
Defines functions mgauss.hermite

## compute multivariate Gaussian quadrature points
## n     - number of points each dimension before pruning
## mu    - mean vector
## sigma - covariance matrix
## prune - NULL - no pruning; [0-1] - fraction to prune
mgauss.hermite <- function(n, mu, sigma, prune=NULL) {
  if(!all(dim(sigma) == length(mu)))
    stop("mu and sigma have nonconformable dimensions")
  dm  <- length(mu)
  gh  <- gauss.hermite(n)
  #idx grows exponentially in n and dm
  idx <- as.matrix(expand.grid(rep(list(1:n),dm)))
  pts <- matrix(gh[idx,1],nrow(idx),dm)
  wts <- apply(matrix(gh[idx,2],nrow(idx),dm), 1, prod)
  ## prune
  if(!is.null(prune)) {
    qwt <- quantile(wts, probs=prune)
    pts <- pts[wts > qwt,]
    wts <- wts[wts > qwt]
  ## rotate, scale, translate points
  eig <- eigen(sigma) 
  rot <- eig$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(eig$values))
  pts <- t(rot %*% t(pts) + mu)
  return(list(points=pts, weights=wts))

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