
Defines functions getGENEAsegments

Documented in getGENEAsegments

#' Import and summarize GENEActiv bin data for manual classification.
#' @title import and segment one or more bin files.
#' @param testfile character vector stating path to a GENEActiv bin file, or a folder containing GENEActiv bin files.
#' @param start Where to start reading observations.
#' @param end Where to end reading observations.
#' @param Use.Timestamps To use timestamps as the start and end time values this has to be set to TRUE. (Default FALSE)
#' @param radians calculate degrees rotation in radians.
#' @param keep_raw_data Keep the raw data for calculating steps using stepcounter. 
#' @param mmap.load Default is (.Machine$sizeof.pointer >= 8). see \code{\link[mmap]{mmap}} for more details
#' @param outputtoken single character string to be appended to the file name
#' for saving the segmenation output (default '_segmentated').
#' @param outputdir The absolute or relative path to directory in which artifacts (plot and changes files) should be created, or NULL
#' (default "GENEAclassification").
#' @param datacols a vector constructed 'column.summary' or 'default'. See \code{\link{segmentation}} for details.
#' @param decimalplaces named numeric vector of decimal places with which to
#' round summary columns. \code{NULL} returns unrounded values.
#' The length 1 character vector 'default' applies default roundings: \itemize{
#'     \item Start.Time = 0,
#'     \item Degrees.mean = 3,
#'     \item Degrees.median = 3,
#'     \item Degrees.var = 3,
#'     \item Degrees.sd = 3,
#'     \item Degrees.mad = 3,
#'     \item Magnitude.mean = 3,
#'     \item UpDown.mean = 3,
#'     \item UpDown.median = 3,
#'     \item UpDown.var = 3
#'     \item UpDown.sd = 3,
#'     \item UpDown.mad = 3,
#'     \item Principal.Frequency.median = 3,
#'     \item Principal.Frequency.mad = 3,
#'     \item Principal.Frequency.ratio = 3,
#'     \item Principal.Frequency.sumdiff = 3,
#'     \item Principal.Frequency.meandiff = 3,
#'     \item Principal.Frequency.abssumdiff = 3,
#'     \item Principal.Frequency.sddiff = 3,
#'     \item Light.mean = 0,
#'     \item Light.max = 0,
#'     \item Temp.mean = 1,
#'     \item Temp.sumdiff = 3
#'     \item Temp.meandiff = 3
#'     \item Temp.abssumdiff = 3
#'     \item Temp.sddiff = 3
#'     \item Step.count = 0
#'     \item Step.sd = 1
#'     \item Step.mean = 0
#'     \item Step.GENEAamplitude = 3
#'     \item Step.GENEAwavelength = 3
#'     \item Step.GENEAdistance = 3
#' }
#' This can be changed by using a named list. e.g decimalplaces = c(Start.Time = 2, Degrees.mean = 4).
#' @param filterWave single logical, should a smoothing filter from \code{\link[waveslim]{wave.filter}} be applied? (default FALSE).
#' @param filtername single character, the name of the wavelet to use for smoothing
#' when filter is TRUE. (default "haar") Passed to \code{link[waveslim]{wave.filter}}.
#' @param j single numeric, the level to which to smooth. Passed to \code{link[waveslim]{wave.filter}} (default 8).
#' @param penalty single character, the penalty to use for changepoint detection. default ("SIC").
#' @param pen.value1 Value of the type 1 error required when penalty is "Asymptotic".
#' @param pen.value2 Default set as NULL and so equals pen.value1 if no input. 
#' @param intervalseconds An integer number of seconds between 5 and 30 during which at most one changepoint may occur.
#' @param plot.it single logical, Creates a plot showing the zero crossings counted by the step counting algorithm#' @param Centre Centres the xz signal about 0 when set to True.
#' @param mininterval single numeric that defines the smallest changepoint initially found. Passed to \code{\link[changepoint]{cpt.var}} as the variable minseglen
#' @param plot_changepoints single logical, Creates a plot displaying the changepoint locations.
#' @param plot_changepoints_outputfile The name of the png file created that shows the change points on a positionals plots.
#' @param changepoint defines the change point analysis to use. UpDownDegrees performs the change point analysis on the variance of arm elevation and wrist rotation. 
#' TempFreq performs a change point on the variance in the temperature and frequency (Typically better for sleep behaviours).
#' @param samplefreq The sampling frequency of the data, in hertz,
#' when calculating the step number. (default 100).
#' @param boundaries to pass to the filter in the step counting algorithm.
#' @param Rp the decibel level that the cheby filter takes. See \code{\link[signal]{cheby1}}.
#' @param filterorder The order of the filter applied with respect to the butter or cheby options. 
#' See \code{\link[signal]{cheby1}} or \code{\link[signal]{butter}}.
#' @param hysteresis The hysteresis applied after zero crossing. (default 100mg)
#' @param stft_win numeric for the window to calculate the frequency of an event using the \code{\link[GENEAread]{stft}} function.
#' @param verbose single logical should additional progress reporting be printed at the console? (default TRUE).
#' @param ... other arguments to be passed to \code{\link{dataImport}},
#' \code{\link{segmentation}} and other functions with these functions.
#' @return segmented data are returned
#' @export
#' @importFrom grDevices hcl
#' @importFrom graphics axis points
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @seealso The returned object can be interrogated with \code{\link[=head.GENEAbin]{head}}.
#' @examples
#' ## testfile = file.path(system.file(package = "GENEAread"),
#' ##                                  "binfile",
#' ##                                  "TESTfile.bin")
#' ## 
#' ## segData <- getGENEAsegments(testfile = testfile,
#' ##                             outputdir = file.path(tempdir(), "GENEAclassification"),    
#' ##                             changepoint = "UpDownDegrees",
#' ##                             pen.value1 = 1,
#' ##                             pen.value2 = 1)
#' ## head(segData)
#' ## list.files(file.path(tempdir(), "GENEAclassification"))

getGENEAsegments <- function(testfile, 
                             start = NULL, 
                             end = NULL, 
                             Use.Timestamps = FALSE,
                             radians = FALSE,
                             keep_raw_data = TRUE,
                             mmap.load = (.Machine$sizeof.pointer >= 8),
                             outputtoken = "_segmented",
                             outputdir = "GENEAclassification",
                             datacols = "default",
                             decimalplaces = "default",
                             filterWave = FALSE,
                             filtername = "haar",
                             j = 8,
                             # Changepoint variables 
                             changepoint = c("UpDownDegrees", "TempFreq", "UpDownFreq", 
                                             "UpDownMean", "UpDownVar", "UpDownMeanVar",
                                             "DegreesMean", "DegreesVar", "DegreesMeanVar", 
                             penalty = "Manual",
                             pen.value1 = 40,
                             pen.value2 = 400,
                             intervalseconds = 30,
                             mininterval = 5,
                             # StepCounter Variables
                             samplefreq = 100,
                             filterorder = 2,
                             boundaries = c(0.5, 5), 
                             Rp = 3,
                             plot.it = FALSE,
                             hysteresis = 0.1, 
                             stft_win = 10, 
                             # Plots 
                             plot_changepoints = FALSE,
                             plot_changepoints_outputfile = "Changepoint",
                             verbose = FALSE,
                             ...) {
  #### 1.0 Error Catching ####
  if (!(length(verbose) == 1 && is.logical(verbose))) { stop("verbose should be a single logical") }
  # Ensure variables are being passed correctly
  if (missing(changepoint)) {changepoint = "UpDownMeanVarDegreesMeanVar"}
  if (is.null(pen.value2))  {pen.value2  = pen.value1}
  # files should exist
  info <- file.info(testfile)
  noInfo <- is.na(info[, "isdir"])
  if (any(noInfo)) { stop("testfile not found: ", paste(testfile[noInfo], collapse = ", ")) }
  aDir <- info[, "isdir"]
  # get files in named folder(s)
  # only import *.bin files
  binPattern <- "*\\.[bB][iI][nN]$"
  if (any(aDir)) {
    tst <- testfile[!aDir]
    for (dd in testfile[aDir]) {
      tst <- c(tst, list.files(path = dd, pattern = binPattern, full.names = TRUE))
    testfile <- tst
  isBin <- grepl(pattern = binPattern, x = testfile)
  if (any(!isBin)) {
    notBin <- "1 file"
    if (sum(!isBin) > 1) { notBin <- paste(sum(!isBin), "files") }
    if (verbose) {
      warning("only GENEA *.bin files can be processed, ignoring ", notBin) }
    if (verbose) {
      apply(matrix(testfile[!isBin]), margin = 1, FUN = cat, "\n") }
    testfile <- testfile[isBin]
  nfile <- length(testfile)
  if (nfile < 1) { stop("testfile refers to ", nfile, " files") }
  if (verbose) {
    ntxt <- paste(nfile, "files...")
    if (nfile == 1) { ntxt <- "1 file..." }
    cat("reading", ntxt, "\n")
  # check output names
  if (!(length(outputtoken) == 1 && is.character(outputtoken))) {
    stop("outputtoken should be a single character") }
  if (!(length(outputdir) == 1 && is.character(outputdir))) {
    stop("outputdir should be a single character") }
  #### 2.0 Check datacols ####
  if (identical(datacols, "default")) {
    dataCols <- c("UpDown.median", 
    # Full Data cols
    # dataCols <- c("UpDown.mean",
    #               "UpDown.var",
    #               "UpDown.sd",
    #               "Degrees.mean",
    #               "Degrees.var",
    #               "Degrees.sd",
    #               "Magnitude.mean",
    #               # Frequency Variables
    #               "Principal.Frequency.median",
    #               "Principal.Frequency.mad",
    #               "Principal.Frequency.GENEAratio",
    #               "Principal.Frequency.sumdiff",
    #               "Principal.Frequency.meandiff",
    #               "Principal.Frequency.abssumdiff",
    #               "Principal.Frequency.sddiff",
    #               # Light Variables
    #               "Light.mean", 
    #               "Light.max",
    #               # Temperature Variables
    #               "Temp.mean",
    #               "Temp.sumdiff",
    #               "Temp.meandiff",
    #               "Temp.abssumdiff",
    #               "Temp.sddiff",
    #               # Step Variables
    #               "Step.GENEAcount", 
    #               "Step.sd",
    #               "Step.mean",
    #               "Step.median")
  } else {
    if (!is.character(datacols)) {
      stop("datacols must be a character vector")
    dataCols <- datacols
  #### 3.0 Collect data and perform segmentation ####
  output <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(testfile))
  names(output) <- testfile
  for (ff in testfile) {
    inDat <- try(dataImport(binfile = ff, 
                            start = start, 
                            end = end, 
                            Use.Timestamps = Use.Timestamps,
                            radians = radians,
                            keep_raw_data = keep_raw_data,
                            mmap.load = mmap.load, ...))
    #### 4.0 Setting sample frequency here ####
    if (missing(inDat)) { stop("data is missing") }
    if (class(inDat)[length(class(inDat))] == "GENEAbin"){
      warning("Using frequency from AccData object")
      samplefreq = inDat$Freq
    } else if (missing(samplefreq)) {
      warning("Sample frequency missing, defaulting to 100")
    } else {
      samplefreq = samplefreq  
      warning("Taking provided sample frequency rather than from AccData")
    if (!is(inDat, "try-error")) {
      # give segmentation outputs the root file name in the output folder
      whereDirChars <- unlist(gregexpr("(\\\\|/)", ff))
      whereStart <- 1
      if (length(whereDirChars) > 1) {
        whereDirChars <- whereDirChars[length(whereDirChars)] }
      if (whereDirChars > 0) {
        whereStart <- whereDirChars +  1 }
      shortName <- substr(ff, start = whereStart, stop = nchar(ff) - 4)
      outName <- paste0(shortName, outputtoken)
      #### 5.0 Perform segmentation ####
      segData <- try(segmentation(data = inDat,
                                  outputfile = outName,
                                  outputdir = outputdir,
                                  datacols = dataCols,
                                  decimalplaces = decimalplaces,
                                  filterWave = filterWave,
                                  filtername = filtername,
                                  j = j, 
                                  changepoint = changepoint,
                                  penalty = penalty,
                                  pen.value1 = pen.value1,
                                  pen.value2 = pen.value2,
                                  intervalseconds = intervalseconds,
                                  mininterval = mininterval,
                                  samplefreq = samplefreq,
                                  filterorder = filterorder,
                                  boundaries = boundaries, 
                                  Rp = Rp,
                                  plot.it = plot.it,
                                  hysteresis = hysteresis,
                                  stft_win = stft_win, 
                                  verbose = verbose,...))
      if (is(segData, "try-error")) {
        warning("error during segmentation of ", ff)
        segData <- NULL
    } else {
      warning("error during import of ", ff)
      segData <- NULL
    output[[ff]] <- segData
    #### 6.0 Plot Changepoints ####
    if (plot_changepoints == TRUE){
      AccData = read.bin(ff, start = start, end = end, ...)
      tmp2 = get.intervals(AccData, start = 0, end = 1, incl.date = T)
      ind = rep(T, nrow(tmp2))
      col = hcl(0:360)
      max.points = 1e6
      plot(convert.time(tmp2[ind,1]) -> x,
           -acos(tmp2[ind,3] / sqrt(rowSums(tmp2[ind,-1]^2)) ) *180/pi +90 ->y, 
           col = col[ floor( length(col)* (sign(-tmp2[ind,2]) * 180 *acos(-tmp2[ind,4] / sqrt(rowSums(tmp2[ind,-c(1,3)]^2)))/pi +180)/360   ) + 1 ],
           ylim = c(-90, 100),xlim=c(min(convert.time(tmp2[,1])),max(convert.time(tmp2[,1]))), 
           xlab = "Time", ylab="Up/Down", pch=".", cex= 2, yaxt = "n"); abline(h = c(-2:2) * 45, lty= 2); axis(2, at = 45 * -2:2)
      for (j in 1:length(segData$Start.Time)){
        abline(v = convert.time(segData$Start.Time[j]),col="red")}
      points(convert.time(seq(tmp2[1,1] , quantile(tmp2[,1], 0.2), len = 361) )-> tmp, rep(95, 361), col =col[ floor( length(col)* seq(0.999, 0 , len = 361)) +1 ] , pch = "|")
      text(tmp[1], 95, "CCW")
      text(tmp[361], 95, "CW")
      points(tmp[c( 90, 180, 270) +1], rep(95, 3), pch = "|")
  out <- do.call(what = "rbind", args = output)
  out$Source <- rownames(out)
  rownames(out) <- seq_len(nrow(out))
  out <- out[, c("Source", colnames(out)[-ncol(out)])]

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GENEAclassify documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:47 a.m.