
Defines functions esp.tr

Documented in esp.tr

esp.tr <- function(vrb.st, margin){
mub <- c("BE") 

if( !(margin %in% mub) ){
   vrb.st <- ifelse( vrb.st > 20,   20, vrb.st )  # it was 28
   vrb.st <- ifelse( vrb.st < -13, -13, vrb.st )  # it was -17 
   vrb    <- exp(vrb.st)

if( margin %in% c("BE") ){
   vrb.st <- ifelse( vrb.st >  16,  16, vrb.st )  
   vrb.st <- ifelse( vrb.st < -18, -18, vrb.st ) 
   vrb    <- plogis(vrb.st)

#if( margin %in% c("TW") ){
#aTW <- 1.001  
#bTW <- 1.999
## sigma.stTW <- log( (sigma - aTW) / (bTW - sigma) ) # sigma = (aTW + bTW*exp(sigma.stTW))/(1 + exp(sigma.stTW))
#   vrb.st <- ifelse( vrb.st >  15,  15, vrb.st )  
#   vrb.st <- ifelse( vrb.st < -15, -15, vrb.st ) 
#   vrb    <- (aTW + bTW*exp(vrb.st))/(1 + exp(vrb.st)) 

 list(vrb = vrb, vrb.st = vrb.st)  

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GJRM documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:34 a.m.