
Defines functions misc

Documented in misc

misc <-
function(classification, truth) 
    q <- function(map, len, x) {
        x <- as.character(x)
        map <- lapply(map, as.character)
        y <- sapply(map, function(x) x[1])
        best <- y != x
        if (all(len) == 1) 
        errmin <- sum(as.numeric(best))
        z <- sapply(map, function(x) x[length(x)])
        mask <- len != 1
        counter <- rep(0, length(len))
        k <- sum(as.numeric(mask))
        j <- 0
        while (y != z) {
            i <- k - j
            m <- mask[i]
            counter[m] <- (counter[m]%%len[m]) + 1
            y[x == name(map)[m]] <- map[[m]][counter[m]]
            temp <- y != x
            err <- sum(as.numeric(temp))
            if (err < errmin) {
                errmin <- err
                best <- temp
            j <- (j + 1)%%k
    if (any(isNA <- is.na(classification))) {
        classification <- as.character(classification)
        nachar <- paste(unique(classification[!isNA]), collapse = "")
        classification[isNA] <- nachar
    MAP <- mapClass(classification, truth)
    len <- sapply(MAP[[1]], length)
    if (all(len) == 1) {
        CtoT <- unlist(MAP[[1]])
        I <- match(as.character(classification), names(CtoT), 
            nomatch = 0)
        one <- CtoT[I] != truth
    else {
        one <- q(MAP[[1]], len, truth)
    len <- sapply(MAP[[2]], length)
    if (all(len) == 1) {
        TtoC <- unlist(MAP[[2]])
        I <- match(as.character(truth), names(TtoC), nomatch = 0)
        two <- TtoC[I] != classification
    else {
        two <- q(MAP[[2]], len, classification)
    err <- if (sum(as.numeric(one)) > sum(as.numeric(two))) 
    else as.vector(two)
    bad <- seq(along = classification)[err]
    errorRate = length(bad)/length(truth)

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FactMixtAnalysis documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:40 p.m.