
Defines functions parplotPF_nd plotGPareto

Documented in plotGPareto

#' Display results of multi-objective optimization returned by either \code{\link[GPareto]{GParetoptim}} or \code{\link[GPareto]{easyGParetoptim}},
#' possibly completed with various post-processings of uncertainty quantification.  
#' @title Plot multi-objective optimization results and post-processing
#' @param res list returned by \code{\link[GPareto]{GParetoptim}} or \code{\link[GPareto]{easyGParetoptim}},
#' @param add logical; if \code{TRUE} adds the first graphical output to an already existing plot; 
#' if \code{FALSE}, (default) starts a new plot,
#' @param UQ_PF logical; for 2 objectives, if \code{TRUE} perform a quantification of uncertainty on
#'  the Pareto front to display the symmetric deviation function with \code{\link[GPareto]{plotSymDevFun}} (cannot be added to existing graph),
#' @param UQ_PS logical; if \code{TRUE} call \code{\link[GPareto]{plot_uncertainty}} representing the probability of non-domination in the variable space,
#' @param UQ_dens logical; for 2D problems, if \code{TRUE} call \code{\link[GPareto]{ParetoSetDensity}} to estimate and display the density of Pareto optimal points in the variable space,
#' @param lower optional vector of lower bounds for the variables. 
#' Necessary if \code{UQ_PF} and/or \code{UQ_PS} are \code{TRUE} (if not provided, variables are supposed to vary between 0 and 1),
#' @param upper optional vector of upper bounds for the variables. 
#' Necessary if \code{UQ_PF} and/or \code{UQ_PS} are \code{TRUE} (if not provided, variables are supposed to vary between 0 and 1),
#' @param control optional list, see details.
#' @details 
#' By default, \code{plotGPareto} displays the Pareto front delimiting the non-dominated area with 2 objectives,
#'  by a perspective view with 3 objectives and using parallel coordinates with more objectives.\cr 
#' Setting one or several of UQ_PF, UQ_PS and UQ_dens allows to run and display post-processing tools that assess
#' the precision and confidence of the optimization run, either in the objective (\code{UQ_PF}) or the variable spaces 
#' (\code{UQ_PS}, \code{UQ_dens}). Note that these options are computationally intensive.
#' Various parameters can be used for the display of results and/or passed to subsequent function:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{col}, \code{pch} correspond the color and plotting character for observations,
#'   \item \code{PF.line.col}, \code{PF.pch}, \code{PF.points.col} define the color of the line denoting the current Pareto front,
#'   the plotting character and color of non-dominated observations, respectively,
#'   \item \code{nsim}, \code{npsim} and \code{gridtype} define the number of conditional simulations performed with [DiceKriging::simulate()]
#'    along with the number of simulation points (in case \code{UQ_PF} and/or \code{UQ_dens} are \code{TRUE}),
#'   \item \code{gridtype} to define how simulation points are selected; 
#'   alternatives are '\code{runif}' (default) for uniformly sampled points,
#'   '\code{LHS}' for a Latin Hypercube design using \code{\link[DiceDesign]{lhsDesign}} and 
#'   '\code{grid2d}' for a two dimensional grid,
#'   \item \code{f1lim}, \code{f2lim} can be passed to \code{\link[GPareto]{CPF}},
#'   \item \code{resolution}, \code{option}, \code{nintegpoints} are to be passed to \code{\link[GPareto]{plot_uncertainty}}
#'   \item \code{displaytype} type of display for \code{UQ_dens}, see \code{\link[ks]{plot.kde}},
#'   \item \code{printVD} logical, if \code{TRUE} and \code{UQ_PF} is \code{TRUE} as well, print the value of the Vorob'ev deviation,
#'   \item \code{use.rgl} if \code{TRUE}, use rgl for 3D plots, else \code{\link[graphics]{persp}} is used,
#'   \item \code{bounds} if \code{use.rgl} is \code{TRUE}, optional \code{2*nobj} matrix of boundaries, see \code{\link[GPareto]{plotParetoEmp}}
#'   \item \code{meshsize3d} mesh size of the perspective view for 3-objective problems,
#'   \item \code{theta}, \code{phi} angles for perspective view of 3-objective problems,
#'   \item \code{add_denoised_PF} if \code{TRUE}, in the noisy case, add the Pareto front from the estimated mean of the observations.
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics abline persp
#' @importFrom rgl points3d
#' @references
#' M. Binois, D. Ginsbourger and O. Roustant (2015), Quantifying Uncertainty on Pareto Fronts with Gaussian process conditional simulations, 
#' \emph{European Journal of Operational Research}, 243(2), 386-394. \cr \cr
#' A. Inselberg (2009), \emph{Parallel coordinates}, Springer.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # 2D objective function
#' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' set.seed(25468)
#' n_var <- 2 
#' fname <- P1
#' lower <- rep(0, n_var)
#' upper <- rep(1, n_var)
#' res <- easyGParetoptim(fn=fname, lower=lower, upper=upper, budget=15, 
#' control=list(method="EHI", inneroptim="pso", maxit=20))
#' ## Pareto front only
#' plotGPareto(res)
#' ## With post-processing
#' plotGPareto(res, UQ_PF = TRUE, UQ_PS = TRUE, UQ_dens = TRUE)
#' ## With noise
#' noise.var <- c(10, 2)
#' funnoise <- function(x) {P1(x) + sqrt(noise.var)*rnorm(n=2)}
#' res2 <- easyGParetoptim(fn=funnoise, lower=lower, upper=upper, budget=15, noise.var=noise.var,
#'                        control=list(method="EHI", inneroptim="pso", maxit=20))
#' plotGPareto(res2, control=list(add_denoised_PF=FALSE)) # noisy observations only
#' plotGPareto(res2)
#' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # 3D objective function
#' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' set.seed(1)
#' n_var <- 3 
#' fname <- DTLZ1
#' lower <- rep(0, n_var)
#' upper <- rep(1, n_var)
#' res3 <- easyGParetoptim(fn=fname, lower=lower, upper=upper, budget=50, 
#' control=list(method="EHI", inneroptim="pso", maxit=20))
#' ## Pareto front only
#' plotGPareto(res3)
#' ## With noise
#' noise.var <- c(10, 2, 5)
#' funnoise <- function(x) {fname(x) + sqrt(noise.var)*rnorm(n=3)}
#' res4 <- easyGParetoptim(fn=funnoise, lower=lower, upper=upper, budget=100, noise.var=noise.var,
#'                        control=list(method="EHI", inneroptim="pso", maxit=20))
#' plotGPareto(res4, control=list(add_denoised_PF=FALSE)) # noisy observations only
#' plotGPareto(res4)   
#' }
plotGPareto <- function(res, add = FALSE, UQ_PF = FALSE, UQ_PS = FALSE, UQ_dens = FALSE,
                        lower = NULL, upper = NULL,
                        control = list(pch = 20, col = "red", PF.line.col = "cyan", PF.pch = 17,
                                       PF.points.col = "blue", VE.line.col = "cyan",
                                       nsim = 100, npsim = 1500, gridtype = "runif",
                                       displaytype = "persp", printVD = TRUE,
                                       use.rgl = TRUE, bounds = NULL,
                                       meshsize3d = 50, theta = -25, phi = 10,
                                       add_denoised_PF = TRUE)){
  # Check of arguments
  if(is.null(control$pch)) control$pch <- 20
  if(is.null(control$col)) control$col <- "red"
  if(is.null(control$PF.line.col)) control$PF.line.col <- "cyan"
  if(is.null(control$PF.pch)) control$PF.pch <- 17
  if(is.null(control$VE.line.col)) control$VE.line.col <- "cyan"
  if(is.null(control$PF.points.col)) control$PF.points.col <- "blue"
  if(is.null(control$nsim)) control$nsim <- 100
  if(is.null(control$npsim)) control$npsim <- 1000
  if(is.null(control$gridtype)) control$gridtype <- "runif"
  if(is.null(control$displaytype)) control$displaytype <- "persp"
  if(is.null(control$printVD)) control$printVD <- TRUE
  if(is.null(control$use.rgl)) control$use.rgl <- TRUE
  if(is.null(control$bounds)) control$bounds <- NULL
  if(is.null(control$meshsize3d)) control$meshsize3d <- 50
  if(is.null(control$theta)) control$theta <- -25
  if(is.null(control$phi)) control$phi <- 10
  if(is.null(control$add_denoised_PF)) control$add_denoised_PF <- TRUE
  if(is.null(res$model) && !res$lastmodel[[1]]@noise.flag) control$add_denoised_PF <- FALSE # no noise
  if(is.null(res$lastmodel) && !res$model[[1]]@noise.flag) control$add_denoised_PF <- FALSE # no noise 
  if(is.null(lower)) lower <- rep(0, ncol(res$par))
  if(is.null(upper)) upper <- rep(1, ncol(res$par))
  n.obj <- ncol(res$value)
    if(n.obj == 2){
        ## easyGParetoptim
          plot(res$history$y, pch = control$pch, col = control$col, xlab = expression(f[1]), ylab = expression(f[2])) 
        }else{## GParetoptim
          plot(res$lastmodel[[1]]@y, res$lastmodel[[2]]@y,
               pch = control$pch, col = control$col, xlab = expression(f[1]), ylab = expression(f[2]) )
          points(res$history$y, pch = control$pch, col = control$col)
          points(res$lastmodel[[1]]@y, res$lastmodel[[2]]@y,
                 pch = control$pch, col = control$col)
      ## easyGParetoptim
        plotParetoEmp(t(nondominated_points(t(res$history$y))), col = control$PF.line.col)
        if(res$model[[1]]@noise.flag && control$add_denoised_PF) 
          points(res$value, col = control$PF.points.col, pch = control$PF.pch)
      } else {## GParetoptim
        plotParetoEmp(t(nondominated_points(t(cbind(res$lastmodel[[1]]@y, res$lastmodel[[2]]@y)))),
                      col = control$PF.line.col)
        if(res$lastmodel[[1]]@noise.flag && control$add_denoised_PF)
          points(t(nondominated_points(t(cbind(res$lastmodel[[1]]@y, res$lastmodel[[2]]@y)))),
                 col = control$PF.points.col, pch = control$PF.pch)
      ## Noisy case
            smoothed_preds <- predict_kms(res$model, newdata=res$model[[1]]@X, type="UK", checkNames = FALSE, 
                                          light.return = TRUE, cov.compute = FALSE)$mean
            smoothed_preds <- t(nondominated_points(smoothed_preds))
            plotParetoEmp(smoothed_preds, col = control$PF.line.col, lty = 3)
            points(smoothed_preds, col = control$PF.points.col, pch = 2)
            smoothed_preds <- predict_kms(res$lastmodel, newdata=res$lastmodel[[1]]@X, type="UK", checkNames = FALSE, 
                                          light.return = TRUE, cov.compute = FALSE)$mean
            smoothed_preds <- t(nondominated_points(smoothed_preds))
            plotParetoEmp(smoothed_preds, col = control$PF.line.col, lty = 3)
            points(smoothed_preds, col = control$PF.points.col, pch = 2)
      if(!is.null(res$history)){ #easyGPareto
        if (control$add_denoised_PF){
          ally.noisy <- res$history$y.denoised
        ally <- res$history$y
      } else {
          if (control$add_denoised_PF){ 
            ally.noisy <- t(predict_kms(res$lastmodel, newdata=res$lastmodel[[1]]@X, type="UK", checkNames = FALSE, 
                                        light.return = TRUE, cov.compute = FALSE)$mean)
          ally <- Reduce(cbind, lapply(res$lastmodel, slot, "y"))
        } else {#GParetoptim
          ally <- Reduce(cbind, lapply(res$lastmodel, slot, "y"))
      if(n.obj == 3){
          plotParetoEmp(t(nondominated_points(t(ally))), bounds = control$bounds, add = add)
          points3d(ally, col = control$PF.points.col)
          if(exists("ally.noisy")) plotParetoEmp(t(nondominated_points(t(ally.noisy))), add = TRUE)
          ally <- apply(ally, c(1,2), round, digits = 4)
          ally <- ally[!duplicated(ally),]
          xax <- sort(ally[,1])
          xax <- xax[!duplicated(xax)]
          yax <- sort(ally[,2])
          yax <- yax[!duplicated(yax)]
          zlevels <- sort(ally[,3])
          zlevels <- zlevels[!duplicated(zlevels)]
          # add levels if there are not as many as meshsize3d^3
          if(length(xax) * length(yax) * length(zlevels) < control$meshsize3d^3){
            while(length(xax) < control$meshsize3d){
              tmp <- order(xax[-1] - xax[-length(xax)], decreasing = TRUE)[1]
              xax <- sort(c(xax, (xax[tmp + 1] + xax[tmp])/2))
            while(length(yax) < control$meshsize3d){
              tmp <- order(yax[-1] - yax[-length(yax)], decreasing = TRUE)[1]
              yax <- sort(c(yax, (yax[tmp + 1] + yax[tmp])/2))
            while(length(zlevels) < control$meshsize3d){
              tmp <- order(zlevels[-1] - zlevels[-length(zlevels)], decreasing = TRUE)[1]
              zlevels <- sort(c(zlevels, (zlevels[tmp + 1] + zlevels[tmp])/2))
          # rawGrid <- as.matrix(expand.grid(ally[,1], ally[,2], ally[,3]))
          rawGrid <- as.matrix(expand.grid(xax, yax, zlevels))
          dom_elements <- apply(rawGrid, 1, function(x){is_dominated(cbind(as.vector(x), t(ally + 1e-6)))[1]})
          rawGrid <- rawGrid[!dom_elements,]
          dom_elements <- apply(rawGrid, 1, function(x){is_dominated(cbind(as.vector(x), t(ally - 1e-6)))[1]})
          rawGrid <- rawGrid[dom_elements,]
          xygrid <- as.matrix(expand.grid(xax, yax))
          z <- apply(xygrid, 1, function(x){
            tmp <- rawGrid[which(rawGrid[,1] == x[1] & rawGrid[,2] == x[2]),3]
            if(length(tmp) == 0) return(NA)
          persp(x = xax, y = yax, z = matrix(z, nrow = length(xax)), theta = control$theta, phi = control$phi, scale = TRUE,
                ticktype = "detailed", xlab = "f1", ylab = "f2", zlab = "f3")
        parplotPF_nd(ally, add = add)
    if(n.obj > 2){
      cat("UQ_PF is only implemented for bi-objective problems. \n")
    if(control$gridtype == "runif"){
      simPoints <- matrix(runif(control$npsim*ncol(res$par)), control$npsim)
      if(control$gridtype == "LHS"){
        simPoints <- lhsDesign(control$npsim, ncol(res$par))$design
        if(control$gridtype == "grid2d"){
          simPoints <- as.matrix(expand.grid(seq(0, 1,length.out = control$npsim),
                                             seq(0, 1,length.out = control$npsim)))
    if(!is.null(lower) &  !is.null(upper)){
      # rescale
      simPoints <- scale(simPoints, center = FALSE, scale = 1/(upper - lower))
      simPoints <- scale(simPoints, center = -lower, scale = FALSE)
      Simu_f1 <- simulate(res$model[[1]], nsim = control$nsim, newdata = simPoints, cond = TRUE,
                          checkNames = FALSE, nugget.sim = 10^-8)
      Simu_f2 <- simulate(res$model[[2]], nsim = control$nsim, newdata = simPoints, cond = TRUE,
                          checkNames = FALSE, nugget.sim = 10^-8)
        smoothed_preds <- matrix(c(max(Simu_f1), max(Simu_f2)), ncol = 2)
        smoothed_preds <- NULL
      CPF <- CPF(Simu_f1, Simu_f2, res$history$y, f1lim = control$f1lim, f2lim = control$f2lim, paretoFront = smoothed_preds)
      Simu_f1 <- simulate(res$lastmodel[[1]], nsim = control$nsim, newdata = simPoints, cond = TRUE,
                          checkNames = FALSE, nugget.sim = 10^-8)
      Simu_f2 <- simulate(res$lastmodel[[2]], nsim = control$nsim, newdata = simPoints, cond = TRUE,
                          checkNames = FALSE, nugget.sim = 10^-8)
        smoothed_preds <- matrix(c(max(Simu_f1), max(Simu_f2)), ncol = 2)
        smoothed_preds <- NULL
      CPF <- CPF(Simu_f1, Simu_f2, cbind(res$lastmodel[[1]]@y, res$lastmodel[[2]]@y),
                 f1lim = control$f1lim, f2lim = control$f2lim,
                 paretoFront = smoothed_preds)
    if(control$printVD) cat("Vorob'ev deviation: ", CPF$VD, "\n")
      points(CPF$PF, col = control$PF.points.col, pch = control$PF.pch)
      plotParetoEmp(CPF$PF, col = control$PF.line.col)
      plotParetoEmp(CPF$VE, col = control$VE.line.col, lty = 2, lwd = 2)
      plot_uncertainty(res$model, lower = lower, upper = upper, resolution = control$resolution,
                       nintegpoints = control$nintegpoints, option = control$option)
      plot_uncertainty(res$lastmodel, lower = lower, upper = upper, resolution = control$resolution,
                       nintegpoints = control$nintegpoints, option = control$option)
    # reuse of conditional simulations to compute CPS if Simu_f1 is already created
        Simu_f1 <- simulate(res$model[[1]], nsim = control$nsim, newdata = simPoints, cond = TRUE,
                            checkNames = FALSE, nugget.sim = 10^-8)
        Simu_f2 <- simulate(res$model[[2]], nsim = control$nsim, newdata = simPoints, cond = TRUE,
                            checkNames = FALSE, nugget.sim = 10^-8)
        Simu_f1 <- simulate(res$lastmodel[[1]], nsim = control$nsim, newdata = simPoints, cond = TRUE,
                            checkNames = FALSE, nugget.sim = 10^-8)
        Simu_f2 <- simulate(res$lastmodel[[2]], nsim = control$nsim, newdata = simPoints, cond = TRUE,
                            checkNames = FALSE, nugget.sim = 10^-8)
    non_dom_set <- NULL
    for (i in 1:control$nsim){
      non_dom_order <- nds_rank(rbind(Simu_f1[i,], Simu_f2[i,]))
      non_dom_set <- rbind(simPoints[which(non_dom_order == 1),], non_dom_set)
      estDens <- ParetoSetDensity(model = res$model, lower = lower, upper = upper,
                                  CPS = non_dom_set)
      estDens <- ParetoSetDensity(model = res$lastmodel, lower = lower, upper = upper,
                                  CPS = non_dom_set)
    plot(estDens, display = control$displaytype)

parplotPF_nd <- function(PF, color = NULL, add = T, lty = NULL, xlab = "", ylab = ""){
  n <- ncol(PF)
    plot(seq(1,n), rep(0,n), pch = 3, ylim = c(min(PF)-0.05, max(PF)), xlab = xlab,
         ylab = ylab, xaxt = "n")
    axis(1, at = seq(1,n), las = 0)
    for(i in 1:n){
      abline(v = i)
  for(i in 1:nrow(PF)){
      col <- i
      col <- color[i]
      ltype <- floor(i/8)+1 # 8 is the size of the standard color palette
      ltype <- lty[i]
    lines(seq(1:n), PF[i,], col = col, lty = ltype)

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GPareto documentation built on June 24, 2022, 5:06 p.m.