
Defines functions generate.ESF generate.ZSM generate.Guilds.Cond getpx rho localComm polyaeggenberger generate.Guilds

Documented in generate.ESF generate.Guilds generate.Guilds.Cond generate.ZSM getpx localComm polyaeggenberger rho

generate.Guilds <- function(theta, alpha_x, alpha_y, J) {
  if (theta < 1) {
    stop("generate.Guilds: ",
         "theta can not be below one")
  if (alpha_x < 0) {
    stop("generate.ESF: ",
         "alpha_x can not be below zero")
  if (alpha_y < 0) {
    stop("generate.ESF: ",
         "alpha_y can not be below zero")
  if (alpha_x > 1) {
    stop("generate.ESF: ",
         "alpha_x can not be above one")
  if (alpha_y > 1) {
    stop("generate.ESF: ",
         "alpha_y can not be above one")

  if (J < 0) {
    stop("generate.ESF: ",
         "J can not be below zero")

  #first draw nx and ny from a beta distribution
  nx <- rbeta(1, theta, theta)
  ny <- 1 - nx

  #update I_X and I_Y accordingly
  I_X <- alpha_x * nx * (J - 1) / (1 - alpha_x * nx - alpha_y * ny)
  I_Y <- alpha_y * ny * (J - 1) / (1 - alpha_x * nx - alpha_y * ny)

  probs <- c()
  allN <- 0:J
  if (is.infinite(I_X) & is.infinite(I_Y)) {
     probs <- exp(lgamma(J + 1) -
                 (lgamma(allN + 1) +
                  lgamma(J - allN + 1)) +
                  allN * log(nx) +
                 (J - allN) * log(ny))
  } else {
    # set up a probability vector
    probs <- polyaeggenberger(I_X, I_Y, J, allN)

  NX <- sample(0:J, 1, replace = TRUE, prob = probs)
  NY <- J - NX

  sadx <- generate.ZSM(theta, I_X, NX)
  sady <- generate.ZSM(theta, I_Y, NY)

  output <- list(guildX = sadx, guildY = sady)


polyaeggenberger <- function(theta_x, theta_y, J, N) {
  a <- lgamma(J + 1) # J!
  b <- lgamma(theta_x + theta_y + J) -
       lgamma(theta_x + theta_y)   # (theta_x + theta_y)_J pochhammer

  c1 <- lgamma(theta_x + N) - lgamma(theta_x) # (theta_x)_Nx  pochhammer
  c2 <- lgamma(theta_y + J - N) - lgamma(theta_y) # (theta_y)_Ny  pochhammer
  d  <- lgamma(N + 1) + lgamma(J - N + 1)

  return(exp(a - b + c1 + c2 - d))

localComm <- function(alpha_x,
                      px) {
  J <- Jx + Jy

  nx <- px
  ny <- 1 - nx

  I_X <- alpha_x * nx * (J - 1) / (1 - alpha_x * nx - alpha_y * ny)
  I_Y <- alpha_y * ny * (J - 1) / (1 - alpha_x * nx - alpha_y * ny)

  if (length(px) == 1) {
    if (is.infinite(I_X) & is.infinite(I_Y)) {
      output <- exp(lgamma(J + 1) -
                    (lgamma(Jx + 1) +
                     lgamma(J - Jx + 1)) +
                    Jx * log(nx) +
                    (J - Jx) * log(ny)
    } else {
      output <- polyaeggenberger(I_X, I_Y, J, Jx)
  } else {
    indices <- which(is.infinite(I_X) & is.infinite(I_Y))
    if (length(indices) > 0) {
      output <- rep(NA, length(px))
      output[indices] <- exp(lgamma(J + 1) -
                                (lgamma(Jx + 1) +
                                   lgamma(J - Jx + 1)) +
                                Jx * log(nx) +
                                (J - Jx) * log(ny)
      other_indices <- seq_along(px)
      other_indices <- other_indices[-indices]
      output[other_indices] <- polyaeggenberger(I_X, I_Y, J, Jx)
    } else {
      output <- polyaeggenberger(I_X, I_Y, J, Jx)

rho <- function(theta, px) {
  a <- lgamma(2 * theta) - 2 * lgamma(theta)
  b <- (theta - 1) * log(px) + (theta - 1) * log((1 - px))
  output <- exp(a + b)

getpx <- function(theta,
                  JY) {
  px <- (1:(1000 - 1)) / 1000
  calcLocal <- function(x) {
    a <- localComm(alpha_x, alpha_y, JX, JY, x) *
               rho(theta, x)
  divider <- integrate(f = calcLocal,
                       lower = 0,
                       upper = 1,
                       abs.tol = 1e-9)$value

  probs <- calcLocal(px) / divider

  return(sample(px, 1, prob = probs))

generate.Guilds.Cond <- function(theta, alpha_x, alpha_y, JX, JY) {

  J <- JX + JY

  nx <- getpx(theta, alpha_x, alpha_y, JX, JY)
  ny <- 1 - nx

  I_X <- alpha_x * nx * (J - 1) / (1 - alpha_x * nx - alpha_y * ny)
  I_Y <- alpha_y * ny * (J - 1) / (1 - alpha_x * nx - alpha_y * ny)

  sadx <- generate.ZSM(theta, I_X, JX)
  sady <- generate.ZSM(theta, I_Y, JY)

  output <- list( guildX = sadx, guildY = sady)


generate.ZSM <- function(theta, I, J) {

  #based on urn.gp code by Rampal Etienne available as a supplementary
  #online appendix for his 2005 paper in Ecology Letters
  if (is.infinite(I)) {
    I <- .Machine$double.xmax

  anc_ct <- 0
  spec_ct <- 0
  ancestor <- rep(NaN, J)
  species  <- rep(NaN, J)
  ancestor_species <- rep(NaN, J)

  for (j in 1:J) { # loop over each invidual
    # ancestor not previously encountered
     if (runif(1, 0, 1) <= I / (I + j - 1)) {
        anc_ct <- anc_ct + 1
        ancestor[j] <- anc_ct
        # new ancestor is a new species
        if (runif(1, 0, 1) <= theta / (theta + anc_ct - 1)) {
            spec_ct <- spec_ct + 1
            species[j] <- spec_ct
            ancestor_species[anc_ct] <- spec_ct
         } else {
           # new ancestor is an existing species but
           # new migration into local community
            prior_lineage <- pracma::ceil(runif(1, 0, 1) * (anc_ct - 1))
            s <- ancestor_species[prior_lineage]
            species[j] <- s
            ancestor_species[anc_ct] <- s
     } else {# descendant of existing individual
       # select one individual at random
        descend_from <- pracma::ceil(runif(1, 0, 1) * (j - 1))
        ancestor[j] <- ancestor[descend_from]
        species[j] <- species[descend_from]

  x <- c(table(species))
  abund <- c()
  for (i in seq_along(x)) {
     abund[i] <- x[[i]]
  abund <- sort(abund, decreasing = TRUE)

generate.ESF <- function(theta, I, J) {
  if (theta < 1) {
    stop("generate.ESF: ",
         "theta can not be below one")
  if (I < 0) {
    stop("generate.ESF: ",
         "I can not be below zero")

  if (J < 0) {
    stop("generate.ESF: ",
         "J can not be below zero")

  return(generate.ZSM(theta, I, J))

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