
Defines functions faasr_get_user_function_args

Documented in faasr_get_user_function_args

#' @name faasr_get_user_function_args
#' @title faasr_get_user_function_args
#' @description 
#' Helper function to extract arguments of a User Function from the faasr parsed Payload list
#' @param faasr list with parsed and validated Payload
#' @return 
#' args list of User Function arguments
#' if no args provided, return empty list
#' @keywords internal

faasr_get_user_function_args <- function(faasr) {
  # First extract the name of the User Function to invoke
  user_action <- faasr$FunctionInvoke

  # Now extract and return the arguments specific to this User Function
  args <- faasr$FunctionList[[user_action]]$Arguments
  if (is.null(args)){

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FaaSr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:38 a.m.