get_partners` takes as input the positional IDs of the indexes of interest but returns
#' the unique IDs. That is by design, because while `get_partners` would be expected to be called
#' for active nodes, some partners (contacts) of nodes may be inactive in the network history.
#' Therefore, both index and partner IDs are returned as unique IDs for consistency. To convert
#' between a positional to a unique ID, you may use [`get_posit_ids`]; to convert between a
#' unique ID to a positional ID, you may use [`get_unique_ids`].
#' @export
get_partners <- function(dat, index_posit_ids, networks = NULL,
                         truncate = Inf, only.active.nodes = FALSE) {

  el_cuml_df <- get_cumulative_edgelists_df(dat, networks)
  index_unique_ids <- get_unique_ids(dat, index_posit_ids)

  partner_head_df <- el_cuml_df[el_cuml_df[["head"]] %in% index_unique_ids, ]
  partner_tail_df <- el_cuml_df[
    el_cuml_df[["tail"]] %in% index_unique_ids,
    c(2, 1, 3:5) # switch the head and tail columns

  colnames(partner_head_df) <- c("index", "partner", "start", "stop", "network")
  colnames(partner_tail_df) <- colnames(partner_head_df)

  partner_df <- dplyr::bind_rows(partner_head_df, partner_tail_df)

  if (only.active.nodes) {
    active_partners <- is_active_unique_ids(dat, partner_df[["partner"]])
    partner_df <- partner_df[active_partners, ]

  if (truncate != Inf) {
    at <- get_current_timestep(dat)
    rel.age <- at - partner_df[["stop"]]
    rel.age <- ifelse(is.na(rel.age), 0, rel.age)
    partner_df <- partner_df[rel.age <= truncate, ]


#' @title Return the Cumulative Degree of a Set of Index Nodes
#' @inheritParams get_partners
#' @return
#' A \code{data.frame} with 2 columns:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{index_pid}: the positional ID (see \code{get_posit_ids}) of the
#'         indexes.
#'   \item \code{degree}: the cumulative degree of the index.
#'  }
#' @section Cumulative Degree:
#' The cumulative degree of a node is the number of edges connected to this
#' node at during the time window. The time window is by default all the steps
#' stored in the `cumulative_edgelist` or set by the `truncate` parameter.
#' @export
get_cumulative_degree <- function(dat, index_posit_ids, networks = NULL,
                                  truncate = Inf, only.active.nodes = FALSE) {
    dat, index_posit_ids, networks,
    truncate, only.active.nodes
  ) |>
    dplyr::summarize(degree = dplyr::n(), .by = "index") |>
    dplyr::mutate(index = get_posit_ids(dat, .data$index)) |>
    dplyr::select(index_pid = "index", "degree")

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EpiModel documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:21 p.m.