##' Compute Aggregates
##' The function takes a relational data frame and computes the aggregation
##' based on the relation specified.
##' The length of \code{aggVar}, \code{aggMethod}, \code{weightVar},
##' \code{thresholdProp} must be the same.
##' Aggregation should not be computed if insufficient
##' countries have reported data. This corresponds to the argument
##' \code{thresholdProp} which specifies the percentage which of
##' country must report data (both for the variable to be aggregated and
##' the weighting variable).
##' @param aggVar The vector of names of the variables to be
##' aggregated.
##' @param weightVar The vector of names of the variables to be used
##' as weighting when the aggregation method is weighted.
##' @param year The column containing the time information.
##' @param data The data frame containing the country level data.
##' @param relationDF A relational data frame which specifies the
##' territory and the mother country. At least one column must have
##' a corrispondent variable name in the dataset.
##' @param aggMethod Can be a single method for all data or a vector
##' specifying different method for each variable. The method can be
##' "sum", "mean", "weighted.mean".
##' @param unspecifiedCode The output code of the unspecified group.
##' @param thresholdProp The vector of the missing threshold for the
##' aggregation rule to be applied. The default is set to only compute
##' aggregation if there are more than 65 percent of data available (0.65).
##' @param applyRules Logical, specifies whether the
##' \code{thresholdProp} rule must be applied or not.
##' @param keepUnspecified Whether countries with unspecified region
##' should be aggregated into an "Unspecified" group or simply
##' drop. Default to create the new group.
##' @importFrom stats coef lm na.omit weighted.mean
##' @importFrom utils download.file read.csv setTxtProgressBar str txtProgressBar write.csv
##' @export
##' @examples
##' ## example.df = data.frame(FAOST_CODE = rep(c(1, 2, 3), 2),
##' ## Year = rep(c(2010, 2011), c(3, 3)),
##' ## value = rep(c(1, 2, 3), 2),
##' ## weight = rep(c(0.3, 0.7, 1), 2))
##' ## Lets aggregate country 1 and 2 into one country and keep country
##' ## 3 seperate.
##' ## relation.df = data.frame(FAOST_CODE = 1:3, NEW_CODE = c(1, 1, 2))
Aggregation =
function(data, aggVar, weightVar = rep(NA, length(aggVar)), year = "Year",
relationDF = FAOcountryProfile[, c("FAOST_CODE", "M49_FAOST_CODE")],
aggMethod = rep("sum", length(aggVar)), applyRules = TRUE,
keepUnspecified = TRUE, unspecifiedCode = 0,
thresholdProp = rep(0.65, length(aggVar))) {
## Obtain the name of the relationships
inCode = colnames(relationDF)[1]
outCode = colnames(relationDF)[2]
colnames(relationDF) = c("inCode", "outCode")
## Checks
if(!all(unique(data[, inCode]) %in% relationDF[, "inCode"]))
stop("Not all entries are matched with a relationship")
if(!(inCode %in% colnames(data)))
stop("Input code in relationship data frame not found in data")
if(!all(identical(length(aggVar), length(aggMethod)),
identical(length(aggVar), length(weightVar)),
identical(length(aggVar), length(thresholdProp))))
stop("length of aggVar, aggMethod, weightVar, and thresholdProp are not all equal")
if(any([which(aggMethod == "weighted.mean")])))
stop("Weighting variable missing for some variable")
## Subset the data to compute aggregates variables in the data, still
## a problem if the weighted variable is not in the data.
ind = which(aggVar %in% colnames(data))
aggVar = aggVar[ind]
aggMethod = aggMethod[ind]
weightVar = weightVar[ind]
thresholdProp = thresholdProp[ind]
## Merge the data with the relation data
raw.dt = data.table(merge(x = relationDF, y = data, by.x = "inCode",
by.y = inCode, all.y = TRUE), equalWeight = 1)
setkeyv(raw.dt, c("inCode", year))
n.var = length(aggVar)
weightVar[] = "equalWeight"
## Check the unspecified code and the outputcode
if(typeof(relationDF[, "outCode"]) != typeof(unspecifiedCode))
stop("The type of output code and unspecified code need to be the same")
Unspecified = raw.dt[, inCode]
raw.dt[, outCode := unspecifiedCode]
} else {
raw.dt = subset(raw.dt, !
final = unique(raw.dt[, c("outCode", year), with = FALSE])
setkeyv(final, c("outCode", year))
foo = function(x, w, FUN){
w[] = 0
sum = {tmp = sum(x, na.rm = any(!},
mean = {tmp = mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)},
weighted.mean = {
if (length(w) == 1) w = 1
tmp = weighted.mean(x, w, na.rm = TRUE)}
printLab(paste("Computing Aggregation for ", length(aggVar),
" variables", sep = ""))
pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = n.var, style = 3)
if (applyRules) {
## Rules are applied
for(i in 1:n.var){
if(aggMethod[i] == "discard"){
## We do not need to aggregate the variable
tmp = subset(raw.dt, select = c("outCode", year, aggVar[i]),
subset = inCode == outCode)
setkeyv(tmp, c("outCode", year))
final = merge(x = final, y = tmp, all.x = TRUE)
} else {
## We do need to compute aggregation
base = data.table()
## Loop by year
for(j in unique(raw.dt$Year)){
## Loop by aggregate
for (z in unique(raw.dt$outCode)) {
rawSbst.dt = raw.dt[Year == j & raw.dt[, outCode] == z, c(aggVar[i], weightVar[i], "outCode"), with = FALSE]
## Aggregation should only be performed if sufficient countries
## reported data.
if (NROW(rawSbst.dt[![, get(aggVar[i])]), weightVar[i], with = FALSE]) != 0) {
ratio <- sum(rawSbst.dt[![, get(aggVar[i])]), weightVar[i], with = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)/
sum(rawSbst.dt[, weightVar[i], with = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
if(! & ratio >= thresholdProp[i]){
tmp = rawSbst.dt[, foo(x = get(aggVar[i]), w = get(weightVar[i]),
FUN = aggMethod[i]), by = outCode]
tmp[, Year := j]
} else {
tmp = unique(rawSbst.dt[, "outCode", with = FALSE])
tmp[, V1 := as.numeric(NA)]
tmp[, Year := j]
} else {
tmp = unique(rawSbst.dt[, "outCode", with = FALSE])
tmp[, V1 := as.numeric(NA)]
tmp[, Year := j]
base = rbind(base, tmp)
setkeyv(base, c("outCode", year))
setnames(base, "V1", aggVar[i])
final = merge(x = final, y = base, all.x = TRUE)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
} else {
## No rule is applied
for(i in 1:n.var){
if(aggMethod[i] == "discard"){
## In case the aggregation method is not specify, I just want
## to take those countries with inCode == outCode. These would
## correspond to the mother countries in case of aggregation at
## territorial level and to nothing in case of aggregation to
## regional level
tmp = subset(raw.dt, select = c("outCode", year, aggVar[i]),
subset = inCode == outCode)
} else {
tmp =
raw.dt[, foo(x = get(aggVar[i]), w = get(weightVar[i]),
FUN = aggMethod[i]),
by = eval(paste("outCode", ",Year", sep = ""))]
setnames(tmp, "V1", aggVar[i])
setkeyv(tmp, c("outCode", year))
final = merge(x = final, y = tmp, all.x = TRUE)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
setnames(final, "outCode", outCode)
if (keepUnspecified) {
cat(paste("\nThe following territories have been aggregated into code = ",
unspecifiedCode, ":\n", sep = ""))
} else{
utils::globalVariables(names = c("nc", "Year", "V1", "FAOcountryProfile"))
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