
Defines functions removeShortSegments

Documented in removeShortSegments

#' @title Remove Short Segments from Data
#' @description Remove the short segments from the data based on the estimated 
#' variance in \code{\link{changeTimes}}. If variance is small, 
#' segments specified may be retained.
#' @param shortduration integer vector, the elements that are determined to have short durations
#' @param changes integer vector, the estimated change points
#' @param variance numeric vector, the variance of the parameter estimate for the cpt object
#' @param time numeric vector, the time vector
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @return list with elements:\enumerate{
#'     \item changes, the new change points, 
#'     \item times, the new times at the start and end of each segment, and 
#'     \item duration, the new durations of each segment
#' }
#' @examples
#' library(changepoint)
#' set.seed(45265)
#' tm0 <- 1001:1060
#' d0 <- round(c(cumsum(runif(n = 20) * 2), 
#'     20:1 + rnorm(n = 20), 
#'     runif(n = 20) * 10))  
#' ## identify changes in variance
#' c0 <- cpt.var(d0, penalty = "SIC", pen.value = 1e-3, method = "PELT")
#' ## times of changepoints
#' cp0 <- cpts(c0)
#' t0 <- c(tm0[1], tm0[sort(cp0)], tm0[60])
#' sdur0 <- which(diff(t0) < 10)
#' v0 <- param.est(c0)$variance
#' ## Note that variance for early changepoints is low
#' ## so they are not removed.
#' GENEAclassify:::removeShortSegments(shortduration = sdur0, 
#'     changes = cp0, 
#'     variance = v0, 
#'     time = tm0)

removeShortSegments <- function(shortduration, 
                                time) {
    if (any(shortduration == 1L)) {
        shortduration <- shortduration[-which(shortduration == 1L)]
    if (any(shortduration == length(changes))) {
        shortduration <- shortduration[-which(shortduration == length(changes))]

    varDiff <- abs(diff(variance))

    shortduration <- unique(
        shortduration - as.numeric(varDiff[shortduration] > 

    shortduration <- na.omit(shortduration)

    cpts <- changes[-shortduration]

    times <- c(time[1], time[cpts], time[length(time)])

    duration <- as.numeric(times[-1] - times[-length(times)])

    return(list(cpts = cpts, times = times, duration = duration))

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GENEAclassify documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:47 a.m.