GAIPE.RMSEA=function (rmsea, df, width = NULL, clevel = 0.95, N = c(100,1800, 15), 
                      PA_method = c("exact.fit", "close.fit", "not.close.fit"), 
                       H0rmsea = NULL, alpha = 0.05, power = c(0.8, 0.9, 0.95)){
  n = N
  N = seq(n[1], n[2], n[3])
  par(mar = c(4, 6, 2, 5))
  plot(NA, ylim = c(min(N), max(N) + 100), xlim = c(0, max(max(rmsea) +0.1, 0.2)),
       xlab = expression(RMSEA ~ "(" ~ epsilon ~ ")"), ylab = "Sample Size (N)", axes = FALSE, main = "", 
       bg = "white", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i")
  u = par("usr")
  pchwidth = c(15, 16, 17, 18, 3, 4, 8, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 18, 
               19, 20)
  abline(v = c(0.05, 0.08, 0.1), lty = 1, col = colors()[205])
  text(expression(epsilon ~ "=" ~ 0.05, epsilon ~ "=" ~ 0.08, 
                  epsilon ~ "=" ~ 0.1), x = c(0.05, 0.08, 0.1), y = rep(u[4] - 40, 3), bg = "white", col = colors()[205])
  arrows(0.05, u[4] - 80, 0.05, u[4], col = "white", length = 0)
  arrows(0.08, u[4] - 80, 0.08, u[4], col = "white", length = 0)
  arrows(0.1, u[4] - 80, 0.1, u[4], col = "white", length = 0)
  points(rmsea, rep(u[3], length(rmsea)), pch = 23, cex = 1.5, lwd = 1.5, bg = "white")
  arrows(u[1], u[3], u[2], u[3], xpd = TRUE, length = 0)
  arrows(u[1], u[3], u[1], u[4], xpd = TRUE, length = 0)
  axis(2, at = seq(min(N), max(N), 50), labels = F, tcl = -0.3)
  axis(2, at = seq(min(N), max(N), 200), tcl = -0.6)
  rmsea.range = round(seq(0, max(max(rmsea) + 0.1, 0.2), 0.01), 2)
  axis(1, at = rmsea.range, labels = F, tcl = -0.3)
  axis(1, at = seq(min(rmsea.range), max(rmsea.range), 0.02),  tcl = -0.6)
  if (length(rmsea) == 1) {
    ci = rep(0, 2)
    for (i in 1:length(N)) {
      CI = CI.RMSEA(rmsea, df, N[i], clevel)
      ci = rbind(ci, c(CI$L, CI$U))
    ci = ci[-1, ]
    for (i in 1:length(N)) {
      lines(ci[i, ], rep(N[i], 2), lwd = 1.8)
    if (!is.null(width)[1]) {
      for (k in 1:length(width)) {
        nn = AIPE.RMSEA(rmsea, df, width[k], clevel = clevel)
        CI_ = CI.RMSEA(rmsea, df, nn, clevel)
        CI_limit = c(CI_$L, CI_$U)
        d_w = abs(CI_$U - CI_$L - width[k])
        points(CI_limit, rep(nn, 2), pch = pchwidth[k], 
               cex = 1, lwd = 1.5)
        lines(CI_limit, rep(nn, 2), lwd = 3)
        text(CI_limit[2] + 0.01, nn, paste("N =", nn), cex = 0.8, lwd = 1.8, lwd = 2)
  else {
    for (j in 1:length(rmsea)) {
      ci = rep(0, 2)
      for (i in 1:length(N)) {
        CI = CI.RMSEA(rmsea[j], df, N[i], clevel)
        ci = rbind(ci, c(CI$L, CI$U))
      ci = ci[-1, ]
      lines(ci[, 1], N, lty = j, lwd = 2)
      lines(ci[, 2], N, lty = j, lwd = 2)
      if (!is.null(width)[1]) {
        for (k in 1:length(width)) {
          nn = AIPE.RMSEA(rmsea[j], df, width[k], clevel = clevel)
          CI_ = CI.RMSEA(rmsea[j], df, nn, clevel)
          CI_limit = c(CI_$L, CI_$U)
          points(CI_limit, rep(nn, 2), pch = pchwidth[k], 
                 cex = 1.25, lwd = 2)
          lines(CI_limit, rep(nn, 2), lwd = 2)
          text(mean(CI_limit), nn - 50, paste("N =",nn), cex = 0.8, lwd = 1.8)
      exp_rmsea_lab = c()
      for (i in 1:length(rmsea)) exp_rmsea_lab = c(exp_rmsea_lab,substitute(Expected ~ epsilon == x, list(x = rmsea[i])))
      legendi = as.expression(exp_rmsea_lab)
      legend("bottomright", legend = legendi, text.width=strwidth(legendi)/4,xpd=T,xjust = 0, yjust = 0,x.intersp=0.25,y.intersp=0.25,
             lty = 1:length(rmsea), lwd = 2, cex = 1, bg = "white")
  if (!is.null(H0rmsea)) {
    if (!length(PA_method) == 1 | !is.element(PA_method,c("exact.fit", "close.fit", "not.close.fit"))) 
      stop("PA_method has to be correctly specified.")
    HArmsea = rmsea[1]
    NN = seq(n[1], n[2], 200)
    NP = numeric(length(power))
    POWER = power
    P = numeric(length(NN))
    if (PA_method == "close.fit" | PA_method == "exact.fit") {
      if (is.na(H0rmsea) | H0rmsea < 0) 
        stop("H0rmsea has to be correctly specified.")
      if (HArmsea <= H0rmsea & PA_method == "close.fit") 
        stop("For the test of close fit, H0rmsea has to be smaller than expected RMSEA.")
      if (H0rmsea != 0 & PA_method == "exact.fit") 
        stop("For the test of exact fit, H0rmsea has to be 0.")
      for (k in 1:length(NN)) {
        P[k] = 1 - pchisq(qchisq(1 - alpha, df, H0rmsea^2 * df * (NN[k] - 1)), df, HArmsea^2 * df * (NN[k] - 1))
      for (l in 1:length(power)) {
        NP[l] = PA.RMSEA(df, "close.fit", H0rmsea, HArmsea, 
                         POWER[l], alpha)
    if (PA_method == "not.close.fit") {
      if (is.na(H0rmsea) | H0rmsea < 0) 
        stop("H0rmsea has to be correctly specified.")
      if (HArmsea >= H0rmsea) 
        stop("For the test of not-close fit, H0rmsea has to be larger than expected RMSEA.")
      for (k in 1:length(NN)) {
        P[k] = pchisq(qchisq(alpha, df, H0rmsea^2 * df * (NN[k] - 1)), df, HArmsea^2 * df * (NN[k] - 1))
      for (l in 1:length(power)) {
        NP[l] = PA.RMSEA(df, "not.close.fit", H0rmsea, HArmsea, POWER[l], alpha)
    arrows(u[2], u[3], u[2], u[4], xpd = TRUE, length = 0)
    axis(4, at = seq(min(N), max(N), 50), labels = F, tcl = -0.3)
    axis(4, at = seq(min(N), max(N), 200), labels = round(P,2), tcl = -0.6)
    if (H0rmsea >= HArmsea) 
      mtext(substitute(Power ~ "(" ~ H[0] * ":" ~ epsilon > x ~ ")", list(x = H0rmsea)), side = 4, line = 3)
    if (H0rmsea < HArmsea & H0rmsea != 0) 
      mtext(substitute(Power ~ "(" ~ H[0] * ":" ~ epsilon <= x ~ ")", list(x = H0rmsea)), side = 4, line = 3)
    if (H0rmsea == 0) 
      mtext(substitute(Power ~ "(" ~ H[0] * ":" ~ epsilon == x ~ ")", list(x = H0rmsea)), side = 4, line = 3)
    nr = ifelse(length(rmsea) == 1, 0, length(rmsea))
    abline(h = NP, lty = 1:length(power) + nr, lwd = 2)
    if (!is.null(width)[1]) {
      legendi=c(paste("Width =", width), paste("Power =", power))
      legend("topright", legend = legendi, lty = c(rep(1,length(width)), 1:length(power) + nr) ,
             text.width=strwidth(legendi)/4,xpd=T,xjust = 0, yjust = 0,x.intersp=0.25,y.intersp=0.25, 
             lwd = 2, pch = c(pchwidth[1:length(width)], rep(NA,3)), bg = "white")
      NPP = sort(NP)
      for (a in 1:length(NPP)) text(x = max(max(rmsea) + 0.1, 0.2) - a * 0.02, y = NPP[a] + 25, paste("N =", NPP[a]), cex = 0.8)
    if (is.null(width)[1]) {
      legendi = paste("Power =", power)
      legend("topright", legend = legendi,text.width=strwidth(legendi)/4,x.intersp=0.25,y.intersp=0.25, lty = 1:length(power), cex = 1, lwd = 2, bg = "white")
      NPP = sort(NP)
      for (a in 1:length(NPP)) text(x = max(max(rmsea) + 0.1, 0.2) - a * 0.02, y = NPP[a] + 25, paste("N =", NPP[a]), cex = 0.8)
    if (length(rmsea) == 1) {
      title(substitute(list(df == x, Expected ~ epsilon == y, epsilon ~ "(" ~ H[0] ~ ")" ~ "=" ~ z, epsilon ~ "(" ~ H[a] ~ ")" ~ "=" ~ b), list(x = df, y = rmsea, z = H0rmsea, b = HArmsea)))
    if (length(rmsea) != 1) {
      title(substitute(list(df == x, epsilon ~ "(" ~ H[0] ~ ")" ~ "=" ~ z, epsilon ~ "(" ~ H[a] ~ ")" ~ "=" ~ b), list(x = df, z = H0rmsea, b = HArmsea)))
  else {
    if (!is.null(width)[1]) {
      legendi=paste("Width =", width)
      legend("topright", legend = legendi,text.width=strwidth(legendi)/4,x.intersp=0.25,y.intersp=0.25,
             lty = rep(1, length(width)), cex = 1, lwd = 2, 
             pch = pchwidth[1:length(width)], bg = "white")
    if (length(rmsea) == 1) {
      title(substitute(list(df == x, Expected ~ epsilon == 
                              y), list(x = df, y = rmsea)))
    if (length(rmsea) != 1) {
      title(substitute(list(df == x), list(x = df)))

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GAIPE documentation built on May 25, 2022, 5:05 p.m.