
Defines functions `[<-.ggmatrix` `[.ggmatrix` check_i_j get_pos_rev get_pos getPlot putPlot

Documented in getPlot putPlot

#' Insert a plot into a \code{\link{ggmatrix}} object
#' Function to place your own plot in the layout.
#' @param pm ggally object to be altered
#' @param value ggplot object to be placed
#' @param i row from the top
#' @param j column from the left
#' @keywords hplot
#' @author Barret Schloerke
#' @seealso \code{\link{getPlot}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Small function to display plots only if it's interactive
#' p_ <- GGally::print_if_interactive
#' custom_car <- ggpairs(mtcars[, c("mpg", "wt", "cyl")], upper = "blank", title = "Custom Example")
#' # ggplot example taken from example(geom_text)
#' plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(mtcars, ggplot2::aes(x = wt, y = mpg, label = rownames(mtcars)))
#' plot <- plot +
#'   ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(colour = factor(cyl)), size = 3) +
#'   ggplot2::scale_colour_discrete(l = 40)
#' custom_car[1, 2] <- plot
#' personal_plot <- ggally_text(
#'   "ggpairs allows you\nto put in your\nown plot.\nLike that one.\n <---"
#' )
#' custom_car[1, 3] <- personal_plot
#' # custom_car
#' # remove plots after creating a plot matrix
#' custom_car[2, 1] <- NULL
#' custom_car[3, 1] <- "blank" # the same as storing null
#' custom_car[3, 2] <- NULL
#' p_(custom_car)
putPlot <- function(pm, value, i, j) {
  pos <- get_pos(pm, i, j)
  if (is.null(value)) {
    pm$plots[[pos]] <- make_ggmatrix_plot_obj(wrap("blank", funcArgName = "ggally_blank"))
  } else if (mode(value) == "character") {
    if (value == "blank") {
      pm$plots[[pos]] <- make_ggmatrix_plot_obj(wrap("blank", funcArgName = "ggally_blank"))
    } else {
      stop("character values (besides 'blank') are not allowed to be stored as plot values.")
  } else {
    pm$plots[[pos]] <- value


#' Subset a \code{\link{ggmatrix}} object
#' Retrieves the ggplot object at the desired location.
#' @param pm \code{\link{ggmatrix}} object to select from
#' @param i row from the top
#' @param j column from the left
#' @keywords hplot
#' @author Barret Schloerke
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @seealso \code{\link{putPlot}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Small function to display plots only if it's interactive
#' p_ <- GGally::print_if_interactive
#' data(tips)
#' plotMatrix2 <- ggpairs(tips[, 3:2], upper = list(combo = "denstrip"))
#' p_(plotMatrix2[1, 2])
getPlot <- function(pm, i, j) {
  if (FALSE) {
    cat("i: ", i, " j: ", j, "\n")

  pos <- get_pos(pm, i, j)

  if (pos > length(pm$plots)) {
    plotObj <- NULL
  } else {
    plotObj <- pm$plots[[pos]]

  if (is.null(plotObj)) {
    p <- ggally_blank()
  } else {
    if (ggplot2::is.ggplot(plotObj)) {
      p <- plotObj
    } else if (inherits(plotObj, "ggmatrix_plot_obj")) {
      fn <- plotObj$fn
      p <- fn(pm$data, plotObj$mapping)
    } else if (inherits(plotObj, "legend_guide_box")) {
      p <- plotObj
    } else {
      firstNote <- str_c("Position: i = ", i, ", j = ", j, "\nstr(plotObj):\n", sep = "")
      strObj <- capture.output({
      stop(str_c("unknown plot object type.\n", firstNote, strObj))

    p <- add_gg_info(p, pm$gg)


get_pos <- function(pm, i, j) {
  if (isTRUE(pm$byrow)) {
    pos <- j + (pm$ncol * (i - 1))
  } else {
    pos <- i + (pm$nrow * (j - 1))

get_pos_rev <- function(pm, pos) {
  if (isTRUE(pm$byrow)) {
    i <- ceiling(pos / pm$ncol)
    j <- (pos - 1) %% pm$ncol + 1
  } else {
    i <- (pos - 1) %% pm$nrow + 1
    j <- ceiling(pos / pm$nrow)
  c(i, j)

check_i_j <- function(pm, i, j) {
  if ((length(i) > 1) || (mode(i) != "numeric")) {
    stop("'i' may only be a single numeric value")
  if ((length(j) > 1) || (mode(j) != "numeric")) {
    stop("'j' may only be a single numeric value")

  if (i > pm$nrow || i < 1) {
    stop("'i' may only be in the range from 1:", pm$nrow)
  if (j > pm$ncol || j < 1) {
    stop("'j' may only be in the range from 1:", pm$ncol)


#' @rdname getPlot
#' @usage \method{[}{ggmatrix}(pm, i, j, ...)
#' @param ... ignored
#' @export
`[.ggmatrix` <- function(pm, i, j, ...) {
  # print(list(x = i, y = j))
  check_i_j(pm, i, j)

  getPlot(pm, i, j)

#' @rdname putPlot
#' @usage \method{[}{ggmatrix}(pm, i, j, ...) <- value
#' @param ... ignored
#' @export
`[<-.ggmatrix` <- function(pm, i, j, ..., value) {
  # x = matrix
  # i = first subset
  # j = second subset
  # y = value
  check_i_j(pm, i, j)

  putPlot(pm, value, i, j)

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GGally documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:29 a.m.