
# R (http://r-project.org/) Instrument Class Model
# Copyright (c) 2009-2012
# Peter Carl, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Jeffrey Ryan, 
# Joshua Ulrich, Brian G. Peterson, and Garrett See
# This library is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
# for full details see the file COPYING
# $Id$

#' format an id
#' convert the primary_id or suffix_id of an \code{instrument} to a different format.
#' Primarily intended for \code{\link{future_series}} instruments.
#' Formats for the suffix_id include 
#' 'CY', 'CYY', and 'CYYYY' where C is the month code and Y is numeric.
#' 'MMMY', 'MMMYY', 'MMMYYYY' where MMM is an uppercase month abbreviation.
#' '1xCY', '1xCYY', '1xCYYYY' for single-stock-futures.
#' There are currently only 2 formats available for \code{\link{option_series}}: 'opt2' and 'opt4'
#' where opt2 uses a 2 digit year and opt4 uses a 4 digit year.
#' @param id character. the id to be reformatted. Can be either a primary_id or a suffix_id
#' @param format character string indicating how the id should be formatted. See Details.
#' @param parse character name of parsing method to use:  "id" or "suffix"
#' @param sep character that will separate root_id and suffix_id of output if calling with \code{parse="id"}
#' @param ... parameters to pass to the parsing function
#' @return character id of the appropriate format
#' @author Garrett See
#' @seealso \code{\link{parse_id}}, \code{\link{parse_suffix}},
#' \code{\link{M2C}}, \code{\link{month_cycle2numeric}}
#' @examples
#' format_id('U1', format='MMMYY', parse='suffix')
#' format_id('ES_JUN2011', format='CYY', parse='id')
#' format_id("SPY_20110826P129","opt2")
#' #several at once
#' id3 <- c('VX_aug1','ES_U1', 'VX_U11')
#' format_id(id3,'MMMYY')
#' format_id(id3,'CYY')
#' format_id(id3,'CY',sep="")
#' @export
format_id <- function(id, format=NULL, parse=c('id', 'suffix'), sep="_", ...) {
    if (!is.null(format) && format == FALSE) format <- NULL
	parse <- parse[[1]]
	out <- NULL
    for (i in id) {
        pid <- do.call(paste('parse', parse, sep="_"), list(i, ...))
        suffix <- ifelse(parse=='id',pid$suffix, i)
		if (any(!is.null(format))) {
			tmp <- switch(format[[1]], 
                CY=paste(pid$root,paste(M2C(pid$month),substr(pid$year,4,4),sep=""), sep=sep),
                CYY=paste(pid$root,paste(M2C(pid$month),substr(pid$year,3,4),sep=""), sep=sep),
                CYYYY=paste(pid$root,paste(M2C(pid$month),pid$year,sep=""), sep=sep),
                MMMY=paste(pid$root, paste(pid$month,substr(pid$year,4,4), sep=""), sep=sep),
                MMMYY=paste(pid$root, paste(pid$month,substr(pid$year,3,4), sep=""), sep=sep),
                MMMYYYY=paste(pid$root, paste(pid$month,pid$year,sep=""), sep=sep),
                xxCY=paste(pid$root, paste(substr(suffix,1,2), M2C(pid$month), substr(pid$year,4,4), sep=""), sep=sep),
                xxCYY=paste(pid$root, paste(substr(suffix,1,2), M2C(pid$month), substr(pid$year,3,4), sep=""), sep=sep), 
                xxCYYYY=paste(pid$root, paste(substr(suffix,1,2), M2C(pid$month), pid$year, sep=""), sep=sep),
                NNNN=paste(pid$root, paste(sprintf("%02d", match(pid$month,toupper(month.abb))), substr(pid$year,3,4),sep=""), sep=sep),
                    if (!any(pid$format == c("opt2","opt4"))) stop("I'm not programmed to convert non-option_series_ids to option_series_ids")
                    ifelse(pid$format == "opt4", paste(pid$root, substr(suffix,3,nchar(suffix)), sep=sep), i)
                    if (!any(pid$format == c("opt2","opt4"))) stop("I'm not programmed to convert non-option_series_ids to option_series_ids")
                    ifelse(pid$format == "opt2", paste(pid$root, paste("20",suffix,sep=""), sep=sep), i)
		} else tmp <- if (suffix=="") {pid$root} else paste(pid$root,suffix,sep=sep)
        if (substr(tmp,1,nchar(sep)) == sep) tmp <- substr(tmp,nchar(sep)+1,nchar(tmp))
        if (substr(tmp,nchar(tmp)-nchar(sep)+1,nchar(tmp)) == sep) tmp <- substr(tmp,1,nchar(tmp)-nchar(sep))
        out <- c(out, tmp)

#' coerce month_cycle to a numeric vector
#' This will convert month codes or month names to numeric months.
#' Input can be a vector, comma-delimited string, or multiple strings. 
#' All inputs should be similar.
#' Do not mix month names, codes and numbers in the same call.
#' \code{MC2N} is an alias
#' @return numeric vector
#' @param ... the expiration months of a \code{\link{future}}. See examples.
#' @author Garrett See
#' @seealso \code{\link{M2C}}, \code{\link{C2M}}, \code{\link{next.future_id}}
#' \code{\link{future}}
#' @examples
#' MC2N("H,M,U,Z") # from single string
#' MC2N(c("H","M","U","Z")) # from single vector
#' MC2N("h", "M", "u", "Z") # from multiple strings
#' MC2N(c("F","G"), "H", c("X","Z")) # from multiple vectors
#' month_cycle2numeric("Mar,jun,SEP,dEc") 
#' month_cycle2numeric("Mar", "jun", "SEP", "dEc")
#' MC2N("March,june,sep,decem")
#' MC2N("March, june, sep, decem") #spaces between commas are ok
#' month_cycle2numeric("3,6,9,12")
#' month_cycle2numeric(seq(3,12,3))
#' @rdname month_cycle2numeric
#' @export
month_cycle2numeric <- function(...) {
    month_cycle <- unlist(list(...))
    if (is.character(month_cycle)) {
        cycle.chr <- toupper(strsplit(paste(month_cycle, collapse=","), ",")[[1]])
        cycle.chr <- gsub(" ", "", cycle.chr)
        if (!any(suppressWarnings(is.na(as.numeric(cycle.chr))))) {
            month_cycle <- as.numeric(cycle.chr)
        } else {
            month_cycle <- match(cycle.chr, M2C()) # "H,M" or c("H","M")
            if (any(is.na(month_cycle))) month_cycle <- pmatch(cycle.chr, toupper(month.name))  # "Mar,Jun" or c("MAR","JUN")

#' @rdname month_cycle2numeric
#' @export
MC2N <- month_cycle2numeric

# @examples
# month_cycle2code('feb,apr,jun,aug,dec')
month_cycle2code <- function(month_cycle) {

# @examples 
# month_cycle2string('feb,apr,jun,aug,dec')
month_cycle2string <- function(month_cycle) {
    paste(M2C()[month_cycle2numeric(month_cycle)], collapse=",")

#' Get the primary_id of the next-to-expire (previously expiring) future_series instrument
#' Using \code{\link{parse_id}}, this will figure out where in the \code{month_cycle} that \code{id}
#' belongs.  Then, it will use the next (previous) month in \code{month_cycle} to construct the id of the
#' next-to-expire contract.
#' \code{month_cycle} can be a numeric vector (corresponding to the months in which contracts expire),
#' or it can be a vector of month codes, a vector of month abbreviations, or a comma-delimited
#' string of month codes or abbreviations, in which case an attempt will be made to convert it to a numeric vector.
#' by passing it through \code{\link{month_cycle2numeric}}
#' \code{root} is primarily used when you have an id that does not have an underscore, in which case, providing \code{root}
#' will make splitting the id into primary_id and suffix_id easier and more accurate.  \code{root} can also be used if you want
#' the returned id to be on a different \code{future} than the id you passed in (when used this way, \code{format} should also be used). 
#' By default, (when called with \code{format=NULL}) the returned id will be of the same format as the \code{id} that was passed in.  
#' The format of the returned id can be specified with the \code{format} argument.  See \code{\link{format_id}} for supported values of \code{format}
#' @param id character string primary_id of a future_series instrument
#' @param month_cycle months in which contracts expire. numeric or month codes. See Details.
#' @param root root_id. usually only used if there is no underscore in the \code{id}. See Details.
#' @param format how you would like the returned id to be formatted. If NULL, it will match the format of \code{id}. See Details.
#' @return character
#' @author Garrett See
#' @seealso \code{\link{format_id}} for supported values of \code{format}.
#' \code{\link{month_cycle2numeric}}
#' @examples
#' next.future_id("ES_Z1","H,M,U,Z", format=NULL) 
#' next.future_id("VIXAUG11", 1:12, root='VIX', format=NULL)
#' next.future_id("YM_Q11", seq(3,12,3)) #gives a warning about 'Q' not being part of month_cycle
#' @export
#' @rdname next.future_id
next.future_id <- function(id, month_cycle=seq(3,12,3), root=NULL, format=NULL) {
    out <- NULL  
    #if month_cycle is character, convert it to numeric vector 
    month_cycle <- month_cycle2numeric(month_cycle)  
    for (ID in id) {
        pid <- parse_id(ID, silent=TRUE, root=root)
        y <- pid$year
        curr.m <- match(pid$month, toupper(month.abb))    

        if (is.na(match(curr.m,month_cycle))) { 
            warning('suffix falls inbetween month_cycle months.')
            #add curr.m to month_cycle
            month_cycle <- sort(c(curr.m, month_cycle))

        if (curr.m == last(month_cycle)) {
            y <- y + 1
            nxt.m <- month_cycle[1]
        } else nxt.m <- month_cycle[match(curr.m,month_cycle)+1]

        suffout <- paste(M2C()[nxt.m], substr(y,3,4), sep="")
        #if there is no underscore in ID sep="", else sep="_"    
        if (identical(integer(0),grep("_",ID))) {sep <- ""} else sep="_"
        if (is.null(format)) format <- pid$format
        suffout <- format_id(suffout, format, parse='suffix')
        out <- c(out, paste(pid$root, suffout, sep=sep))

#' @export
#' @rdname next.future_id
prev.future_id <- function(id, month_cycle=seq(3,12,3), root=NULL, format=NULL) {
    out <- NULL    
    month_cycle <- month_cycle2numeric(month_cycle)
    for (ID in id) {
        pid <- parse_id(ID, silent=TRUE, root=root)
        y <- pid$year
        curr.m <- match(pid$month, toupper(month.abb))    

        if (is.na(match(curr.m,month_cycle))) { 
            warning('suffix falls inbetween month_cycle months.')
            #add curr.m to month_cycle
            month_cycle <- sort(c(curr.m, month_cycle))

        if (curr.m == first(month_cycle)) {
            y <- y - 1
            prev.m <- last(month_cycle)
        } else prev.m <- month_cycle[match(curr.m,month_cycle)-1]

        suffout <- paste(M2C()[prev.m], substr(y,3,4), sep="")
        #if there is no underscore in id and format==NULL sep="", else sep="_"    
        if (identical(integer(0),grep("_", ID))) {sep <- ""} else sep="_"
        if (is.null(format)) format <- pid$format
        suffout <- format_id(suffout, format, parse='suffix')
        out <- c(out, paste(pid$root, suffout, sep=sep))

#' sort primary_ids of instruments
#' Primarily intended for use on the primary_ids of \code{\link{future_series}} instruments.
#' This will sort ids by expiration.  All ids that do not contain month and year information 
#' will be sorted alphabetically (separately) and appended to the end of the other sorted ids.
#' If an instrument is defined, and has a date in its \sQuote{expires} field, that date will be
#' used as the expiration date.  Otherwise, it is assumed that the contract expires
#' on the first day of its expiration month.  This means that if some products are defined
#' and other products that expire in the same month are not defined, the ones that are
#' not defined will come first in the vector of sorted ids.
#' @param ids character vector of ids
#' @param ... arguments to pass through to \code{\link{parse_id}}
#' @return sorted character vector of the same length as \code{ids}
#' @author Garrett See
#' @seealso \code{\link{parse_id}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ids <- c("ES_U11",'GLD','SPY',"YM_Jun11",'DIA','VX_V10')
#' sort_ids(ids)
#' }
#' @export
sort_ids <- function(ids, ...) {
    if (is.null(ids)) return(NULL)
    f <- function(x, ...) {
        tmpi <- getInstrument(x, silent=TRUE)
        if (is.instrument(tmpi)) {
            if (!is.null(tmpexp <- tmpi[["expires"]])) {
                if (length(tmpexp) > 1) {
                    warning(paste(x, "has more than 1 value for expires.",
                                  "Only the first will be used."))
                    tmpexp <- tmpexp[[1L]]
                # if there's a partial date in the "expires" attribute that indicates
                # year and month, use the first day of that month as the expiration date
                # Could use the expires() generic, but parsing it here seems safer.
                if (nchar(tmpexp) == 6 && grepl("^[0-9]+$", tmpexp)) { #201209
                    tmpexp <- paste(substr(tmpexp, 1, 4), substr(tmpexp, 5, 6), "01", sep="-")
                } else if (grepl("^[0-9]{4}-|/[0-9]{2}$", tmpexp)) { #2012-09 or 2012/09
                    tmpexp <- paste(substr(tmpexp, 1, 4), substr(tmpexp, 6, 7), "01", sep="-")
                dtmpexp <- suppressWarnings(try(as.Date(tmpexp), silent=TRUE))
                if (inherits(dtmpexp, "try-error") || is.na(dtmpexp) || !is.timeBased(dtmpexp)) {
                    dtmpexp <- suppressWarnings(try(as.Date(tmpexp, format='%Y%m%d'), silent=TRUE))
                if (!inherits(dtmpexp, "try-error") && !is.na(dtmpexp) && is.timeBased(dtmpexp)) {
        pid <- parse_id(x, ...)
        as.Date(paste(pid$year, MC2N(pid$month), 1, sep = "-"), format = "%Y-%m-%d")
    out1 <- names(sort(sapply(ids,f, ...)))
    out2 <- sort(ids[!(ids %in% out1)])

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FinancialInstrument documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:41 a.m.