
Defines functions get_regions_with_most_reports get_regional_results get_raw_result get_regions

Documented in get_raw_result get_regional_results get_regions get_regions_with_most_reports

#' Get Folders with Results
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' @param results_dir A character string giving the directory in which results
#'  are stored (as produced by [regional_epinow()]).
#' @return A named character vector containing the results to plot.
#' @keywords internal
get_regions <- function(results_dir) {
  # regions to include - based on folder names
  regions <- list.dirs(results_dir,
    recursive = FALSE,
    full.names = FALSE

  # put into alphabetical order
  regions <- regions[!(regions == "runtimes.csv")]
  regions <- sort(regions)
  names(regions) <- regions

#' Get a Single Raw Result
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' @param file Character string giving the result files name.
#' @param region Character string giving the region of interest.
#' @param date Target date (in the format `"yyyy-mm-dd`).
#' @param result_dir Character string giving the location of the target
#' directory.
#' @return An R object read in from the targeted `.rds` file
#' @keywords internal
get_raw_result <- function(file, region, date,
                           result_dir) {
  file_path <- file.path(result_dir, region, date, file)
  object <- readRDS(file_path)
#' Get Combined Regional Results
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Summarises results across regions either from input or from disk. See the
#' examples for details.
#' @param regional_output A list of output as produced by [regional_epinow()]
#' and stored in the `regional` list.
#' @param results_dir A character string indicating the folder containing the
#' `{EpiNow2}` results to extract.
#' @param date A Character string (in the format "yyyy-mm-dd") indicating the
#' date to extract data for. Defaults to "latest" which finds the latest
#' results available.
#' @param samples Logical, defaults to `TRUE`. Should samples be returned.
#' @param forecast Logical, defaults to `FALSE`. Should forecast results be
#' returned.
#' @return A list of estimates, forecasts and estimated cases by date of report.
#' @export
#' @importFrom purrr map safely
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
#' @examples
#' # get example multiregion estimates
#' regional_out <- readRDS(system.file(
#'     package = "EpiNow2", "extdata", "example_regional_epinow.rds"
#' ))
#' # from output
#' results <- get_regional_results(regional_out$regional, samples = FALSE)
get_regional_results <- function(regional_output,
                                 results_dir, date,
                                 samples = TRUE,
                                 forecast = FALSE) {
  if (missing(regional_output)) {
    regional_output <- NULL

  if (is.null(regional_output)) {
    # assign to latest likely date if not given
    if (missing(date)) {
      date <- "latest"
    # find all regions
    regions <- get_regions(results_dir)

    load_data <- purrr::safely(get_raw_result) # nolint

    # get estimates
    get_estimates_file <- function(samples_path, summarised_path) {
      out <- list()

      if (samples) {
        samples <- purrr::map(regions, ~ load_data(samples_path, .,
          result_dir = results_dir,
          date = date
        samples <- data.table::rbindlist(samples, idcol = "region", fill = TRUE)
        out$samples <- samples
      # get incidence values and combine
      summarised <- purrr::map(regions, ~ load_data(summarised_path, .,
        result_dir = results_dir,
        date = date
      summarised <- data.table::rbindlist(
        summarised, idcol = "region", fill = TRUE
      out$summarised <- summarised
    out <- list()
    out$estimates <- get_estimates_file(
      samples_path = "estimate_samples.rds",
      summarised_path = "summarised_estimates.rds"

    if (forecast) {
      out$estimated_reported_cases <- get_estimates_file(
        samples_path = "estimated_reported_cases_samples.rds",
        summarised_path = "summarised_estimated_reported_cases.rds"
  } else {
    get_estimates_data <- function(data) {
      out <- list()
      if (samples) {
        samples <- purrr::map(regional_output, ~ .[[data]]$samples)
        samples <- data.table::rbindlist(samples, idcol = "region", fill = TRUE)
        out$samples <- samples
      # get incidence values and combine
      summarised <- purrr::map(regional_output, ~ .[[data]]$summarised)
      summarised <- data.table::rbindlist(
        summarised, idcol = "region", fill = TRUE
      out$summarised <- summarised
    out <- list()
    out$estimates <- get_estimates_data("estimates")
    if (forecast) {
      out$estimated_reported_cases <-

#' Get Regions with Most Reported Cases
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Extract a vector of regions with the most reported cases in a set time
#' window.
#' @param time_window Numeric, number of days to include from latest date in
#' data. Defaults to 7 days.
#' @param no_regions Numeric, number of regions to return. Defaults to 6.
#' @inheritParams regional_epinow
#' @return A character vector of regions with the highest reported cases
#' @importFrom data.table copy setorderv
#' @importFrom lubridate days
#' @keywords internal
get_regions_with_most_reports <- function(data,
                                          time_window = 7,
                                          no_regions = 6) {
  most_reports <- data.table::copy(data)
  most_reports <-
      .SD[date >= (max(date, na.rm = TRUE) - lubridate::days(time_window))
      by = "region"
  most_reports <- most_reports[,
   .(confirm = sum(confirm, na.rm = TRUE)), by = "region"
  most_reports <- data.table::setorderv(
    most_reports, cols = "confirm", order = -1
  most_reports <- most_reports[1:no_regions][!is.na(region)]$region

##' Estimate seeding time from delays and generation time
##' The seeding time is set to the mean of the specified delays, constrained
##' to be at least the maximum generation time
##' @inheritParams estimate_infections
##' @return An integer seeding time
##' @keywords internal
get_seeding_time <- function(delays, generation_time, rt = rt_opts()) {
  # Estimate the mean delay -----------------------------------------------
  seeding_time <- sum(mean(delays, ignore_uncertainty = TRUE))
  if (!is.null(rt)) {
    ## make sure we have at least (length of total gt pmf - 1) seeding time
    seeding_time <- max(seeding_time, sum(max(generation_time)))
  return(max(round(seeding_time), 1))

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EpiNow2 documentation built on Oct. 3, 2024, 1:07 a.m.