
Defines functions myoptim

myoptim <- function(no_of_studies, study_optim, ref_dat_optim, X_rbind, X_bdiag_list, C, initial_val, threshold, model_optim, missing_covariance_study_indices, different_intercept, no_of_iter_outer)
  beta_old <- as.vector(initial_val)
  eps_inner <- 0
  study <- study_optim
  ref_dat <- ref_dat_optim
  threshold_optim <- threshold
  status = 1
  X_abdiag = Reduce(magic::adiag,X_bdiag_list)

  ## Logistic regression with same intercepts
  if(different_intercept == FALSE)
    iter = 0
    continue <- TRUE
    r_first_U <- c()
    r_second_U <- c()
    U <- matrix(NA, nrow(C), nrow(ref_dat))
    Gamma_hat <- matrix(NA, nrow(C), ncol(ref_dat))
      r = c()
      r_first <- c()
      r_second <- c()
      Dn_1 <- matrix(NA, ncol(ref_dat), nrow(C))
      Dn_2 <- c()
      W_star_first_list <- list()
      V <- c()

      k_j  <- 1

      W_temp_1 <- as.vector((1/(1 + exp(-ref_dat %*% beta_old)))*(1/(1 + exp(ref_dat %*% beta_old))))
      W <- diag(W_temp_1)

      #W <- diag(rep(1/W_temp_1, no_of_studies))
      e1 <- as.vector(1/(1 + exp(-ref_dat %*% beta_old)))
      e2 <- as.vector((exp(-ref_dat %*% beta_old) - 1)/(exp(-ref_dat %*% beta_old) + 1))
      e3 <- as.vector(1/(1 + exp(ref_dat %*% beta_old)))
      l <- e1*e2*e3
      nan_indices <- which(l %in% NaN == TRUE)
      l[nan_indices] <- 0
      L <- diag(l)


      for(k in 1 : no_of_studies)
        r_first[[k]] <- e1
        col_ind <-  which(colnames(ref_dat) %in% names(study[[k]][[1]]) == TRUE)
        r_second[[k]] <-  as.vector(1/(1 + exp(-ref_dat[,col_ind] %*% study[[k]][[1]])))
        #print(length(t(ref_dat[,col_ind]) %*% (r_first[[k]] - r_second[[k]])))
        Dn_2 <- c(Dn_2, as.vector(t(ref_dat[,col_ind]) %*% (r_first[[k]] - r_second[[k]])))
        ncol_study <- length(col_ind)
        #print(class((r_first[[k]] - r_second[[k]])))
        Dn_1[,k_j: (k_j + ncol_study -1)] <- t(ref_dat) %*% W %*% ref_dat[, col_ind]
        #V <- c(V, t(r_first[[k]] - r_second[[k]]) %*% ref_dat[, col_ind] %*% t(ref_dat[, col_ind]) %*% L)
        W_star_first_list[[k]] <- W %*% ref_dat[,col_ind]
        k_j <- k_j + ncol_study
        r = c(r, (r_first[[k]] - r_second[[k]]))

      Dn <- Dn_1 %*% C %*% Dn_2
      L = diag(rep(l, no_of_studies))
      V = as.vector(t(r) %*% X_abdiag %*% C %*% t(X_abdiag) %*% L)
      W_star_second <- diag(V)

      W_star_first <- Reduce(magic::adiag,W_star_first_list) %*% C %*% t(Reduce(magic::adiag,W_star_first_list))
      W_star <- W_star_first + W_star_second

      # print(W_star_first)
      # if(is.symmetric.matrix(W_star_first) != TRUE)
      #   print("W_star_first Not symmetric")
      # if(is.symmetric.matrix(W_star_first) != TRUE)
      #   print("W_star_second Not symmetric")
      # if(is.symmetric.matrix(W_star) != TRUE)
      #   print("W_star Not symmetric")
      # if(is.negative.definite(W_star, tol=1e-8) == TRUE)
      #   print("W_star Negative definite")
      #Define Jacobian here
      J_n <- t(X_rbind) %*% W_star %*% X_rbind
      # if(is.symmetric.matrix(J_n) != TRUE)
      # {
      #   print("J_n Not symmetric")
      #   print(class(W_star))
      #   print(class(X_rbind))
      #   if(is.symmetric.matrix(W_star) != TRUE)
      #     print("W_star Not symmetric")
      # }
      if(pracma::cond(J_n) > 1000)
        perturb_seq = seq(0, mean(diag(J_n)), 0.01)
        well_condition_status = TRUE 
        perturb_seq_index = 1
          J_n = J_n + perturb_seq[perturb_seq_index]* diag(diag(J_n))
          if(pracma::cond(J_n) <= 1000)
            well_condition_status = FALSE
          perturb_seq_index = perturb_seq_index + 1
      #---- lines 129 to 134 updated by adding 0.01*mean of diagonal of J_n to J_n
      #if (abs(det(J_n))>1e-20){
       # J_n_inv <- solve(J_n, tol = 1e-60)
       #   J_n_inv <- solve(J_n+(mean(diag(J_n))*0.01)*diag(1,dim(J_n)[1]), tol = 1e-60)
      #if(det(J_n) == 0)
        #beta_old <- rep(NA, ncol(ref_dat))
        #print("The Jacobian is singular")
      beta_new <- beta_old - (solve(J_n, tol=1e-60) %*% Dn)
      eps_inner <- sqrt(sum((beta_new - beta_old)^2))
      beta_old <- beta_new
      iter = iter + 1
      #print("Number of iterations \n")
      if(eps_inner < threshold_optim || iter > 2000)
         continue <- FALSE
         if(iter >= 2000 && eps_inner >= threshold_optim)
           status = 0

    no_of_iter_outer <- no_of_iter_outer + 1

    if(sum(is.na(beta_old)) == 0)
      #Define the indices of the studies where the estimate of the variance-covariance matix or sample size is missing(NULL)
      study_indices <- seq(1,no_of_studies,1)
      non_missing_covariance_study_indices <- study_indices[-which(study_indices %in% missing_covariance_study_indices)]

      #Define lambda_ref here
      lambda_ref <- list()
      if(length(missing_covariance_study_indices) > 0)
        for(k in missing_covariance_study_indices)
          col_ind <-  which(colnames(ref_dat) %in% names(study[[k]][[1]]) == TRUE)
          #Define W_lambda_ref_logistic
          w_lambda_ref_logistic_vec <- (((1/(1 + exp(ref_dat[,col_ind] %*% study[[k]][[1]])))^2)*(1/(1 + exp(-ref_dat %*% beta_old)))) + (((1/(1 + exp(-ref_dat[,col_ind] %*% study[[k]][[1]])))^2)*(1/(1 + exp(ref_dat %*% beta_old))))
          #print(w_lambda_ref_logistic_vec )
          W_lambda_ref_logistic <- diag(as.vector(w_lambda_ref_logistic_vec))
          lambda_ref[[k]] <- (t(ref_dat[,col_ind]) %*% W_lambda_ref_logistic %*% ref_dat[,col_ind])/(study[[k]][[3]])

        for(k in non_missing_covariance_study_indices)
          col_ind <-  which(colnames(ref_dat) %in% names(study[[k]][[1]]) == TRUE)
          #Define W_k here
          temp_weight_logistic <- as.vector((1/(1 + exp(-ref_dat[, col_ind] %*% study[[k]][[1]])))*(1/(1 + exp(ref_dat[,col_ind] %*% study[[k]][[1]]))))
          #temp_weight_logistic <- (exp(ref_dat[,col_ind] %*% study[[k]][[1]]))/((1 + exp(ref_dat[,col_ind] %*% study[[k]][[1]]))^2)
          W_k <- t(ref_dat[,col_ind]) %*% diag(temp_weight_logistic) %*% ref_dat[,col_ind]
          lambda_ref[[k]] <- (W_k %*% study[[k]][[2]] %*% t(W_k))/(nrow(ref_dat))

      ## When all the estimates for var-cov are provided
      if(length(missing_covariance_study_indices) == 0)
        #print("all the estimates for var-cov are provided")
        for(k in 1 : no_of_studies)
          col_ind <-  which(colnames(ref_dat) %in% names(study[[k]][[1]]) == TRUE)
          #Define W_k here
          temp_weight_logistic <- as.vector((1/(1 + exp(-ref_dat[, col_ind] %*% study[[k]][[1]])))*(1/(1 + exp(ref_dat[,col_ind] %*% study[[k]][[1]]))))
          #temp_weight_logistic <- (exp(ref_dat[,col_ind] %*% study[[k]][[1]]))/((1 + exp(ref_dat[,col_ind] %*% study[[k]][[1]]))^2)
          W_k <- t(ref_dat[,col_ind]) %*% diag(temp_weight_logistic) %*% ref_dat[,col_ind]
          lambda_ref[[k]] <- (W_k %*% study[[k]][[2]] %*% t(W_k))/(nrow(ref_dat))


      Lambda_ref <- Reduce(magic::adiag,lambda_ref)
      k_U = 1
      r_first_1 <- as.vector(1/(1 + exp(-ref_dat %*% beta_old)))
      W_Gamma_temp_1 <- as.vector((1/(1 + exp(-ref_dat %*% beta_old)))*(1/(1 + exp(ref_dat %*% beta_old))))
      for(k in 1: no_of_studies)
        col_ind <-  which(colnames(ref_dat) %in% names(study[[k]][[1]]) == TRUE)
        r_first_U[[k]] <- r_first_1
        r_second_U[[k]] <- as.vector(1/(1 + exp(-ref_dat[,col_ind] %*% study[[k]][[1]])))
        U[k_U:(k_U + length(col_ind)-1), ] <- t(ref_dat[ ,col_ind]) %*% diag(r_first_U[[k]]-r_second_U[[k]])
        Gamma_hat[k_U:(k_U + length(col_ind)-1), ] <- t(ref_dat[, col_ind]) %*% diag(W_Gamma_temp_1) %*% ref_dat
        k_U <- k_U + length(col_ind)

      # Defining delta_hat here...
      Delta_hat <- (U %*% t(U))/(nrow(ref_dat))

      # Defining optimal C here...
      inv_C <- Lambda_ref + Delta_hat
      if(pracma::cond(inv_C) > 1000)
        perturb_seq_C = seq(0, mean(diag(inv_C)), 0.01)
        well_condition_status_C = TRUE 
        perturb_seq_index_C = 1
          inv_C = inv_C + perturb_seq_C[perturb_seq_index_C]* diag(diag(inv_C))
          if(pracma::cond(inv_C) <= 1000)
            well_condition_status_C = FALSE
          perturb_seq_index_C = perturb_seq_index_C + 1
      ##if (abs(det(inv_C))>1e-20){
        ##C_beta <- solve(inv_C, tol = 1e-60)
        ##C_beta <- solve(inv_C+(mean(diag(inv_C))*0.01)*diag(1,dim(inv_C)[1]), tol = 1e-60)
      C_beta <- solve(inv_C, tol = 1e-60)
      # Defining Gamma_hat here...
      Gamma_hat <- Gamma_hat/nrow(ref_dat)

      info <- (t(Gamma_hat) %*% C_beta %*% Gamma_hat)
      if(det(info) == 0)
        asy_var_opt = NULL
        if(no_of_iter_outer == 1)
          if(det(t(Gamma_hat) %*% Gamma_hat) == 0)
            asy_var_opt = NULL
            asy_var_opt <- (solve(t(Gamma_hat) %*% Gamma_hat, tol = 1e-60) %*% (t(Gamma_hat) %*% (Lambda_ref + Delta_hat) %*% Gamma_hat) %*% solve(t(Gamma_hat) %*% Gamma_hat, tol = 1e-60))/(nrow(ref_dat))
        # Defining the asymptotic variance with optimal C here...
        asy_var_opt <- solve(info, tol = 1e-60)/nrow(ref_dat)

    if(sum(is.na(beta_old)) > 0)
      asy_var_opt = NULL
      C_beta = NULL

    # Returning objects for the inner loop(NR method)
    return(list("beta_optim" = beta_old, "C_optim" = C_beta, "Asy_var_optim" = asy_var_opt,  "iter_IRWLS" = iter - 1, "Status" = status))

   ## Logistic regression with different intercepts
  if(different_intercept == TRUE)
    W_Gamma <- list()
    X_rbind_star <- matrix(0, nrow(ref_dat)*no_of_studies, length(beta_old))
    k_X_rbind_star <- 1
    for(k in 1:no_of_studies)
      X_rbind_star[(k_X_rbind_star:(k_X_rbind_star + nrow(ref_dat) -1)),k] <- 1
      X_rbind_star[(k_X_rbind_star:(k_X_rbind_star + nrow(ref_dat) -1)), ((no_of_studies + 1):length(beta_old))] <- ref_dat[,-1]
      k_X_rbind_star <- k_X_rbind_star + nrow(ref_dat)
    iter = 0
    continue <- TRUE
    r_first_U <- c()
    r_second_U <- c()
    U <- matrix(NA, nrow(C), nrow(ref_dat))
    Gamma_hat <- matrix(NA, nrow(C), length(beta_old))
      beta_k <- list()
      for(k in 1:no_of_studies)
        beta_k[[k]] <- beta_old[c(k,((no_of_studies + 1):length(beta_old)))]
      r_first <- c()
      r_second <- c()
      r <- c()
      Dn_1 <- matrix(NA, length(beta_old), nrow(C))
      Dn_2 <- c()
      W <- list()
      L <- list()
      W_star_first_list <- list()
      V <- c()

      k_j  <- 1

      for(k in 1:no_of_studies)
        W_temp_1 <- as.vector((1/(1 + exp(-ref_dat %*% beta_k[[k]])))*(1/(1 + exp(ref_dat %*% beta_k[[k]]))))
        W[[k]] <- diag(W_temp_1)

      for(k in 1:no_of_studies)
        e1 <- as.vector(1/(1 + exp(-ref_dat %*% beta_k[[k]])))
        e2 <- as.vector((exp(-ref_dat %*% beta_k[[k]]) - 1)/(exp(-ref_dat %*% beta_k[[k]]) + 1))
        e3 <- as.vector(1/(1 + exp(ref_dat %*% beta_k[[k]])))
        l <- e1*e2*e3
        nan_indices <- which(l %in% NaN == TRUE)
        l[nan_indices] <- 0
        L[[k]] <- diag(l)

      k_j_star <- 1
      for(k in 1 : no_of_studies)
        r_first[[k]] <- as.vector(1/(1 + exp(-ref_dat %*% beta_k[[k]])))
        col_ind <-  which(colnames(ref_dat) %in% names(study[[k]][[1]]) == TRUE)
        r_second[[k]] <-  as.vector(1/(1 + exp(-ref_dat[,col_ind] %*% study[[k]][[1]])))
        #print(length(t(ref_dat[,col_ind]) %*% (r_first[[k]] - r_second[[k]])))
        Dn_2 <- c(Dn_2, as.vector(t(ref_dat[,col_ind]) %*% (r_first[[k]] - r_second[[k]])))
        ncol_study <- length(col_ind)
        #print(class((r_first[[k]] - r_second[[k]])))
        Dn_1[,k_j: (k_j + ncol_study -1)] <- t(X_rbind_star[k_j_star:(k_j_star + nrow(ref_dat) - 1), ]) %*% W[[k]] %*% ref_dat[, col_ind]
        #V <- c(V, t(r_first[[k]] - r_second[[k]]) %*% ref_dat[, col_ind] %*% t(ref_dat[, col_ind]) %*% L[[k]])
        W_star_first_list[[k]] <- W[[k]] %*% ref_dat[,col_ind]
        k_j <- k_j + ncol_study
        k_j_star <- k_j_star + nrow(ref_dat)
        r = c(r, (r_first[[k]] - r_second[[k]]))

      Dn <- Dn_1 %*% C %*% Dn_2
      V = as.vector(t(r) %*% X_abdiag %*% C %*% t(X_abdiag) %*% Reduce(magic::adiag,L))
      W_star_second <- diag(V)

      W_star_first <- Reduce(magic::adiag,W_star_first_list) %*% C %*% t(Reduce(magic::adiag,W_star_first_list))
      W_star <- W_star_first + W_star_second

      #Define Jacobian here
      J_n <- t(X_rbind_star) %*% W_star %*% X_rbind_star
      if(pracma::cond(J_n) > 1000)
        perturb_seq = seq(0, mean(diag(J_n)), 0.01)
        well_condition_status = TRUE 
        perturb_seq_index = 1
          J_n = J_n + perturb_seq[perturb_seq_index]* diag(diag(J_n))
          if(pracma::cond(J_n) <= 1000)
            well_condition_status = FALSE
          perturb_seq_index = perturb_seq_index + 1
      #--lines 401 to 406 upadted before based on adding 0.01 to mean diagonal
      #if (abs(det(J_n))>1e-20){
       # J_n_inv <- solve(J_n, tol = 1e-60)
      #    J_n_inv <- solve(J_n+(mean(diag(J_n))*0.01)*diag(1,dim(J_n)[1]), tol = 1e-60)
      #if(det(J_n) == 0)
      #{ beta_old <- rep(NA, (ncol(ref_dat) - 1 + no_of_studies))
      beta_new <- beta_old - (solve(J_n, tol=1e-60) %*% Dn)
      eps_inner <- sqrt(sum((beta_new - beta_old)^2))
      beta_old <- beta_new
      iter = iter + 1
      #print("Number of iterations \n")
      if(eps_inner < threshold_optim || iter > 2000)
        continue <- FALSE
        if(iter >= 2000 && eps_inner >= threshold_optim)
          status = 0


    no_of_iter_outer <- no_of_iter_outer + 1

    if(sum(is.na(beta_old)) == 0)
      for(k in 1:no_of_studies)
        beta_k[[k]] <- beta_old[c(k,((no_of_studies + 1):length(beta_old)))]

      #Define the indices of the studies where the estimate of the variance-covariance matix or sample size is missing(NULL)
      study_indices <- seq(1,no_of_studies,1)
      non_missing_covariance_study_indices <- study_indices[-which(study_indices %in% missing_covariance_study_indices)]

      #Define lambda_ref here
      lambda_ref <- list()
      if(length(missing_covariance_study_indices) > 0)
        for(k in missing_covariance_study_indices)
          col_ind <-  which(colnames(ref_dat) %in% names(study[[k]][[1]]) == TRUE)
          #Define W_lambda_ref_logistic
          w_lambda_ref_logistic_vec <- (((1/(1 + exp(ref_dat[,col_ind] %*% study[[k]][[1]])))^2)*(1/(1 + exp(-ref_dat %*% beta_k[[k]])))) + (((1/(1 + exp(-ref_dat[,col_ind] %*% study[[k]][[1]])))^2)*(1/(1 + exp(ref_dat %*% beta_k[[k]]))))
          #print(w_lambda_ref_logistic_vec )
          W_lambda_ref_logistic <- diag(as.vector(w_lambda_ref_logistic_vec))
          lambda_ref[[k]] <- (t(ref_dat[,col_ind]) %*% W_lambda_ref_logistic %*% ref_dat[,col_ind])/(study[[k]][[3]])

        for(k in non_missing_covariance_study_indices)
          col_ind <-  which(colnames(ref_dat) %in% names(study[[k]][[1]]) == TRUE)
          #Define W_k here
          temp_weight_logistic <- as.vector((1/(1 + exp(-ref_dat[, col_ind] %*% study[[k]][[1]])))*(1/(1 + exp(ref_dat[,col_ind] %*% study[[k]][[1]]))))
          #temp_weight_logistic <- (exp(ref_dat[,col_ind] %*% study[[k]][[1]]))/((1 + exp(ref_dat[,col_ind] %*% study[[k]][[1]]))^2)
          W_k <- t(ref_dat[,col_ind]) %*% diag(temp_weight_logistic) %*% ref_dat[,col_ind]
          lambda_ref[[k]] <- (W_k %*% study[[k]][[2]] %*% t(W_k))/(nrow(ref_dat))

      ## When all the estimates for var-cov are provided
      if(length(missing_covariance_study_indices) == 0)
        for(k in 1 : no_of_studies)
          col_ind <-  which(colnames(ref_dat) %in% names(study[[k]][[1]]) == TRUE)
          #Define W_k here
          temp_weight_logistic <- as.vector((1/(1 + exp(-ref_dat[, col_ind] %*% study[[k]][[1]])))*(1/(1 + exp(ref_dat[,col_ind] %*% study[[k]][[1]]))))
          #temp_weight_logistic <- (exp(ref_dat[,col_ind] %*% study[[k]][[1]]))/((1 + exp(ref_dat[,col_ind] %*% study[[k]][[1]]))^2)
          W_k <- t(ref_dat[,col_ind]) %*% diag(temp_weight_logistic) %*% ref_dat[,col_ind]
          lambda_ref[[k]] <- (W_k %*% study[[k]][[2]] %*% t(W_k))/(nrow(ref_dat))


      Lambda_ref <- Reduce(magic::adiag,lambda_ref)

      ## Defining Gamma_hat...
      k_U = 1
      k_j_star <- 1
      #beta_k <- list()

      #r_first_1 <- as.vector(1/(1 + exp(-ref_dat %*% beta_old)))
      #W_Gamma_temp_1 <- as.vector((1/(1 + exp(-ref_dat %*% beta_old)))*(1/(1 + exp(ref_dat %*% beta_old))))
      for(k in 1: no_of_studies)
        col_ind <-  which(colnames(ref_dat) %in% names(study[[k]][[1]]) == TRUE)
        r_first_U[[k]] <- as.vector(1/(1 + exp(-ref_dat %*% beta_k[[k]])))
        r_second_U[[k]] <- as.vector(1/(1 + exp(-ref_dat[,col_ind] %*% study[[k]][[1]])))
        U[k_U:(k_U + length(col_ind)-1), ] <- t(ref_dat[ ,col_ind]) %*% diag(r_first_U[[k]]-r_second_U[[k]])
        W_Gamma_temp_1 <- as.vector((1/(1 + exp(-ref_dat %*% beta_k[[k]])))*(1/(1 + exp(ref_dat %*% beta_k[[k]]))))
        Gamma_hat[k_U:(k_U + length(col_ind)-1), ] <- t(ref_dat[, col_ind]) %*% diag(W_Gamma_temp_1) %*% X_rbind_star[k_j_star:(k_j_star + nrow(ref_dat) - 1), ]
        k_U <- k_U + length(col_ind)
        k_j_star <- k_j_star + nrow(ref_dat)

      Delta_hat <- (U %*% t(U))/(nrow(ref_dat))
      inv_C <- Lambda_ref + Delta_hat
      if(pracma::cond(inv_C) > 1000)
        perturb_seq_C = seq(0, mean(diag(inv_C)), 0.01)
        well_condition_status_C = TRUE 
        perturb_seq_index_C = 1
          inv_C = inv_C + perturb_seq_C[perturb_seq_index_C]* diag(diag(inv_C))
          if(pracma::cond(inv_C) <= 1000)
            well_condition_status_C = FALSE
          perturb_seq_index_C = perturb_seq_index_C + 1
      ##if (abs(det(inv_C))>1e-20){
      ##C_beta <- solve(inv_C, tol = 1e-60)
      ##C_beta <- solve(inv_C+(mean(diag(inv_C))*0.01)*diag(1,dim(inv_C)[1]), tol = 1e-60)
      C_beta <- solve(inv_C, tol = 1e-60)

      #C_beta <- solve(Lambda_ref + Delta_hat, tol = 1e-60)
      #C_beta <- solve(round(Delta_hat + Lambda_ref,2), tol = 1e-30)
      Gamma_hat <- Gamma_hat/nrow(ref_dat)

      info <- (t(Gamma_hat) %*% C_beta %*% Gamma_hat)
      if(det(info) == 0)
        asy_var_opt = NULL
        if(no_of_iter_outer == 1)
          asy_var_opt <- (solve(t(Gamma_hat) %*% Gamma_hat, tol = 1e-60) %*% (t(Gamma_hat) %*% (Lambda_ref + Delta_hat) %*% Gamma_hat) %*% solve(t(Gamma_hat) %*% Gamma_hat, tol = 1e-60))/(nrow(ref_dat))
        asy_var_opt <- solve(info, tol = 1e-60)/nrow(ref_dat)


    if(sum(is.na(beta_old)) > 0)
      asy_var_opt = NULL
      C_beta = NULL
    #asy_var_beta <- (solve(info, tol = 1e-30))/nrow(ref_dat)
    #asy_var_beta <- diag(3)
    return(list("beta_optim" = beta_old, "C_optim" = C_beta, "Asy_var_optim" = asy_var_opt,  "iter_IRWLS" = iter - 1, "Status" = status))


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