
Defines functions groupUnits

Documented in groupUnits

#' @rdname internal_desc
#' @export
groupUnits <- function(tabest, domain, esttype="AREA", estncol="estn",
	estncol.var="estn.var", estdcol="estd", estdcol.var="estd.var",
	covarcol="covar", grpfun=sum, domvar2=NULL, rowgrpnm=NULL, unitvar=NULL,
	areavar=NULL, phototype="PCT", photoratio=FALSE, keepvars=NULL){

  ## DESCRIPTION: Internal function to group estimation unit estimates together

  ## Set global variables
  pse=rhat=TOTAREA=WEIGHT=rhat.var=NBRPNTS=phat=phat.var=est=est.var <- NULL

  if (!"data.table" %in% class(tabest)) {
    tabest <- setDT(tabest)

  ## Domain variables
  domvargrp <- domain
  if (!is.null(domvar2)) domvargrp <- c(domvargrp, domvar2)
  if (!is.null(rowgrpnm) && rowgrpnm %in% names(tabest)) {
    domvargrp <- c(domvargrp, rowgrpnm)

  ## Aggregation variables
  agvars <- c(estncol, estncol.var, "NBRPLT.gt0", areavar)
  #agvars <- c(estncol, estncol.var, "NBRPLT.gt0")
  agvars <- agvars[which(agvars %in% names(tabest))]

  if (esttype == "RATIO") {
    agvars <- c(agvars, estdcol, estdcol.var, "est.covar")
    agvars <- agvars[which(agvars %in% names(tabest))]
  keepvars <- keepvars[keepvars %in% names(tabest)]
  tabgrp <- tabest[, lapply(.SD, sum, na.rm=TRUE), by=c(domvargrp, keepvars),
  setorderv(tabgrp, domvargrp)

  if (esttype == "RATIO" || (esttype == "PHOTO" && photoratio)) {
    tabgrp <- getrhat(tabgrp)

#      ## Round estimate
#      tabgrp[, rhat := round(rhat, estround)]
#      tabgrp[, pse := round(pse, pseround)]

  } else {
    if (!is.null(estncol.var) && estncol.var %in% names(tabgrp)) {

      ## standard error of the estimated area
      ## the coefficient of variation - percent sampling error of the estimate
      sevar <- paste0(estncol, ".se")
      cvvar <- paste0(estncol, ".cv")
		(sevar) := sqrt(get(estncol.var))][,
		(cvvar) := get(sevar) / get(estncol)][,
  		pse := get(cvvar) * 100])


  ## Divide by
#  estn.temp <- paste(estncol, divideby, sep=".")
#  if (!is.null(dividebynum))
#    tabgrp[, (estn.temp) := get(estn.temp) / dividebynum]

#  ## Round estimate
#  tabgrp[, (estn.temp) := round(get(estn.temp), estround)]
#  tabgrp[, pse := round(pse, pseround)]

#  tabgrp[is.na(tabgrp)] <- 0
#  setkeyv(tabgrp, domain)


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FIESTAutils documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:06 a.m.