API for GENEAclassify
Segmentation and Classification of Accelerometer Data

Global functions
CirDisp Man page Source code
CirKurt Man page Source code
CirSD Man page Source code
CirSkew Man page Source code
CirVar Man page Source code
GENEAclassify-package Man page
GENEAcount Man page Source code
GENEAratio Man page Source code
GENEAskew Man page Source code
MeanDir Man page Source code
TrainingData Man page
abssumdiff Man page Source code
changeTimes Man page Source code
classifyGENEA Man page Source code
createGENEAmodel Man page Source code
dataImport Man page Source code
degrees Man page Source code
features Man page Source code
find_peaks Man page Source code
getGENEAsegments Man page Source code
head.GENEAbin Man page Source code
impact Man page Source code
inGroup Man page Source code
levels.GENEA Man page Source code
meandiff Man page Source code
radians Man page Source code
removeShortSegments Man page Source code
sddiff Man page Source code
segmentation Man page Source code
sod Man page Source code
stepCounter Man page Source code
sumdiff Man page Source code
summariseCols Man page Source code
trainingFit Man page
updown Man page Source code
GENEAclassify documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:47 a.m.