Defines functions `BASICTOPOMAP`

function(xo, yo, DOIMG, DOCONT, UZ, AZ, IZ, perim, PLAT, PLON, PROJ=PROJ, pnts=NULL, GRIDcol=NULL)
    if(missing(GRIDcol) ) { GRIDcol=NULL }
    if(missing(pnts) ) { pnts=NULL }

     blues = RPMG::shade.col(100, acol=as.vector(col2rgb("darkblue")/255)   , bcol= as.vector(col2rgb("paleturquoise")/255))

    plot(range(xo), range(yo),  type='n' , asp=TRUE , axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")

        image(x=xo, y=yo,   z=UZ, col=(blues), add=TRUE )
        image(x=xo, y=yo,   z=AZ, col=terrain.colors(100), add=TRUE )

        contour(x=xo, y=yo,   z=IZ$z, add=TRUE  )
        contour(x=xo, y=yo,   z=IZ$z, add=TRUE, levels=pretty(c(0, -1000) , n=5) )

    lines(perim, col='red')

    antipolygon(perim$x, perim$y, col='white') 

    addLLXY(PLAT,  PLON,  LABS=TRUE, GRIDcol=GRIDcol  , TICS=c(.1,.1) , PROJ=PROJ )


        P = GLOB.XY(pnts$lat , pnts$lon, PROJ)
        points(P$x, P$y, col=pnts$PCOL, pch=pnts$PCH)


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GEOmap documentation built on Sept. 1, 2023, 5:09 p.m.