
Defines functions Fuzzy.decisions.ML

Documented in Fuzzy.decisions.ML

#' Computes the fuzzy decisions of a fuzzy inference test by the fuzzy confidence intervals by the likelihood method
#' @param data.fuzzified a fuzzification matrix constructed by a call to the function FUZZ or the function GFUZZ, 
#' or a similar matrix. No NA are allowed.
#' @param H0 a trapezoidal or a triangular fuzzy number representing the fuzzy null hypothesis.
#' @param H1 a trapezoidal or a triangular fuzzy number representing the fuzzy alternative hypothesis.
#' @param t a given numerical or fuzzy type parameter of the distribution. 
#' @param coef.boot a decimal representing the 1-sig-quantile of the bootstrap distribution of LR.
#' @param mu if the mean of the normal distribution is known, mu should be a numerical value. Otherwise, the argument mu is fixed to NA.
#' @param sigma if the standard deviation of the normal distribution is known, sigma should be a numerical value. Otherwise, the argument sigma is fixed to NA.
#' @param sig a numerical value representing the significance level of the test. 
#' @param distribution a distribution chosen between "normal", "poisson", "Student" or "Logistic".
#' @param distance.type type of distance chosen from the family of distances. The different choices are given by: "Rho1", "Rho2", "Bertoluzza", "Rhop", "Delta.pq", "Mid/Spr", "wabl", "DSGD", "DSGD.G", "GSGD".
#' @param i parameter of the density function of the Beta distribution, fixed by default to i = 1.
#' @param j parameter of the density function of the Beta distribution, fixed by default to j = 1.
#' @param theta a numerical value between 0 and 1, representing a weighting parameter. By default, theta is fixed to 1/3 referring to the Lebesgue space. This measure is used in the calculations of the following distances: d_Bertoluzza, d_mid/spr and d_phi-wabl/ldev/rdev.
#' @param thetas a decimal value between 0 and 1, representing the weight given to the shape of the fuzzy number. By default, thetas is fixed to 1. This parameter is used in the calculations of the d_theta star and the d_GSGD distances.
#' @param p a positive integer such that 1 \eqn{\le} p < infinity, referring to the parameter of the Rho_p and Delta_pq. By default, p is fixed to 2.
#' @param q a decimal value between 0 and 1, referring to the parameter of the metric Delta_pq. By default, p is fixed to 0.5.
#' @param breakpoints a positive arbitrary integer representing the number of breaks chosen to build the numerical alpha-cuts. It is fixed to 100 by default.
#' @param step a numerical value fixed to 0.05, defining the step of iterations on the interval [t-5; t+5].
#' @param margin an optional numerical couple of values fixed to [5; 5], representing the range of calculations around the parameter t.
#' @param plot fixed by default to "FALSE". plot="FALSE" if a plot of the fuzzy number is not required.
#' @return Returns a list composed by the arguments, the fuzzy confidence intervals, the fuzzy decisions, the defuzzified values and the decision made.
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats lm
#' @export
#' @examples data <- matrix(c(1,2,3,2,2,1,1,3,1,2),ncol=1) 
#' MF111 <- TrapezoidalFuzzyNumber(0,1,1,2)
#' MF112 <- TrapezoidalFuzzyNumber(1,2,2,3)
#' MF113 <- TrapezoidalFuzzyNumber(2,3,3,4)
#' PA11 <- c(1,2,3)
#' data.fuzzified <- FUZZ(data,mi=1,si=1,PA=PA11)
#' H0 <- alphacut(TriangularFuzzyNumber(2.9,3,3.1), seq(0,1, 0.01))
#' H1 <- alphacut(TriangularFuzzyNumber(3,3,5), seq(0,1,0.01))
#' t <- alphacut(TriangularFuzzyNumber(0.8,1.80,2.80), seq(0,1,0.01))
# #' emp.dist <- boot.mean.ml(data.fuzzified, algorithm = "algo1", 
# #' distribution = "normal", sig = 0.05, nsim = 5, sigma = 0.79)
# #' coef.boot <- quantile(emp.dist,  probs = 95/100)
#' coef.boot <- 3.470085
#' res <- Fuzzy.decisions.ML(data.fuzzified, H0, H1, t = t, coef.boot = coef.boot, 
#' sigma = 0.79, sig = 0.05, distribution = "normal", distance.type = "GSGD")

Fuzzy.decisions.ML <- function(data.fuzzified, H0, H1, t, coef.boot, mu=NA, sigma=NA, sig, distribution, distance.type="DSGD", i=1, j=1, theta = 1/3,thetas=1, p=2, q=0.5, breakpoints=100, step = 0.05, margin = c(5,5), plot=FALSE){
  alpha_L <- seq(0,1, 1/breakpoints)
  alpha_U <- seq(1,0, -1/breakpoints)
  #v <- c("TrapezoidalFuzzyNumber", "PowerFuzzyNumber", "PiecewiseLinearFuzzyNumber", "DiscontinuousFuzzyNumber", "FuzzyNumber")
  #if ((class(t) %in% v == TRUE)){t <- alphacut(t, alpha_L)} else if (is.numeric(t) == TRUE && length(t) == 1){
  #  t <- TrapezoidalFuzzyNumber(t,t,t,t)
  # t <- alphacut(t, alpha_L)} 
  #if (class(sig) %in% v == TRUE){sig <- core(sig)[1]} else if (is.alphacuts(sig) == TRUE){sig <- sig[nrow(sig),1]} 
  #if (class(H0) %in% v == TRUE){H0 <- alphacut(H0, alpha_L)} else if (is.numeric(H0) == TRUE && length(H0) == 1){
  # H0 <- TrapezoidalFuzzyNumber(H0,H0,H0,H0)
  # H0 <- alphacut(H0, alpha_L)} 
  #if ((length(is.na(t)==FALSE) != 2*(breakpoints+1)) || (length(is.na(H0)==FALSE) != 2*(breakpoints+1))) {
  # stop(print("Some alpha-levels are missing"))
  #if(is.alphacuts(t)==TRUE && is.alphacuts(H0)==TRUE){
      t.U <- sort(t[,"U"])
      t.L <- t[,"L"]
      suppH0.1 <- H0[1,1]
      suppH0.2 <- H0[1,2]
      coreH0.1 <- H0[(breakpoints+1),1]
      # Construction of the two-sided fuzzy confidence interval numerically
      FCI.ML <- fci.ml.boot(data.fuzzified=data.fuzzified, t=t, coef.boot= coef.boot, distribution=distribution, sig=sig, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, step = step, margin = margin, breakpoints=breakpoints, plot=plot)
      CI_L = FCI.ML[,1]
      CI_U = rev(FCI.ML[,2])
      n <- nrow(data.fuzzified)
      # Equations of the CI called Pi (Lower and Upper side) and its relative complement NotPi (Lower and Upper side)
      # PI
      CI_EQL <- lm(CI_L ~ alpha_L )
      PI_EQL <- CI_EQL$coefficients[2] * alpha_L + CI_EQL$coefficients[1]
      CI_EQU <- lm(CI_U ~ alpha_U )
      PI_EQU <- CI_EQU$coefficients[2] * alpha_U + CI_EQU$coefficients[1]
      # NotPi
      NCI_EQL <- lm(CI_L ~ alpha_U )
      NPI_EQL <- NCI_EQL$coefficients[2] * alpha_U + NCI_EQL$coefficients[1]
      NCI_EQU <- lm(CI_U ~ alpha_L )
      NPI_EQU <- NCI_EQU$coefficients[2] * alpha_U + NCI_EQU$coefficients[1]
      # Abscisses of the points of Pi
      CI_T1 <- CI_EQL$coefficients[1]
      CI_T1S <- CI_EQL$coefficients[2]
      CI_T2 <- CI_EQL$coefficients[1] + 1*CI_EQL$coefficients[2]
      CI_T3 <- CI_EQU$coefficients[1] + 1*CI_EQU$coefficients[2]
      CI_T4S <- CI_EQU$coefficients[2]
      CI_T4 <- CI_EQU$coefficients[1]
      # Abscisses of the points of NotPi
      NCI_T1 <- NCI_EQL$coefficients[1] + 1*NCI_EQL$coefficients[2]
      NCI_T1S <- NCI_EQL$coefficients[2]
      NCI_T2 <- NCI_EQL$coefficients[1]
      NCI_T3 <- NCI_EQU$coefficients[1] 
      NCI_T4S <- NCI_EQU$coefficients[2]
      NCI_T4 <- NCI_EQU$coefficients[1] + 1*NCI_EQU$coefficients[2]
      # Ordinates (Corresponding alpha Value) of the intersection points of all possible cases between H0 from one side and Pi and NotPi from another
      if(suppH0.2 <= CI_T1 || CI_T4 <= suppH0.1) # No intersection at all With PI
        A_L <- 0
        A_T <- 0
        A_R <- 0
        R_L <- 1
        R_T <- 1
        R_R <- 1
      } else if (coreH0.1 >= CI_T2 & coreH0.1 <= CI_T3 & suppH0.1 >= CI_T2 & suppH0.2 <= CI_T3) { # H0 completely inside the CI
        A_L <- 1
        A_T <- 1
        A_R <- 1
        R_L <- 0
        R_T <- 0
        R_R <- 0
      } else if (suppH0.1 <= CI_T1 & coreH0.1 <= (CI_T2) & suppH0.2 <= CI_T4 ) { # Possible intersection with NotPi in R_L and with Pi in A_R
        A_L <- 0
        A_T <- (coreH0.1 - CI_T1) / CI_T1S
        A_R <- (suppH0.2 - CI_T1) / (CI_T1S + (suppH0.2 - coreH0.1))
        if (A_T < 0 || A_T > 1)
          A_T <- 0
        R_L <- (suppH0.1 - NCI_T2) / (NCI_T1S - (coreH0.1 - suppH0.1))
        if (R_L <0 || R_L > 1)
          R_L <- 1
        R_T <- (coreH0.1 - NCI_T2) / NCI_T1S
        if (coreH0.1<= NCI_T1)
          R_T <- 1
        R_R <- (suppH0.2 - NCI_T2) / (NCI_T1S + (suppH0.2 - coreH0.1))
        if (suppH0.2 > NCI_T2 & suppH0.2<= NCI_T3 & coreH0.1 >= CI_T1)
          R_R <- 0 
        if (suppH0.2 > NCI_T3) # The fuzziness is big?
          warning(sprintf("The fuzziness of the null hypothesis is high."))
          R_R <- (suppH0.2 - NCI_T3)/ (NCI_T4S + (suppH0.2 - coreH0.1))
      } else if (suppH0.2 >= CI_T4 & coreH0.1 >= (CI_T3) & suppH0.1 >= CI_T1){ # Possible intersection with NotPi in R_R and with Pi in A_L
        A_L <- (suppH0.1 - CI_T4) / (CI_T4S - (coreH0.1 - suppH0.1))
        A_T <- (coreH0.1 - CI_T4) / CI_T4S
        A_R <- 0
        if (A_T < 0 || A_T > 1)
          A_T <- 0
        R_L <- (suppH0.1 - NCI_T3) / (NCI_T4S - (coreH0.1 - suppH0.1))
        if (suppH0.1 >= NCI_T2 & suppH0.1 < NCI_T3 & coreH0.1 <= NCI_T4)
          R_L <- 0 
        if (suppH0.1 < CI_T2) # The fuzziness is big?
          warning(sprintf("The fuzziness of the null hypothesis is high."))
          R_L <- (suppH0.1 - NCI_T2) / (NCI_T1S - (coreH0.1 - suppH0.1))
        R_T <- (coreH0.1 - NCI_T3) / NCI_T4S
        if (coreH0.1 >= NCI_T4){
          R_T <- 1
        R_R <- (suppH0.2 - NCI_T3) / (NCI_T4S + (suppH0.2 - coreH0.1))
        if (R_R <0 || R_R > 1)
          R_R <- 1
      } else if (CI_T1 <= suppH0.1 & (CI_T2) >= suppH0.2) { # Total intersection left side
        A_L <- (suppH0.1 - CI_T1) / (CI_T1S - (coreH0.1 - suppH0.1))
        A_T <- (coreH0.1 - CI_T1) / CI_T1S
        A_R <- (suppH0.2 - CI_T1) / (CI_T1S + (suppH0.2 - coreH0.1))
        R_L <- (suppH0.1 - NCI_T2) / (NCI_T1S - (coreH0.1 - suppH0.1))
        R_T <- (coreH0.1 - NCI_T2) / NCI_T1S
        R_R <- (suppH0.2 - NCI_T2) / (NCI_T1S + (suppH0.2 - coreH0.1))
      } else if (CI_T4 >= suppH0.2 & (CI_T3) <= suppH0.1) { # Total intersection right side
        A_L <- (suppH0.1 - CI_T4) / (CI_T4S - (coreH0.1 - suppH0.1))
        A_T <- (coreH0.1 - CI_T4) / CI_T4S
        A_R <- (suppH0.2 - CI_T4) / (CI_T4S + (suppH0.2 - coreH0.1))
        R_L <- (suppH0.1 - NCI_T3) / (NCI_T4S - (coreH0.1 - suppH0.1))
        R_T <- (coreH0.1 - NCI_T3) / NCI_T4S
        R_R <- (suppH0.2 - NCI_T3) / (NCI_T4S + (suppH0.2 - coreH0.1))
      } else if (coreH0.1 >= CI_T2 & suppH0.2 <= CI_T4) { # Possible intersection with Pi in A_L and with NotPi in R_L or/and R_R
        A_L <- (suppH0.1 - CI_T1) / (CI_T1S - (coreH0.1 - suppH0.1))
        if (suppH0.1 >= CI_T1 & coreH0.1 < CI_T3)
          A_L <- 1
        if (coreH0.1 > CI_T3)
          A_L <- (suppH0.1 - CI_T4) / (CI_T4S - (coreH0.1 - suppH0.1))
        A_T <- (coreH0.1 - CI_T4) / CI_T4S
        A_R <- (suppH0.2 - CI_T4) / (CI_T4S + (suppH0.2 - coreH0.1))
        R_L <- (suppH0.1 - NCI_T2) / (NCI_T1S - (coreH0.1 - suppH0.1))
        if (R_L < 0 || R_L > 1)
          R_L <- 0
        R_T <- (coreH0.1 - NCI_T3) / NCI_T4S
        if (coreH0.1 <= CI_T3){
          A_T <- 1
          A_R <- 1
          R_T <- 0
        R_R <- (suppH0.2 - NCI_T3) / (NCI_T4S + (suppH0.2 - coreH0.1))
        if (suppH0.2<= NCI_T3){
          R_R <- 0
        if (coreH0.1 <= CI_T3 & coreH0.1 >= CI_T2 & suppH0.1 < NCI_T2 & suppH0.2 > NCI_T3)
          warning(sprintf("The fuzziness of the null hypothesis is high."))
      } else if (coreH0.1 <= (CI_T3) & suppH0.1 >= CI_T1) { # Possible intersection with Pi in A_R and with NotPi in R_R or/and R_L
        A_L <- (suppH0.1 - CI_T1) / (CI_T1S - (coreH0.1 - suppH0.1))
        A_T <- (coreH0.1 - CI_T1) / CI_T1S
        A_R <- (suppH0.2 - CI_T4) / (CI_T4S + (suppH0.2 - coreH0.1))
        if (suppH0.2 <= NCI_T4)
          A_R <- 1
        R_L <- (suppH0.1 - NCI_T2) / (NCI_T1S - (coreH0.1 - suppH0.1))
        if (suppH0.1 >= NCI_T2){
          R_L <- 0
        R_T <- (coreH0.1 - NCI_T2) / NCI_T1S
        if (coreH0.1 > CI_T2){
          A_L <- 1
          A_T <- 1
          R_T <- 0
        R_R <- (suppH0.2 - NCI_T3) / (NCI_T4S + (suppH0.2 - coreH0.1))
        if (suppH0.2 < NCI_T3)
          R_R <- 0
        if (coreH0.1 <= CI_T3 & coreH0.1 >= CI_T2 & suppH0.1 < NCI_T2 & suppH0.2 > CI_T4)
          warning(sprintf( "The fuzziness of the null hypothesis is high." ))
      } else {return("The fuzziness of the hypotheses is very high.")}
    else  # For H1 means approximately equal to ... and  m_l<t< m_r
    {return("The fuzzy p-value cannot be defined for this example, since the fuzziness of the problem is very high.")}
    # Construction of the fuzzy decision numbers and calculation of the related signed distance
    # Dont reject the null hypothesis DRH0
    if (A_T == 1 || A_T == 0) # A revoir les decisions pour A_T = 1 ou R_T = 1 
      DRH0 <- A_T
      D.DRH0 <- A_T
    } else 
      DRH0 <- TriangularFuzzyNumber(min(A_L,A_R),A_T,max(A_L,A_R))
      D.DRH0 <- distance(DRH0, TrapezoidalFuzzyNumber(0,0,0,0), type = distance.type, i=i, j=j, theta = theta, thetas =thetas, p=p, q=q, breakpoints=breakpoints)
    # Reject the null hypothesis RH0
    if (R_T == 1 || R_T == 0)
      RH0 <- R_T
      D.RH0 <- R_T
    } else 
      RH0 <- TriangularFuzzyNumber(min(R_L,R_R),R_T,max(R_L,R_R))
      D.RH0 <- distance(RH0, TrapezoidalFuzzyNumber(0,0,0,0), type = distance.type, i=i, j=j, theta = theta, thetas =thetas, p=p, q=q, breakpoints=breakpoints)
    result <- list(RH0 = RH0, 
                   DRH0 = DRH0, 
                   D.RH0 = D.RH0,
                   D.DRH0 = D.DRH0,
                   PI = cbind(CI_L,CI_U),
                   CI = sort(c(CI_T1,CI_T2,CI_T3,CI_T4)),
                   NCI = sort(c(NCI_T1,NCI_T2,NCI_T3,NCI_T4)),
                   H0 = H0, 
                   t = t, 
                   sig = sig,
                   n = n,
    # }else {print("Problems with alphacuts")}

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