
Defines functions drop.unsampled sim.fbd.taxa sim.fbd.rateshift.taxa sim.fbd.age

Documented in sim.fbd.age sim.fbd.rateshift.taxa sim.fbd.taxa

#' sim.fbd.age: Simulating fossilized birth-death trees of a fixed age.
#' @param age Time since origin / most recent common ancestor.
#' @param numbsim Number of trees to simulate.
#' @param lambda Speciation rate.
#' @param mu Extinction rate.
#' @param psi Fossil sampling rate.
#' @param frac Extant sampling fraction: The actual (simulated) number of tips is n, but only n*frac tips are included in the sampled tree (incomplete sampling).
#' @param mrca If mrca=FALSE: age is the time since origin. If mrca=TRUE: age is the time since the most recent common ancestor of all sampled tips.
#' @param complete whether to return the complete tree (with non-sampled lineages) or the reconstructed tree (with unsampled lineages removed).
#' @param K If K = 0 (default), then lambda is constant. If K>0, density-dependent speciation is assumed, with speciation rate = lambda(1-m/K) when there are m living species.
#' @return Array of 'numbsim' SAtrees with the time since origin / most recent common ancestor being 'age'. If the tree goes extinct or
#' no tips are sampled (only possible when mrca = FALSE), return value is '0'. If only one extant and no extinct tips are sampled, return value is '1'.
#' @examples
#' age = 1
#' lambda = 2.0
#' mu = 0.5
#' psi = 0.6
#' numbsim = 2
#' if (requireNamespace("TreeSim", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' sim.fbd.age(age, numbsim, lambda, mu, psi)
#' }
#' @keywords fossilized birth death
#' @export
sim.fbd.age<-function(age, numbsim, lambda, mu, psi, frac = 1, mrca = FALSE, complete = FALSE, K = 0) {
  # check if TreeSim is installed
  if (!requireNamespace("TreeSim", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("TreeSim needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
  trees = TreeSim::sim.bd.age(age, numbsim, lambda, mu, frac, mrca, complete=T, K)
  for(i in 1:length(trees)) {
    if(is.numeric(trees[[i]])) next
    t = trees[[i]]
    f <- sim.fossils.poisson(tree = t, rate = psi)
    tree = SAtree.from.fossils(t,f)$tree
    node.ages = n.ages(tree)
    origin = max(n.ages(tree)) + tree$root.edge
    if( !complete ) {
      tree = drop.unsampled(tree, frac = frac)
      node.ages = n.ages(tree)
    trees[[i]] = tree
    if( !mrca ) {
      trees[[i]]$root.edge = origin - max(node.ages)
    trees[[i]] = SAtree(trees[[i]], complete)

#' sim.fbd.rateshift.taxa: Simulating fossilized birth death trees incorporating rate shifts.
#' @param n Number of extant sampled tips.
#' @param numbsim Number of trees to simulate.
#' @param lambda Vector of speciation rates, the rate in entry i is the speciation rate prior (ancestral) to time times[i].
#' @param mu Vector of extinction rates, the rate in entry i is the extinction rate prior (ancestral) to time times[i].
#' @param psi Vector of fossil sampling rates, the rate in entry i is the fossil sampling rate prior (ancestral) to time times[i].
#' @param times Vector of mass extinction and rate shift times. Time is 0 today and increasing going backwards in time. Specify the
#' vector as times[i]<times[i+1]. times[1]=0 (today).
#' @param complete whether to return the complete tree (with non-sampled lineages) or the reconstructed tree (with unsampled lineages removed).
#' @return List of numbsim simulated SAtrees with n extant sampled tips.
#' @examples
#' n = 10
#' numbsim = 1
#' if (requireNamespace("TreeSim", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' sim.fbd.rateshift.taxa(n, numbsim, lambda = c(2,1), mu = c(0,0.3), psi = c(1,0.1), times = c(0,0.3))
#' }
#' @keywords fossilized birth death
#' @export
sim.fbd.rateshift.taxa <- function(n, numbsim, lambda, mu, psi, times, complete = FALSE) {
  if(length(lambda) != length(times))
    stop("Length mismatch between rate shift times and birth rates")
  if(length(mu) != length(times))
    stop("Length mismatch between rate shift times and death rates")
  if(length(psi) != length(times))
    stop("Length mismatch between rate shift times and sampling rates")
  # check if TreeSim is installed
  if (!requireNamespace("TreeSim", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("TreeSim needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
  trees = TreeSim::sim.rateshift.taxa(n, numbsim, lambda, mu, rep(1, length(times)), times, complete = TRUE)
  for(i in 1:length(trees))
    t = trees[[i]]
    origin = max(n.ages(t)) + t$root.edge
    horizons = c(times, origin)
    f <- sim.fossils.intervals(tree = t, interval.ages = horizons, rates = psi) # reordered
    tree = SAtree.from.fossils(t,f)$tree
    if( !complete ) tree = drop.unsampled(tree)
    node.ages = n.ages(tree)
    trees[[i]] = tree
    trees[[i]]$root.edge = origin - max(node.ages)
    trees[[i]] = SAtree(trees[[i]], complete)

#' sim.fbd.taxa: Simulating fossilized birth-death trees on a fixed number of extant taxa.
#' @param n Number of extant sampled tips.
#' @param numbsim Number of trees to simulate.
#' @param lambda Speciation rate.
#' @param mu Extinction rate.
#' @param psi Fossil sampling rate.
#' @param frac Extant sampling fraction. When complete = FALSE, the actual (simulated) number of extant tips is n/frac, but only n tips are included
#' in the result (incomplete sampling). When complete = TRUE: all unsampled lineages are included, i.e. the final tree has n/frac extant tips.
#' @param complete whether to return the complete tree (with non-sampled lineages) or the reconstructed tree (with unsampled lineages removed).
#' @return List of numbsim simulated SAtrees with n extant sampled tips.
#' @examples
#' n = 10
#' lambda = 2.0
#' mu = 0.5
#' psi = 0.6
#' numbsim = 2
#' if (requireNamespace("TreeSim", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' sim.fbd.taxa(n, numbsim, lambda, mu, psi)
#' }
#' @keywords fossilized birth death
#' @export
sim.fbd.taxa <- function(n, numbsim, lambda, mu, psi, frac = 1, complete = FALSE) {
  # check if TreeSim is installed
  if (!requireNamespace("TreeSim", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("TreeSim needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
  trees = TreeSim::sim.bd.taxa(n, numbsim, lambda, mu, frac, complete = TRUE)
  for(i in 1:length(trees))
    t = trees[[i]]
    f <- sim.fossils.poisson(tree = t, rate = psi)
    tree = SAtree.from.fossils(t,f)$tree
    node.ages = n.ages(tree)
    origin = max(node.ages) + tree$root.edge
    if( !complete ) {
      tree = drop.unsampled(tree, frac = frac, n = n)
      node.ages = n.ages(tree)
    trees[[i]] = tree
    trees[[i]]$root.edge = origin - max(node.ages)
    trees[[i]] = SAtree(trees[[i]], complete)

drop.unsampled = function(tree, frac = 1, n = -1) {
  fossil.tips = is.extinct(tree, tol = 0.000001)
  extant.tips = tree$tip.label[!(tree$tip.label %in% fossil.tips)]
  sa.tips = tree$tip.label[tree$edge[,2][(tree$edge[,2] %in% 1:length(tree$tip.label)) & (tree$edge.length == 0.0)]]
  unsampled.tips = fossil.tips[!(fossil.tips %in% sa.tips)]
  if( frac < 1 ) {
    if(n == -1) n = round(length(extant.tips) * frac)
    unsampled.tips <- c( unsampled.tips, extant.tips[!(extant.tips %in% sample(extant.tips, n))] )
  tree = ape::drop.tip(tree, unsampled.tips)

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FossilSim documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:37 a.m.