
Defines functions changeTimes

Documented in changeTimes

#' @title Select Times as Segment Changepoints
#' @description Trims down the number of changepoints in time series 
#' data to give segments that can reasonably be classified into 
#' discrete periods of activity. These will not normally be less than
#' 30 seconds in duration.
#' @details The \pkg{changepoint} package provides tools for optimally 
#' segmenting time series data.
#' @param time numeric vector
#' @param intervalseconds An integer number of seconds (usually greater than 5) 
#' during which at most one changepoint may occur (typically between 5 and 30).
#' If intervalseconds is NA, all times will be returned.
#' If intervalseconds <= mininterval it will be ignored 
#' (with a warning if verbose is \code{TRUE})
#' @param changeupdown cpt object
#' @param changedegrees cpt object
#' @param mininterval single numeric
#' @param verbose single logical should all warnings be reported? (default TRUE)
#' @param verbose_timer single logical giving a time analysis of code.
#' @return numeric vector of times
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @import changepoint
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom stats as.formula filter mad median na.omit predict sd setNames
#' @examples
#' library(changepoint)
#' d1 <- c(54, 30, 27, 53, 100, 204, 197)
#' d2 <- c(67, 64, 70, 79, 69, 60, 54)
#' c1 <- cpt.var(d1, penalty = "SIC", pen.value = 1e-3, method = "PELT")
#' c2 <- cpt.var(d2, penalty = "SIC", pen.value = 1e-3, method = "PELT")
#' changeTimes(time = 0:6, intervalseconds = 30, 
#'     changeupdown = c1, changedegrees = c2)

changeTimes <- function(time, 
                        intervalseconds = 30, 
                        mininterval = 5,
                        verbose = TRUE,
                        verbose_timer = TRUE) {
  if (missing(time)) { stop("time is missing") }
  if (!is.numeric(time)) { 
    stop("time must be numeric, but was ", class(time)) }
  if (!is(object = changeupdown, class2 = "cpt")) {
    stop("changeupdown must be a cpt object, but was ", 
  if (!is(object = changedegrees, class2 = "cpt")) {
    stop("changedegrees must be a cpt object, but was ", 
  ## extract change points for both updown and rotation
  cptUpDown  <- cpts(changeupdown)
  cptDegrees <- cpts(changedegrees)
  allChanges <- unique(sort(c(cptUpDown, cptDegrees)))
  ## get time of changes
  timeUpDown  <- c(time[1], time[sort(cptUpDown)],  time[length(time)])
  timeDegrees <- c(time[1], time[sort(cptDegrees)], time[length(time)])
  allTimes <- c(time[1], time[allChanges], time[length(time)])
  durationUpDown <- diff(timeUpDown)
  durationDegrees <- diff(timeDegrees)
  if (is.null(intervalseconds)) { intervalseconds <- NA }
  if (length(intervalseconds) != 1L) {
    warning("intervalseconds must be length 1, but was length ", 
    intervalseconds <- intervalseconds[1]
  #### 7.2 This is where the error appears ####
  if (!is.na(intervalseconds)) {
    if (intervalseconds > mininterval) {
      shortdurationUpDown <- which(as.numeric(durationUpDown) < intervalseconds)
      shortdurationDegrees <- which(as.numeric(durationDegrees) < intervalseconds)
      #### Add routine here to find whether working with a mean or variance. ####
      if ("variance" %in% names(param.est(changeupdown))){
        upDownSegments <- removeShortSegments(
          shortduration = shortdurationUpDown, 
          changes = cptUpDown, 
          variance = param.est(changeupdown)$variance, 
          time = time)
      } else {
        upDownSegments <- removeShortSegments(
          shortduration = shortdurationUpDown, 
          changes = cptUpDown, 
          variance = param.est(changeupdown)$mean, 
          time = time)
      if ("variance" %in% names(param.est(changedegrees))){
        degreesSegments <- removeShortSegments(
          shortduration = shortdurationDegrees, 
          changes = cptDegrees, 
          variance = param.est(changedegrees)$variance, 
          time = time)
      } else {
        degreesSegments <- removeShortSegments(
          shortduration = shortdurationDegrees, 
          changes = cptDegrees, 
          variance = param.est(changedegrees)$mean, 
          time = time)
      allChanges <- sort(c(
        setNames(upDownSegments$cpts, rep("U", length = length(upDownSegments$cpts))), 
        setNames(degreesSegments$cpts, rep("D", length = length(degreesSegments$cpts)))))
      allChanges <- setNames(unique(allChanges), names(allChanges)[!duplicated(allChanges)])
      allTimes <-  c(time[1], time[allChanges], time[length(time)])
      allDurations <- as.numeric(allTimes[-1] - allTimes[-length(allTimes)] )
      shortduration <- which(as.numeric(allDurations) < intervalseconds)
      shortduration <- unique(ifelse(test = names(allChanges)[shortduration] == "D", 
                                     yes = shortduration, 
                                     no = shortduration + 1))
      shortduration <- na.omit(shortduration)
      if (length(shortduration) > 0) { 
        allChanges <- allChanges[-shortduration] }
      allTimes <-  c(time[1], time[allChanges], time[length(time)])
      # If allChanges is not null
      if (length(allChanges) > 0 ){
        allTimeDiff <- diff(allTimes)
        shortalltimes <- which(as.numeric(allTimeDiff) < intervalseconds)
        FinalVariance = length(allChanges) - 1
        if (verbose){print(Sys.time())}
        for (i in 1:length(allChanges)){
          if (names(allChanges[i]) == "D"){
            if ("variance" %in% names(param.est(changedegrees))){
              FinalVariance[i] <- param.est(changedegrees)$variance[i]
            } else {
              FinalVariance[i] <- param.est(changedegrees)$mean[i]
          if (names(allChanges[i]) == "U"){
            if ("variance" %in% names(param.est(changeupdown))){
              FinalVariance[i] <- param.est(changeupdown)$variance[i]
            } else {
              FinalVariance[i] <- param.est(changeupdown)$mean[i]
        if (verbose_timer){print(Sys.time())}
        if ("variance" %in% names(param.est(changeupdown))){
          allSegments <- removeShortSegments(
            shortduration = shortalltimes,
            changes = unname(allChanges), 
            variance = param.est(changeupdown)$variance, 
            time = time)
        } else {
          allSegments <- removeShortSegments(
            shortduration = shortalltimes,
            changes = unname(allChanges), 
            variance = param.est(changeupdown)$mean, 
            time = time)
        if (verbose_timer){print(Sys.time())}
        allTimes = allSegments$times
    } else {
      if (verbose) { 
        warning("ignoring intervalseconds <= ", mininterval, " and returning all segments") }

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GENEAclassify documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:47 a.m.