
Defines functions Diag

Diag <- function(vec){
  q <- length(vec)
  if(q > 1){
    y <- diag(vec)
    y <- matrix(vec, 1,1)
cor.mat <- function (p, rho, type = "toeplitz"){
  if(p == 1) return(matrix(1,1,1))
  mat <- diag(p)
  if (type == "toeplitz") {
    for (i in 2:p) {
      for (j in 1:i) {
        mat[i, j] <- mat[j, i] <- rho^(abs(i - j))
  if (type == "identity") {
    mat[mat == 0] <- rho
gendata <- function (seed = 1, n = 300, p = 50,
              type =  c('homonorm', 'heternorm', 'pois', 'bino', 'norm_pois', 'pois_bino', 'npb'),
                     q = 6, rho = 1, n_bin=1){
  # library(MASS)
  # Diag <- GFM:::Diag
  # cor.mat <- GFM:::cor.mat

  type <- match.arg(type)
  if (length(rho) == 1)
    rho <- c(rho, 1.5)
  factor_term <- rho[2]
  Z <- matrix(rnorm(p * q), p, q)
  B <- qr(Z)
  eigvs <- sqrt(sort(eigen(t(Z) %*% Z)$values, decreasing = T))
  B1 <- qr.Q(B) %*% Diag(sqrt(eigvs))
  B0 <- rho[1] * B1 %*% Diag(sign(B1[1, ]))
  mu0 <- 0.4 * rnorm(p)
  Bm0 <- cbind(mu0, B0)
  H <- mvrnorm(n, mu = rep(0, q), cor.mat(q, 0.5))
  svdH <- svd(cov(H))
  H0 <- scale(H, scale = F) %*% svdH$u %*% Diag(1/sqrt(svdH$d)) %*%
  if (type == "homonorm") {
    X <- H0 %*% t(B0) + matrix(mu0, n, p, byrow = T) + mvrnorm(n,
                                                               rep(0, p), diag(p))
    group <- rep(1, p)
    XList <- list(X)
    types <- c("gaussian")

  }else if (type == "heternorm") {
    sigmas = 0.1 + 4 * runif(p)
    X <- H0 %*% t(B0) + matrix(mu0, n, p, byrow = T) + mvrnorm(n,
                                                               rep(0, p), diag(sigmas))
    group <- rep(1, p)

    XList <- list(X)
    types <- c("gaussian")

  }else if (type == "pois") {
    g1 <- 1:p
    B0[g1, ] <- B0[g1, ]/max(B0[g1, ]) * factor_term
    mu <- exp(H0 %*% t(B0) + matrix(mu0, n, p, byrow = T))
    X <- matrix(rpois(n * p, lambda = mu), n, p)
    group <- rep(1, p)
    XList <- list(X[,g1])
    types <- c("poisson")
  }else if(type == 'bino'){
    g1 <- 1:p
    mu <- 1/(1 + exp(-cbind(1, H0) %*% t(Bm0[g1, ])))
    X <- matrix(rbinom(prod(dim(mu)), n_bin, mu), n, p)
    group <- rep(1, p)

    XList <- list(X[,g1])
    types <- c("binomial")
  }else if (type == "norm_pois") {
    g1 <- 1:floor(p/2)
    g2 <- (floor(p/2) + 1):p
    Bm0[g2, -1] <- Bm0[g2, -1]/max(Bm0[g2, -1]) * factor_term
    mu1 <- cbind(1, H0) %*% t(Bm0[g1, ])
    mu2 <- exp(cbind(1, H0) %*% t(Bm0[g2, ]))
    X <- cbind(matrix(rnorm(prod(dim(mu1)), mu1, 1), n, floor(p/2)),
               matrix(rpois(prod(dim(mu2)), mu2), n, ncol(mu2)))
    group <- c(rep(1, length(g1)), rep(2, length(g2)))

    XList <- list(X[,g1], X[,g2])
    types <- c("gaussian", "poisson")

  }else if (type == "pois_bino") {
    g1 <- 1:floor(p/2)
    g2 <- (floor(p/2) + 1):p
    Bm0[g1, -1] <- Bm0[g1, -1]/max(Bm0[g1, -1]) * factor_term
    mu1 <- exp(cbind(1, H0) %*% t(Bm0[g1, ]))
    mu2 <- 1/(1 + exp(-cbind(1, H0) %*% t(Bm0[g2, ])))
    X <- cbind(matrix(rpois(prod(dim(mu1)), mu1), n, ncol(mu1)),
               matrix(rbinom(prod(dim(mu2)), n_bin, mu2), n, ncol(mu2)))
    group <- c(rep(1, length(g1)), rep(2, length(g2)))
    XList <- list(X[,g1], X[,g2])
    types <- c("poisson", 'binomial')
  }else if(type == 'npb'){
    g1 <- 1:floor(p/3)
    g2 <- (floor(p/3) + 1):floor(p*2/3)
    g3 <- (floor(2*p/3) + 1):p
    mu11 <- cbind(1, H0) %*% t(Bm0[g1, ])
    Bm0[g2, -1] <- Bm0[g2, -2]/max(Bm0[g2, -1]) * factor_term
    mu1 <- exp(cbind(1, H0) %*% t(Bm0[g2, ]))
    mu2 <- 1/(1 + exp(-cbind(1, H0) %*% t(Bm0[g3, ])))
    X <- cbind(matrix(rnorm(prod(dim(mu11)),mu11, 1), n, ncol(mu11)),
               matrix(rpois(prod(dim(mu1)), mu1), n, ncol(mu1)),
               matrix(rbinom(prod(dim(mu2)), n_bin, mu2), n, ncol(mu2)))
    group <- c(rep(1, length(g1)), rep(2, length(g2)), rep(3, length(g3)))
    XList <- list(X[,g1], X[,g2], X[,g3])
    types <- c("gaussian", "poisson", 'binomial')

  return(list(X=X, XList = XList,  types= types, B0 = B0, H0 = H0, mu0 = mu0))

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