
Defines functions GIFT_checklists_conditional

Documented in GIFT_checklists_conditional

#' GIFT checklists meta data
#' Retrieve meta data of GIFT checklists for regions that are covered by 
#' checklists jointly fulfilling specific criteria.
#' @param taxon_name Character string corresponding to the taxonomic group
#' of interest.
#' @param floristic_scope A vector listing floristic scopes of the references
#' to be considered.
#' Options are: `all`, `native`, `native and naturalized`,
#' `native and historically introduced`, `endangered`, `endemic`,
#' `naturalized`, `other subset`.
#' @param ref_excluded A vector listing potential ref_IDs that shall be ignored 
#' when assembling the set of regions and checklists fulfilling the given 
#' criteria. Checklists from these references will not be returned. `NULL` by 
#' default.
#' @param type_ref Character, options are `Account`, `Catalogue`, `Checklist`,
#' `Flora`, `Herbarium collection`, `Key`, `Red list`, `Report`,
#' `Species Database`, `Survey`.
#' @param entity_class Character, options are `Island`, `Island/Mainland`,
#' `Mainland`, `Island Group`, `Island Part`.
#' @param native_indicated Logical, whether only lists where native status
#' is available should be retrieved.
#' @param natural_indicated Logical, whether only lists where natural status
#' is available should be retrieved.
#' @param end_ref Logical, whether only lists where endemism at the reference
#' level is available should be retrieved.
#' @param end_list Logical, whether only lists where endemism at the list level
#' is available should be retrieved.
#' @param suit_geo logical indicating whether only regions classified as 
#' suit_geo should be considered (see details).
#' @param complete_taxon Logical, default `TRUE`.
#' @param list_set list_set `NULL` by default. If not, it has to be the list
#' table (see [GIFT::GIFT_lists()]). Used internally in
#' [GIFT::GIFT_checklists()] to avoid downloading the table of lists many times.
#' @param taxonomy default `NULL`. If not, it has to be the taxonomy table
#' (see [GIFT::GIFT_taxonomy()]).
#' @template GIFT_version_api
#' @return
#' A data frame with 16 columns.
#' @details Here is what each column refers to:
#' \emph{ref_ID} - Identification number of each reference.\cr
#' \emph{type} - What type the source is.\cr
#' \emph{subset} - What information regarding the status of species is
#' available.\cr
#' \emph{native_indicated} - Whether native status of species is available in
#'  the source.\cr
#' \emph{natural_indicated} - Whether naturalized status of species is
#' available in the source.\cr
#' \emph{end_ref} - Whether endemism information is available in the source.\cr
#' \emph{restricted} - Whether the access to this reference is restricted.\cr
#' \emph{taxon_ID} - Identification number of species.\cr
#' \emph{list_ID} - Identification number of each list.\cr
#' \emph{end_list} - Whether endemism information is available in the list.\cr
#' \emph{entity_ID} - Identification number of the polygon of the list.\cr
#' \emph{geo_entity} - Name of the location.\cr
#' \emph{suit_geo} - Is the polygon suitable.\cr
#' \emph{entity_class} - Type of polygon.\cr
#' \emph{entity_type} - Name of the location.\cr
#' \emph{taxon_name} - Name of the group of taxa available.
#' @references
#'      Denelle, P., Weigelt, P., & Kreft, H. (2023). GIFT—An R package to
#'      access the Global Inventory of Floras and Traits. Methods in Ecology
#'      and Evolution, 14, 2738-2748.
#'      https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.14213
#'      Weigelt, P, König, C, Kreft, H. GIFT – A Global Inventory of Floras and
#'      Traits for macroecology and biogeography. J Biogeogr. 2020; 47: 16– 43.
#'      https://doi.org/10.1111/jbi.13623
#' @seealso [GIFT::GIFT_checklists_raw()]
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ex <- GIFT_checklists_conditional(taxon_name = "Embryophyta", 
#' floristic_scope = c("all", "native", "native and naturalized",
#' "native and historically introduced", "endangered",
#' "endemic", "naturalized", "other subset")[7],
#' type_ref = c("Account", "Catalogue", "Checklist","Flora",
#' "Herbarium collection", "Key", "Red list", "Report", "Species Database",
#'  "Survey"),
#'  entity_class = c("Island", "Island/Mainland", "Mainland", "Island Group",
#'  "Island Part"),
#'  native_indicated = FALSE, natural_indicated = FALSE, end_ref = FALSE,
#'  end_list = FALSE, suit_geo = TRUE, complete_taxon = TRUE,
#'  list_set = NULL, taxonomy = NULL)
#' }
#' @importFrom jsonlite read_json
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join mutate group_by ungroup filter select mutate_at
#' @export

GIFT_checklists_conditional <- function(
    taxon_name = "Tracheophyta",
    floristic_scope = c("all", "native", "native and naturalized",
                        "native and historically introduced", "endangered",
                        "endemic", "naturalized", "other subset")[1:4],
    ref_excluded = NULL,
    type_ref = c("Account", "Catalogue", "Checklist","Flora",
                 "Herbarium collection", "Key", "Red list", "Report",
                 "Species Database", "Survey"),
    entity_class = c("Island", "Island/Mainland", "Mainland", "Island Group",
                     "Island Part"),
    native_indicated = FALSE, natural_indicated = FALSE, end_ref = FALSE,
    end_list = FALSE, suit_geo = FALSE,
    complete_taxon = TRUE,
    GIFT_version = "latest", 
    api = "https://gift.uni-goettingen.de/api/extended/",
    list_set = NULL, taxonomy = NULL){
  # 1. Controls ----
  api_check <- check_api(api)
  } else{
    if(any(is.na(floristic_scope)) || !is.character(floristic_scope) || 
       !(all(floristic_scope %in% c("all", "native", "native and naturalized",
                                    "native and historically introduced",
                                    "endangered", "endemic", "naturalized",
                                    "other subset")))){
      stop(c("'floristic_scope' must be a character string stating what
    information should be available in the lists you retrieve (e.g. only
    references where endemic status is indicated). Available options are 'all',
    'native', 'native and naturalized', 'native and historically introduced',
    'endangered', 'endemic', 'naturalized', 'other subset'."))
    if(any(is.na(type_ref)) || !is.character(type_ref) || 
       !(all(type_ref %in% c("Account", "Catalogue", "Checklist","Flora",
                             "Herbarium collection", "Key", "Red list",
                             "Report", "Species Database", "Survey")))){
      stop(c("'type_ref' must be a character string stating what type of
    references you want to retrieve. Available options are 'Account',
    'Catalogue', 'Checklist','Flora', 'Herbarium collection', 'Key',
    'Red list', 'Report', 'Species Database', 'Survey'"))
    if(any(is.na(entity_class)) || !is.character(entity_class) || 
       !(all(entity_class %in% c("Island", "Island/Mainland", "Mainland",
                                 "Island Group", "Island Part")))){
      stop(c("'entity_class' must be a character string stating what class of
    polygons you want to retrieve. Available options are 'Island',
    'Island/Mainland', 'Mainland', 'Island Group', 'Island Part'."))
    if(length(native_indicated) != 1 || !is.logical(native_indicated) ||
      stop("'native_indicated' must be a logical stating if you want the
         native status of species to be available.")
    if(length(natural_indicated) != 1 || !is.logical(natural_indicated) ||
      stop("'natural_indicated' must be a logical stating if you want to
         know whether species were naturalized or not.")
    if(length(end_ref) != 1 || !is.logical(end_ref) || is.na(end_ref)){
      stop("'end_ref' must be a logical stating if you want the endemic
         status at the reference level to be available.")
    if(length(end_list) != 1 || !is.logical(end_list) || is.na(end_list)){
      stop("'end_list' must be a logical stating if you want the endemic
         status at the list level to be available.")
    if(length(suit_geo) != 1 || !is.logical(suit_geo) || is.na(suit_geo)){
      stop("'suit_geo' must be a logical stating if you want to retrieve
         lists associated to a suitable polygon or not.")
    GIFT_version <- check_gift_version_simple(GIFT_version)
      if(!is.data.frame(taxonomy) ||
         !(all(c("taxon_ID", "taxon_name", "taxon_author", "taxon_lvl", "lft",
                 "rgt") %in% colnames(taxonomy)))){
        stop("Taxonomy must be a dataframe with specific column names.
         See GIFT_taxonomy().")
    # Visible binding for global variable
    rgt <- lft <- entity_ID <- range_covered <- range_covered_max <- NULL
    taxon_author <- taxon_lvl <- NULL
    # 2. Query ----
    # List_set query
      list_set <- jsonlite::read_json(
        paste0(api, "index", ifelse(GIFT_version == "beta", "", GIFT_version),
               ".php?query=lists"), simplifyVector = TRUE)
    # Taxonomy query
      taxonomy <- jsonlite::read_json(
        paste0(api, "index", ifelse(GIFT_version == "beta", "", GIFT_version),
               ".php?query=taxonomy"), simplifyVector = TRUE)
    # Define tax_group
    tax_group <- taxonomy[which(taxonomy$taxon_name == taxon_name), "taxon_ID"]
    # Numeric columns
    taxonomy <- dplyr::mutate_at(taxonomy, c("lft", "rgt"), as.numeric)
    left_border <- taxonomy[which(taxonomy$taxon_ID == tax_group), "lft"]
    right_border <- taxonomy[which(taxonomy$taxon_ID == tax_group), "rgt"]
    included_taxa_below <- taxonomy[which(taxonomy$lft >= left_border &
                                            taxonomy$rgt <= right_border),
    included_taxa_above <- taxonomy[which(taxonomy$lft < left_border &
                                            taxonomy$rgt > right_border),
    included_taxa <- c(included_taxa_below, included_taxa_above)
    # Remove ref_IDs to be ignored
      list_set <- list_set[which(!list_set$ref_ID %in% 
                                   as.numeric(ref_excluded)), ]
    # Subset of lists based on the taxonomy
    list_set <- list_set[which(list_set$taxon_ID %in% included_taxa), ]
    # Subset of lists based on floristic coverage (alien, endemics, etc)
    list_set <- list_set[which(list_set$subset %in% floristic_scope), ]
    # Subset of lists based on reference type (checklist, flora, etc)
    list_set <- list_set[which(list_set$type %in% type_ref), ]
    # Subset of lists based on entity class (island, mainland, etc)
    list_set <- list_set[which(list_set$entity_class %in% entity_class), ]
    # Subset of lists based on whether nativeness is indicated
      list_set <- list_set[which(list_set$native_indicated == "1"), ] #see TODO
    # Subset of lists based on whether naturalization is indicated
      list_set <- list_set[which(list_set$natural_indicated == "1"), ] #seeTODO
    # Subset of lists based on whether endemic ref is indicated
      list_set <- list_set[which(list_set$end_ref == "1"), ] # see TODO
    # Subset of lists based on whether endemic list is indicated
      list_set <- list_set[which(list_set$end_list == "1"), ]
    # Only regions covered by lists
      list_set <- list_set[which(list_set$suit_geo == "1"), ]
    # Add full taxonomic names
    list_set <- dplyr::left_join(list_set, taxonomy, by = "taxon_ID")
    # Whether regions cover entirely or not the required taxonomic group
      range_taxgroup <- taxonomy[which(taxonomy$taxon_ID == tax_group), "rgt"] -
        taxonomy[which(taxonomy$taxon_ID == tax_group), "lft"]
      list_set <- dplyr::mutate(list_set, range_covered = rgt - lft)
      list_set <- dplyr::group_by(list_set, entity_ID)
      list_set <- dplyr::mutate(list_set,
                                range_covered_max = max(range_covered))
      list_set <- dplyr::ungroup(list_set)
      list_set <- dplyr::filter(list_set, range_covered_max >= range_taxgroup)
      list_set <- as.data.frame(list_set)
      # Remove unnecessary columns
      list_set <- dplyr::select(list_set, -range_covered, -range_covered_max)
      # TO DO: allow for cases when you can "sum" for taxonomic subsets
      # TO DO account for cases in which we don't have a list for a taxonomic
      # group but for all subgroups included
    # Remove unnecessary columns from join with taxonomy
    list_set <- dplyr::select(list_set, -taxon_author, -taxon_lvl, -lft, -rgt)
    list_set <- dplyr::mutate_at(
      list_set, c("ref_ID", "native_indicated", "natural_indicated", "end_ref",
                  "restricted", "taxon_ID", "list_ID", "end_list", "entity_ID",      
                  "suit_geo"), as.numeric)
    # Output

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GIFT documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:11 a.m.