
Defines functions fem.main

fem.main <- function(Y,K,init,nstart,maxit,eps,Tinit,model,kernel='',method){
  # Initialization
  colnames = colnames(Y)
  Y = as.matrix(Y)
  n = nrow(Y)
  p = ncol(Y)
  d = min((K-1),(p-1))
  # Compute S
  m = colMeans(Y)
  XX = as.matrix(Y - t(m*t(matrix(1,n,p))))
  S = t(XX) %*% XX /n
  # New objects
  Lobs = rep(c(-Inf),1,(maxit+1))
  # Initialization of T
  if (init=='user'){ T = Tinit}
  else if (init=='hclust'){
    T   = matrix(0,n,K)
    ind = cutree(hclust(dist(Y),method='ward.D2'),K)
    for (i in 1:n){ T[i,ind[i]] = 1 }
  else if (init=='kmeans' || init=='random'){
    Ltmp = rep(NA,nstart); TT = list()
    for (i in 1:nstart){
      if (init=='random'){TT[[i]] = t(rmultinom(n,1,c(rep(1/K,K))))}
        T = matrix(0,n,K)
        ind = kmeans(Y,K,nstart=10)$cluster
        for (i in 1:n){ T[i,ind[i]] = 1 }
        TT[[i]] = T
      V = switch(method,
                 'svd'= fstep.fisher(XX,TT[[i]],S,kernel),
                 'gs'= fstep.GramSc(XX,TT[[i]],S,kernel),
                 'reg'  = fstep.qiao(Y,TT[[i]],kernel))
      prms      = fem.mstep(Y,V,TT[[i]],model=model,method=method)
      res.estep = fem.estep(prms,Y,V)
      Ltmp[i]   = res.estep$loglik
    T = TT[[which.max(Ltmp)]]
  V = switch(method,'svd'= fstep.fisher(XX,T,S,kernel),
             'gs'= fstep.GramSc(XX,T,S,kernel),
             'reg'  = fstep.qiao(Y,T,kernel))
  prms = fem.mstep(Y,V,T,model=model,method=method)
  res.estep = fem.estep(prms,Y,V)
  Lobs[1] = res.estep$loglik
  # Main loop
  Linf_new  = Lobs[1]
  for (i in 1:maxit){
    # The three main steps F, M and E
    V = switch(method,
               'svd'= fstep.fisher(XX,T,S,kernel),
               'gs'= fstep.GramSc(XX,T,S,kernel),
               'reg'  = fstep.qiao(Y,T,kernel))
    prms      = fem.mstep(Y,V,T,model=model,method=method)
    if (prms$test !=0) {warning("some classes become empty\n",call.=F); break}
    res.estep = fem.estep(prms,Y,V)
    T         = res.estep$T
    Lobs[i+1] = res.estep$loglik

    # Stop criterion
    if (i>=3){
      acc      = (Lobs[i+1] - Lobs[i]) / (Lobs[i] - Lobs[i-1])
      Linf_old = Linf_new
      Linf_new <- try( Lobs[i] + 1/(1-acc) * (Lobs[i+1] - Lobs[i]))
      if (is.na(Linf_new)){warning("some classes become empty\n",call.=F); break}
      if (abs(Linf_new - Linf_old) < eps) {break}
  # Returning the results
  cls  = max.col(T)
  crit = fem.criteria(Lobs[(i+1)],T,prms,n)
  rownames(V) = colnames
  colnames(V) = paste('U',1:d,sep='')

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FisherEM documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 8:08 p.m.