
Defines functions FFdownload

Documented in FFdownload

#' @title Downloads Datasets from Kenneth French's Website
#' @description \code{FFdownload} returns an RData file with all (possibility to exclude the large daily) datasets from Kenneth French's Website.
#' Should help researchers to work with the datasets and update the regularly. Allows for reproducible research. Be aware that processing
#' (especially when including daily files) takes quite a long time!
#' @param output_file name of the .RData file to be saved (include path if necessary)
#' @param tempd specify if you want to keep downloaded files somewhere save. Seems to be necessary for
#' reproducible research as the files on the website do change from time to time
#' @param exclude_daily excludes the daily datasets (are not downloaded) ==> speeds the process up considerably
#' @param download set to TRUE if you actually want to download again. set to false and specify tempd to keep processing the already downloaded files
#' @param download_only set to FALSE if you want to process all your downloaded files at once
#' @param listsave if not NULL, the list of unzipped files is saved here (good for processing only a limited number of files through inputlist).
#' Is written before inputlist is processed.
#' @param inputlist if not NULL, FFdownload tries to match the names from the list with the list of zip-files
#' @param format (set to xts) specify "xts" or "tbl"/"tibble" for the output format of the nested lists
#' @return RData file
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tempf <- tempfile(fileext = ".RData"); outd <- paste0(tempdir(),"/",format(Sys.time(), "%F_%H-%M"))
#' temptxt <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")
#' # Example 1: Use FFdownload to get a list of all monthly zip-files. Save that list as temptxt.
#' FFdownload(exclude_daily=TRUE,download=FALSE,download_only=TRUE,listsave=temptxt)
#' read.delim(temptxt,sep = ",")
#' # set vector with only files to download (we try a fuzzyjoin, so "Momentum" should be enough to get
#' # the Momentum Factor)
#' inputlist <- c("Research_Data_Factors","Momentum_Factor","ST_Reversal_Factor","LT_Reversal_Factor")
#' # Now process only these files if they can be matched (download only)
#' FFdownload(exclude_daily=FALSE,tempd=outd,download=TRUE,download_only=FALSE,
#' inputlist=inputlist,output_file = tempf)
#' list.files(outd)
#' # Then process all the downloaded files
#' FFdownload(output_file = tempf, exclude_daily=TRUE,tempd=outd,download=FALSE,
#' download_only=FALSE,inputlist=inputlist)
#' load(tempf); FFdata$`x_F-F_Momentum_Factor`$monthly$Temp2[1:10]
#' # Example 2: Download all non-daily files and process them
#' # Commented out to not being tested
#' # tempf2 <- tempfile(fileext = ".RData");
#' # outd2<- paste0(tempdir(),"/",format(Sys.time(), "%F_%H-%M"))
#' # FFdownload(output_file = tempf2,tempd = outd2, exclude_daily = TRUE, download = TRUE,
#' # download_only=FALSE, listsave=temptxt)
#' # load(tempf2)
#' # FFdownload$x_25_Portfolios_5x5$monthly$average_value_weighted_returns
#' }
#' @importFrom utils download.file unzip
#' @importFrom xml2 read_html
#' @importFrom rvest html_attr html_nodes
#' @importFrom utils adist write.csv
#' @importFrom plyr mlply
#' @export
FFdownload <- function(output_file = "data.Rdata", tempd=NULL, exclude_daily=FALSE, download=TRUE, download_only=FALSE, listsave=NULL, inputlist=NULL, format="xts") {
  message("Step 1: getting list of all the csv-zip-files!\n")
  URL <- "http://mba.tuck.dartmouth.edu/pages/faculty/ken.french/data_library.html"
  pg <- xml2::read_html(URL)
  Flinks <- rvest::html_attr(rvest::html_nodes(pg, "a"), "href")
  Findex <- grep("CSV.zip",Flinks)
  Fdaily <- grep("daily",Flinks[Findex],ignore.case = TRUE)

  Flinks_csv <- Flinks[Findex]
  Flinks_csv_daily <- Flinks[Findex][Fdaily]
  Flinks_csv_nodaily <- Flinks[Findex][-Fdaily]

  # save list of links if listsave!=NULL

  # if there is an input-list
      Flinks_final <- Flinks_csv_nodaily[apply(adist(x=inputlist,y=Flinks_csv_nodaily,ignore.case = TRUE), 1, which.min)]
      } else {
      Flinks_final <- Flinks_csv_nodaily[apply(adist(x=inputlist,y=Flinks_csv_nodaily,ignore.case = TRUE), 1, which.min)]
      Flinks_final <- c(Flinks_final,
                        Flinks_csv_daily[apply(adist(x=inputlist,y=Flinks_csv_daily,ignore.case = TRUE), 1, which.min)])
  } else {
    if (exclude_daily){Flinks_final <- Flinks_csv_nodaily} else {Flinks_final <- Flinks_csv}

  if (download){
    message("Step 2: Downloading ",length(Flinks_final)," zip-files\n")
    temp_download <- tempfile(pattern=""); dir.create(temp_download,showWarnings = FALSE)
      utils::download.file(url = paste0("http://mba.tuck.dartmouth.edu/pages/faculty/ken.french/",Flinks_final),
                    destfile = paste0(temp_download,"/",gsub(pattern = "ftp/","",Flinks_final)), method="libcurl",quite=TRUE)
    } else {
      for (i in 1:length(Flinks_final)){
        Fdest <- gsub("ftp/","",Flinks_final[i])
        utils::download.file(paste0("http://mba.tuck.dartmouth.edu/pages/faculty/ken.french/",Flinks_final[i]), paste0(temp_download,"/", Fdest),quite=TRUE)
    # copy to final tempd if wished
    if (!is.null(tempd)) {dir.create(tempd,showWarnings = FALSE); file.copy(from = paste0(temp_download,"/",gsub(pattern = "ftp/","",Flinks_final)),
                                                                                to = tempd, recursive=TRUE)}
  # if download_only==TRUE exit
    if (!download&is.null(tempd)) {stop("No directory given for reading files!")
      } else if (download&is.null(tempd))  {
        tempd <- temp_download
    zip_files <- list.files(tempd, full.names = TRUE, pattern = "\\.zip$", ignore.case = TRUE) # full path
    lapply(zip_files, function (x) unzip(zipfile = x, exdir = tempd))

    csv_files <- list.files(tempd, full.names = TRUE, pattern = "\\.csv$", ignore.case = TRUE) # full path
    csv_files2 <- list.files(tempd, full.names = FALSE, pattern = "\\.csv$", ignore.case = TRUE) # only filenames
    if (length(grep("daily",csv_files2,ignore.case = TRUE))){
      csv_files2_daily <- csv_files2[grep("daily",csv_files2,ignore.case = TRUE)]
      csv_files2_nodaily <- csv_files2[-grep("daily",csv_files2,ignore.case = TRUE)]
    } else {csv_files2_daily <- NULL; csv_files2_nodaily <- csv_files2}

    vars_nodaily <- paste0("x_", gsub("(.*)\\..*", "\\1", csv_files2_nodaily)  )
    vars_daily <- paste0("x_", gsub("(.*)\\..*", "\\1", csv_files2_daily)  )
    vars <- paste0("x_", gsub("(.*)\\..*", "\\1", csv_files2)  )

    message("Step 3: Start processing ",length(Flinks_final)," csv-files\n")
    if (format == "xts"){
      FFdata <- plyr::mlply(function(y) converter(y), .data=csv_files, .progress = "text")
    } else if (format %in% c("tbl","tibble")){
      FFdata <- plyr::mlply(function(y) converter_tbl(y), .data=csv_files, .progress = "text")
    names(FFdata) <- vars

    # recombine lists
      for (i in 1:length(vars_nodaily)){
        if (any(grepl(vars_nodaily[i],vars_daily))){
          FFdata[[eval(vars_nodaily[i])]]$daily <- FFdata[[eval(vars_daily[grep(vars_nodaily[i],vars_daily)])]]$daily
          FFdata[[eval(vars_daily[grep(vars_nodaily[i],vars_daily)])]] <- NULL
    save(FFdata, file = output_file)
    message("Be aware that as of version 1.0.6 the saved object is named FFdata rather than FFdownload to not be confused with the corresponding command!")


Try the FFdownload package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

FFdownload documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 5:14 p.m.