Defines functions .GSE.init GSE

Documented in GSE

## Generalized S-Estimator
GSE <- function(x, tol=1e-4, maxiter=150, method=c("bisquare","rocke"), init=c("emve","qc","huber","imputed","emve_c"), mu0, S0, ...)
    xcall <- match.call()

    ## argument checks
    method <- match.arg(method)
    init <- match.arg(init)

    ## check dat
    if(is.data.frame(x) | is.matrix(x))
        x <- data.matrix(x)
    else stop("Data matrix must be of class matrix or data.frame")
    p <- ncol(x)
    if( p >200 | p < 2 ) stop("Column dimension of 'x' must be in between 2 and 200.")
    ## drop all rows with missing values (!!) :
    x_nonmiss <- is.na(x)*-1 + 1
    pp <- rowSums(x_nonmiss)
    pp_col <- colSums(x_nonmiss)
    ## Cannot contain all obs with completely missing rows!!
    if( all(pp == 0) ) stop("All observations have missing values!")
    if( any(pp_col == 0) )stop("Data matrix cannot contain column(s) with completely missing data!")	
    ok <- which(pp > 0)
    x_orig <- x
    x <- x[ ok,]
    x_nonmiss <- x_nonmiss[ ok,]

    ## reorder the data based on missingness
    x_sort <- .sort.missing(x, x_nonmiss)

    ## get initial estimate for all the EM calculation in EMVE subsampling
    EM.mu0 <- colMeans(x_sort$x, na.rm=T)
    EM.S0 <- diag(apply(x_sort$x, 2, var, na.rm=T))
    x_sort <- c(x_sort, .CovEM.setparam(p, EM.mu0, EM.S0))
    ## dimension
    n <- nrow(x_sort$x); p <- ncol(x_sort$x)
    if(n <= p + 1)
        stop(if (n <= p) "n <= p -- you can't be serious!" else "n == p+1  is too small sample size")
    if(n < 2 * p)
        ## p+1 < n < 2p
        warning("n < 2 * p, i.e., possibly too small sample size")

    if( xor(missing(mu0), missing(S0)) ) warning("Both 'mu0' and 'S0' must be provided. Default 'init' is used...")
    if( missing(mu0) || missing(S0) ){
        init.res <- switch( init,
            emve= {emve(x, sampling="uniform", ...)},
            qc ={HuberPairwise(x, psi="sign", computePmd = FALSE)},
            huber = {HuberPairwise(x, psi="huber", computePmd = FALSE, ...)},
            imputed = {ImpS(x, ...)},
            emve_c= {emve(x, sampling="cluster", ...)}
        S0 <- init.res@S
        mu0 <- init.res@mu
    S0.chol <- tryCatch( chol(S0), error=function(e) NA)
    if( !is.matrix(S0.chol) )  stop("Estimated initial covariance matrix 'S0' is not positive definite.")

    ## initiate GSE computation
    bdp <- 0.5
    print.step <- 0
    tol.scale <- 1e-9
    miter.scale <- 300
    res <- with(x_sort, .GSE.init(x, x_nonmiss, bdp, pu, n, p, miss.group.unique, miss.group.counts, mu0, S0, tol, 
        maxiter, tol.scale, miter.scale, print.step=print.step, method))
    ## compute pmd
    pmd <- pmd.adj <- rep(NA, nrow(x_orig))
    pmd[ok] <- res$pmd[x_sort$id.ro]
    pmd.adj[ok] <- res$pmd.adj[x_sort$id.ro]
    ## new 2014-07-28
    wgts <- rep(NA, nrow(x_orig))
    wgts[ok] <- res$weights[x_sort$id.ro]
    wgtsp <- rep(NA, nrow(x_orig))
    wgtsp[ok] <- res$weightsprm[x_sort$id.ro]
    ximp <- matrix(NA, nrow(x_orig), ncol(x_orig))
    ximp[ok,] <- res$ximp[x_sort$id.ro,]
    res <- new("GSE",
        call = xcall,
        S = res$S,
        mu = res$mu,
        sc = res$stilde0,
        mu0 = mu0,
        S0 = S0, 
        iter = res$iter,
        eps = res$ep,
        estimator = "Generalized S-Estimator", 
        x = x_orig,
        ximp = ximp,
        weights = wgts,
        weightsp = wgtsp,
        pmd = pmd,
        pmd.adj = pmd.adj,
        p = p,
        pu = pp)

## Assume the input data matrix is sorted using .sort.missing
.GSE.init <- function(x, x_nonmiss, bdp, pu, n, p, miss.group.unique, miss.group.counts,  mu0, S0, tol, maxiter, tol.scale, miter.scale, print.step, method)
    ## computing
    p.const.group <- rowSums(miss.group.unique)
    if( method == "bisquare"){
        tuning.const.group <- .rho.bisquare.tune(p.const.group, bdp)
        res <- .GSE.Rcpp(x, matrix(mu0,1,p), S0, tol, maxiter, tol.scale, miter.scale, 
            miss.group.unique, miss.group.counts, tuning.const.group, print.step, bdp)
    if( method == "rocke"){
        tuning.const.group <- .rho.rocke.tune(p.const.group)
        gamma.const.group <- pmin(1, qchisq(0.95, df=p.const.group)/p.const.group - 1)
        res <- .GSE.rocke.Rcpp(x, matrix(mu0,1,p), S0, tol, maxiter, tol.scale, miter.scale, 
            miss.group.unique, miss.group.counts, tuning.const.group, gamma.const.group, print.step, bdp)
    ## Include additional output other than mu and S output by .GSE.fixpt.init:
    ## input data 'x', nonmissing variables 'pu', partial MD 'pmd', 
    ## note: need to reorder x, pmd, pu
    ## Compute pmd
    x.tmp <- sweep(x, 2, c(res$mu), "-")
    pmd <- .partial.mahalanobis.Rcpp(x.tmp, res$S, miss.group.unique, miss.group.counts)
    pmd.adj <- qchisq( pchisq( pmd, df=pu, log.p=T, lower.tail=F), df=p, log.p=T, lower.tail=F) 
    pmd.adj[ which( pu == p)] <- pmd[ which(pu==p) ]
    res$pmd <- pmd
    res$pmd.adj <- pmd.adj

    ## new 2016-08
    pmd.adj.med <- median(pmd.adj)
    qchis5 <- qchisq(.5,p)
    res$S <- (pmd.adj.med/qchis5)*res$S
    pmd <- (qchis5/pmd.adj.med)*pmd
    pmd.adj <- (qchis5/pmd.adj.med)*pmd.adj
    ## Output

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GSE documentation built on Dec. 28, 2022, 1:31 a.m.