
Defines functions is.ggmatrix add_list_to_ggmatrix ggmatrix_location add_to_ggmatrix add_theme_to_ggmatrix add_labels_to_ggmatrix add_gg_info

Documented in add_to_ggmatrix ggmatrix_location

#' Modify a \code{\link{ggmatrix}} object by adding an \pkg{ggplot2} object to all plots
#' This operator allows you to add \pkg{ggplot2} objects to a \code{\link{ggmatrix}} object.
#' If the first object is an object of class \code{\link{ggmatrix}}, you can add
#' the following types of objects, and it will return a modified \pkg{ggplot2}
#' object.
#' \itemize{
######   \item \code{data.frame}: replace current data.frame
######      (must use \code{%+%})
######   \item \code{uneval}: replace current aesthetics
######   \item \code{layer}: add new layer
#'   \item \code{theme}: update plot theme
#'   \item \code{scale}: replace current scale
#'   \item \code{coord}: override current coordinate system
######   \item \code{facet}: override current coordinate faceting
#' }
#' The \code{+} operator completely replaces elements
#' with elements from e2.
#' @param e1 An object of class \code{\link{ggnostic}} or \code{ggplot}
#' @param e2 A component to add to \code{e1}
#' @export
#' @seealso [ggplot2::+.gg] and [ggplot2::theme()]
#' @method + gg
#' @rdname gg-add
#' @examples
#' # small function to display plots only if it's interactive
#' p_ <- GGally::print_if_interactive
#' data(tips)
#' pm <- ggpairs(tips[, 2:4], ggplot2::aes(color = sex))
#' ## change to black and white theme
#' pm + ggplot2::theme_bw()
#' ## change to linedraw theme
#' p_(pm + ggplot2::theme_linedraw())
#' ## change to custom theme
#' p_(pm + ggplot2::theme(panel.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = "lightblue")))
#' ## add a list of information
#' extra <- list(ggplot2::theme_bw(), ggplot2::labs(caption = "My caption!"))
#' p_(pm + extra)
"+.gg" <- function(e1, e2) {
  if (!is.ggmatrix(e1)) {
    return(e1 %+% e2)

  if (is.null(e1$gg)) {
    e1$gg <- list()
  if (inherits(e2, "labels")) {
    add_labels_to_ggmatrix(e1, e2)
  } else if (is.theme(e2)) {
    add_theme_to_ggmatrix(e1, e2)
  } else if (is.list(e2)) {
    add_list_to_ggmatrix(e1, e2)
  } else if (is.ggproto(e2)) {
    add_to_ggmatrix(e1, e2)
  } else {
      "'ggmatrix' does not know how to add objects that do not have class 'theme', 'labels' or 'ggproto'.",
      " Received object with class: '", paste(class(e2), collapse = ", "), "'"

add_gg_info <- function(p, gg) {
  if (!is.null(gg)) {
    if (!is.null(gg$theme)) {
      p <- p + gg$theme
    if (!is.null(gg$labs)) {
      p <- p + gg$labs

add_labels_to_ggmatrix <- function(e1, e2) {
  label_names <- names(e2)

  if ("x" %in% label_names) {
    e1$xlab <- e2$x
  if ("y" %in% label_names) {
    e1$ylab <- e2$y
  if ("title" %in% label_names) {
    e1$title <- e2$title

  non_ggmatrix_labels <- label_names[!label_names %in% c("x", "y", "title")]

  if (length(non_ggmatrix_labels) > 0) {
    if (is.null(e1$gg$labs)) {
      e1$gg$labs <- structure(list(), class = "labels")
    e1$gg$labs[non_ggmatrix_labels] <- e2[non_ggmatrix_labels]


add_theme_to_ggmatrix <- function(e1, e2) {
  # Get the name of what was passed in as e2, and pass along so that it
  # can be displayed in error messages
  # e2name <- deparse(substitute(e2))

  if (is.null(e1$gg$theme)) {
    e1$gg$theme <- e2
  } else {
    # calls ggplot2 add method and stores the result in gg
    e1$gg$theme <- e1$gg$theme %+% e2

#' @export
#' @rdname gg-add
#' @inheritParams ggmatrix_location
#' @details
#' \code{add_to_ggmatrix} gives you more control to modify
#'   only some subplots.  This function may be replaced and/or removed in the future. \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{lifecycle::badge("experimental")}
#' @seealso \code{\link{ggmatrix_location}}
#' @examples
#' ## modify scale
#' p_(pm + scale_fill_brewer(type = "qual"))
#' ## only first row
#' p_(add_to_ggmatrix(pm, scale_fill_brewer(type = "qual"), rows = 1:2))
#' ## only second col
#' p_(add_to_ggmatrix(pm, scale_fill_brewer(type = "qual"), cols = 2:3))
#' ## only to upper triangle of plot matrix
#' p_(add_to_ggmatrix(
#'   pm,
#'   scale_fill_brewer(type = "qual"),
#'   location = "upper"
#' ))
add_to_ggmatrix <- function(
    location = NULL,
    rows = NULL,
    cols = NULL) {
  if (!is.ggmatrix(e1)) {
    stop("e1 should be a ggmatrix.")
  if (!is.ggproto(e2)) {
    stop("e2 should be a ggproto object.")

  pm <- e1
  gg <- e2

  loc <- ggmatrix_location(pm, location = location, rows = rows, cols = cols)

  row_vals <- loc$row
  col_vals <- loc$col

  for (i in seq_along(row_vals)) {
    row <- row_vals[i]
    col <- col_vals[i]
    # wrap in try to not let one plot fail, but also print the error
      pm[row, col] <- pm[row, col] + gg


#' \code{\link{ggmatrix}} plot locations
#' \lifecycle{experimental}
#' Convert many types of location values to a consistent \code{data.frame} of \code{row} and \code{col} values.
#' @param pm \code{\link{ggmatrix}} plot object
#' @param location \describe{
#'   \item{\code{"all"}, \code{TRUE}}{All row and col combinations}
#'   \item{\code{"none"}}{No row and column combinations}
#'   \item{\code{"upper"}}{Locations where the column value is higher than the row value}
#'   \item{\code{"lower"}}{Locations where the row value is higher than the column value}
#'   \item{\code{"diag"}}{Locations where the column value is equal to the row value}
#'   \item{\code{matrix} or \code{data.frame}}{
#'     \code{matrix} values will be converted into \code{data.frame}s.
#'     \itemize{
#'       \item A \code{data.frame} with the exact column names \code{c("row", "col")}
#'       \item A \code{data.frame} with the number of rows and columns matching the plot matrix object provided.  Each cell will be tested for a "truthy" value to determine if the location should be kept.
#'     }
#'   }
#' }
#' @param rows numeric vector of the rows to be used. Will be used with  \code{cols} if \code{location} is \code{NULL}
#' @param cols numeric vector of the cols to be used. Will be used with \code{rows} if \code{location} is \code{NULL}
#' @return Data frame with columns \code{c("row", "col")} containing locations for the plot matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pm <- ggpairs(tips, 1:3)
#' # All locations
#' ggmatrix_location(pm, location = "all")
#' ggmatrix_location(pm, location = TRUE)
#' # No locations
#' ggmatrix_location(pm, location = "none")
#' # "upper" triangle locations
#' ggmatrix_location(pm, location = "upper")
#' # "lower" triangle locations
#' ggmatrix_location(pm, location = "lower")
#' # "diag" locations
#' ggmatrix_location(pm, location = "diag")
#' # specific rows
#' ggmatrix_location(pm, rows = 2)
#' # specific columns
#' ggmatrix_location(pm, cols = 2)
#' # row and column combinations
#' ggmatrix_location(pm, rows = c(1, 2), cols = c(1, 3))
#' # matrix locations
#' mat <- matrix(TRUE, ncol = 3, nrow = 3)
#' mat[1, 1] <- FALSE
#' locs <- ggmatrix_location(pm, location = mat)
#' ## does not contain the 1, 1 cell
#' locs
#' # Use the output of a prior ggmatrix_location
#' ggmatrix_location(pm, location = locs)
ggmatrix_location <- function(
    location = NULL,
    rows = NULL,
    cols = NULL) {
  if (!is.ggmatrix(pm)) stop("pm should be a ggmatrix.")

  if (!is.null(location)) {
    if (is.logical(location) && !(is.matrix(location) || is.data.frame(location))) {
      if (length(location) != 1) {
        stop("`location` logical value must be of length 1")
      location <-
        if (isTRUE(location)) {
        } else {
          warning("Not `TRUE` logical `location` value. Setting to `'none'`")
    if (is.character(location)) {
      location <- match.arg(location, c("all", "upper", "lower", "diag", "none"), several.ok = FALSE)
      locs <- expand.grid(row = seq_len(pm$nrow), col = seq_len(pm$ncol))

      location <-
          "all" = locs,
          "none" = subset(locs, FALSE),
          "diag" = subset(locs, row == col),
          "upper" = subset(locs, col > row),
          "lower" = subset(locs, col < row),
          stop(location, " not implemented")
    } else {
      if (is.matrix(location)) {
        location <- as.data.frame(location)
      if (is.data.frame(location)) {
        if (!identical(c("row", "col"), colnames(location))) {
          # using data.frame of locations as truthy vals
          if (ncol(location) != pm$ncol) {
            stop("location provided does not have the same size of columns")
          if (nrow(location) != pm$nrow) {
            stop("location provided does not have the same size of rows")

          # turn wide matrix into a tall data.frame of row/col combos
          tmp_locs <- data.frame(row = numeric(0), col = numeric(0))
          for (i in seq_len(nrow(location))) {
            for (j in seq_len(ncol(location))) {
              val <- location[i, j]
              if (val) {
                tmp_locs[nrow(tmp_locs) + 1, ] <- list(row = i, col = j)
          location <- tmp_locs
        } # end (location is data.frame)
      } # end (location not character)
    } # end (location not null)
  } else {
    # location is null

    if (is.null(rows)) {
      rows <- seq_len(pm$nrow)
    if (!is.numeric(rows)) {
      stop("rows must be numeric")
    if (is.null(cols)) {
      cols <- seq_len(pm$ncol)
    if (!is.numeric(cols)) {
      stop("cols must be numeric")
    location <- expand.grid(row = rows, col = cols)

  # location will be a 2d data.frame with colnames of `'row'` and `'col'`
  locs <- as.data.frame(location)
  if (ncol(locs) < 2) {
    stop("not enough columns to inspect for a location")
  if (!all(c("row", "col") %in% colnames(locs))) {
    stop("invalid location row / col object")

  row <- locs$row
  if (any(row > pm$nrow) || any(row <= 0) || any(is.na(row))) {
      "`row` must be non-NA / positive numeric values `<= pm$nrow`", "\n",
      "pm$nrow: ", dput_val(pm$nrow), "\n",
      "row: ", dput_val(row)
  col <- locs$col
  if (any(col > pm$ncol) || any(col <= 0) || any(is.na(col))) {
      "`col` must be non-NA / positive numeric values `<= pm$ncol`", "\n",
      "pm$ncol: ", dput_val(pm$ncol), "\n",
      "col: ", dput_val(col)

  # typical case
    locs[, c("row", "col")]

add_list_to_ggmatrix <- function(e1, e2) {
  for (item in e2) {
    e1 <- e1 + item

is.ggmatrix <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "ggmatrix")

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GGally documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:29 a.m.